Code of Alabama

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Section 36-15-1 Duties generally. The Attorney General shall keep his or her office at the
capital city and perform the following duties: (1)a. He or she shall give his or her opinion
in writing, or otherwise, on any question of law connected with the interests of the state
or with the duties of any of the departments, when required by the Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Education, Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries,
Director of Finance, Comptroller, State Health Officer, Public Service Commissioners, Commissioner
of Conservation and Natural Resources, or the Commissioner of the Department of Revenue or
any other officer or department of the state when it is made, by law, his or her duty so to
do, and he or she shall also give his or her opinion to the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee
of either house, when required, upon any matter under the consideration of the committee.
b. The Attorney General shall give his or her opinion, in writing... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-84 Establishment and maintenance; library fee; law library fund. (a) The County
Commission of Mobile County is authorized to establish and maintain a public law library in
the county and, to accomplish that purpose, may, from time to time, expend public funds of
the county, as are not required by law to be expended for any other purpose or purposes; to
provide suitable housing quarters, furniture, fixtures, and equipment therefor; to keep the
same in a good state of maintenance and repair; and, from time to time, to enlarge, expand,
and improve the library, facilities, and equipment; and, from time to time, to provide books,
reports, and periodicals for the library as are not provided for out of the proceeds of the
special fund created by this section or otherwise; and to pay the salaries of a librarian
and other personnel as may be necessary and proper to operate the same, to the extent that
such salaries are not paid out of the proceeds of the special fund; which... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-15-70 Operation of livestock market without permit, etc.; disposition of fines; injunctive
proceedings to restrain operation of livestock market in violation of provisions of division.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions and requirements
of this division or to fail or refuse to perform any duty or requirement imposed by the provisions
of this division or to operate a livestock market without having a valid permit as required
under the provisions of this division, and it shall also be unlawful for any person to operate
a livestock market after the permit to so operate has been revoked under the provisions of
this division. Each day's operation of a livestock market without a permit shall constitute
a separate violation. Any person operating a livestock market without a permit shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00
and, within the discretion of the court, may be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-14-7.1 Due process rights for persons under investigation by department. Any person
who comes under investigation by the Department of Human Resources for the abuse or neglect
of a child or children and who is employed by, serves as a volunteer for, holds a license
or certificate for, or is connected with any facility, agency, or home which cares for and
controls any children and which is licensed, approved, or certified by the state, operated
as a state facility, or any public, private, or religious facility or agency that may be exempt
from licensing procedures shall be granted the following due process rights by the Department
of Human Resources: (1) The department shall notify the alleged perpetrator that an investigation
has commenced against him or her after such investigation has officially begun in accordance
with written policies established by the Department of Human Resources. The notice shall be
in writing and shall state the name of the child or children... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-10.9 Order finding defendant insane, mentally incompetent, etc., to be entered
into information systems; civil review. (a)(1) Upon any finding that a defendant is insane,
mentally incompetent, or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect pursuant to Chapter
16 of Title 15, or the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, the judge shall immediately forward
the order of the finding to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and the order shall be entered
in its information systems. The order shall be forwarded to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
in the manner as the Alabama Justice Information Center Commission shall provide. (2) The
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, as soon as possible thereafter, shall enter the order in the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and the information shall be entered
into the NICS Index Denied Persons File. (3) The records maintained pursuant to this section
shall only be used for purposes of determining eligibility to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-3-25 Penalties for violations. (a) Any person knowingly and willfully violating
any provision of this chapter or any rule, regulation, requirement or order thereunder or
any term or condition of any certificate, permit or license for which a penalty is not otherwise
herein provided shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $100.00 for the first
offense and not more than $500.00 for any subsequent offense. Each day of such violation shall
constitute a separate offense. (b) If any motor carrier or broker operates in violation of
any provision of this chapter (except as to the reasonableness of rates, fares or charges
and discriminatory character thereof), or any rule, regulation or requirement, or order thereunder,
or of any term or condition of any certificate or permit, the commission or its duly authorized
agency may apply to the circuit court of the State of Alabama for any county where such motor
carrier or broker operates for the enforcement of such... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-80 Public law library; librarian and advisory committee; personnel; law library
fund; fee. (a) The governing body of Colbert County, Alabama, by whatever name called, is
hereby authorized to establish and maintain a public law library in the county, and to accomplish
that purpose, may from time to time, expend such public funds of the county, as are not required
by law to be expended for any other purpose or purposes, to provide suitable housing quarters,
furniture, fixtures, and equipment therefor, to keep the same in a good state of maintenance
and repair, and, from time to time, to enlarge, expand, and improve such library, facilities,
and equipment and, from time to time, to provide such books, reports, and periodicals for
the library as are not provided therefor out of the special fund created by this section or
otherwise, and to pay the salaries of an assistant librarian and such other personnel as may
be necessary and proper to operate the same, to the extent that... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39-81 Public law library; Lauderdale County Law Library Fund. (a) The governing
body of Lauderdale County, Alabama, by whatever named called, is hereby authorized to establish
and maintain a public law library in the county, and to accomplish that purpose, may from
time to time, expend such public funds of the county, as are not required by law to be expended
for any other purpose or purposes, to provide suitable housing quarters, furniture, fixtures,
and equipment therefor, to keep the same in a good state of maintenance and repair, and, from
time to time, to enlarge, expand, and improve the library, facilities, and equipment, and
from time to time, to provide such books, reports, and periodicals for the library as are
not provided therefor out of the special fund created by this section or otherwise, and to
pay the salaries of an assistant librarian and such other personnel as may be necessary and
proper to operate the same, to the extent that such salaries are not paid... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2-11 Powers and duties generally. It shall be the duty of the Department of Revenue,
and it shall have the power and authority, in addition to the authority now in it vested by
law: (1) To have and exercise general and complete supervision and control of the valuation,
equalization, and assessment of property, privilege, or franchise and of the collection of
all property, privilege, license, excise, intangible, franchise, or other taxes for the state
and counties, and of the enforcement of the tax laws of the state, and of the several county
tax assessors and county tax collectors, probate judges, and each and every state and county
official, board, or commission charged with any duty in the enforcement of tax laws, to the
end that all taxable property in the state shall be assessed and taxes shall be imposed and
collected thereon in compliance with the law and that all assessments on property, privileges,
intangibles, and franchises in the state shall be made in exact... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-134 Procedures for collection of delinquent contribution payments. (a) Generally.
The contributions, interest, and penalties required to be paid under this chapter shall be
a first and prior lien upon all property and rights to property, real or personal, of any
employer subject to this chapter. The lien shall arise at the time the contribution report,
or the payment of the contributions, as the case may be, was due to have been filed with or
made to the Department of Labor. The secretary may file in the office of the judge of probate
of any county in this state a certificate which shall show the name of the department for
which it is filed, the amount and nature of the contributions, interest, and penalties for
which a lien is claimed together with any costs that may have accrued, the name of the employer
against whose property a lien for such contributions, interest, and penalties is claimed and
the date thereof. An error in the certificate of the amount shall not... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

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