Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-303 Transfer of dependency proceedings between juvenile courts within the state.
(a) If a dependency proceeding is commenced in a county other than the county of the residence
of the child, the juvenile court in which the proceedings were commenced, on its own motion
or a motion of a party and after consultation with the receiving juvenile court, may transfer
the proceeding before or after adjudication to the county of the residence of the child for
the purpose of adjudication, disposition, supervision, or review as mandated by federal and
state law for children in foster care or in the custody of the state, or any combination thereof.
(b) For purposes of this section, county of the residence of the child means the county in
which the child and legal custodian have established legal residence or have resided for six
or more months of a calendar year. This term shall not include placements by a state department
or agency. (c) Certified copies of all legal and social... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-115 Original jurisdiction - Civil. (a) A juvenile court shall also exercise original
jurisdiction of the following civil proceedings: (1) Removal of disabilities of nonage pursuant
to Chapter 13 of Title 26. (2) Proceedings for judicial consent for a person under the respective
legal age to marry, to be employed, withdraw from school, or enlist in military service when
this consent is required by law. (3) Proceedings for the commitment of a minor or child with
mental illness or an intellectual disability to the Department of Mental Health, as provided
in Article 4 (commencing with Section 12-15-401). (4) Proceedings for the adoption of a child
when these proceedings have been transferred from probate court as provided by law. (5) Proceedings
for waiver of parental consent for a minor to have an abortion pursuant to Chapter 21 of Title
26. (6) Proceedings to establish parentage of a child pursuant to the Alabama Uniform Parentage
Act, Chapter 17 of Title 26. (7)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-13 Transfer of persons committed to Veterans Administration or other federal
agency; powers, etc., of chief officers of Veterans Administration Hospitals, etc., with respect
to retention, transfer, treatment, etc., of persons transferred thereto, etc.; effect of foreign
judgments or orders of commitment committing persons to Veterans Administration or other federal
agency. (a) Any respondent involuntarily committed by the probate court to the custody of
the department or designated mental health facility as the court may order, who is entitled
to care and treatment at a facility operated by the United States Veterans Administration
or other agency of the United States government, may be transferred by the department to the
United States Veterans Administration or other agency of the United States on such terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the department and the Veterans Administration or other
agency. Upon such transfer, the committed respondent shall be... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 43-2-467 Correction of mistake in description of lands sold. (a) When a mistake has
been made in the description of lands of a decedent sold in good faith under an order of the
probate court, either in the petition, order or other proceedings, the court ordering the
sale has authority, on the written application of the purchaser, or his heirs or personal
representatives, or any person holding under him, verified by affidavit, to correct such mistake.
The application must contain a correct description of the lands sold, and must state the facts,
and the names, ages and places of residence of the personal representatives and heirs or devisees
of such decedent, if known, and if there be no personal representative, that fact must be
stated; and, upon the filing of such application, the court must appoint a day for the hearing,
of which, and of the nature of the application, notice must be given, by personal service,
to the personal representative of such decedent, and such of his... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-11-40 Proceedings on administration of estates in circuit court. In the administration
of estates in the circuit court in this state, such court, in the exercise of such jurisdiction,
shall proceed according to the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure and shall, where necessary,
permit service by publication in the manner provided for publication in said rules, without
regard to any of the statutory requirements provided for administration of estates in the
probate court, and shall have power to appoint personal representatives in cases pending in
the circuit court in cases of vacancy. (Acts 1911, No. 536, p. 574; Code 1923, §6476; Code
1940, T. 13, §138.)... - 983 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-17 Public facilities other than Department of Mental Health not required to perform
mental evaluations; exceptions. Notwithstanding any other language in this article, the following
limitations shall apply. No public facility other than the Department of Mental Health may
be required (as distinguished from authorized) by the probate court to perform any mental
evaluation of a person sought to be committed for use in any final commitment hearing except:
(1) In an emergency case wherein no other source or agency which is funded or mandated by
federal law, state law or both to provide such services is objectively capable of performing
such evaluation within the time limit imposed by law; or (2) In an emergency case wherein
no other source or agency operates to perform such evaluation in such emergency case, a public
hospital may be required to accept a person sought to be committed for the provision of hospital
care, if such person is admitted to the public hospital or other... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-91 Duty of law enforcement officer, community mental health officer to take into
custody alleged mentally ill persons; detention; admission; hearing. (a) When a law enforcement
officer is confronted by circumstances and has reasonable cause for believing that a person
within the county is mentally ill and also believes that the person is likely to be of immediate
danger to self or others, the law enforcement officer shall contact a community mental health
officer. The community mental health officer shall join the law enforcement officer at the
scene and location of the person to assess conditions and determine if the person needs the
attention, specialized care, and services of a designated mental health facility. If the community
mental health officer determines from the conditions, symptoms, and behavior that the person
appears to be mentally ill and poses an immediate danger to self or others, the law enforcement
officer shall take the person into custody and,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-13-15 Chief clerk of probate court - Acts which may be performed by chief clerk
during vacancy in office of probate judge; authority, compensation and liability of chief
clerk for acts performed during such vacancy. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office
of the probate judge, the chief clerk in that office, appointed and qualified as authorized
by law, shall, during such vacancy and until the qualification of a lawful successor, perform
all the duties of that office which he is authorized by law to perform when there is no vacancy,
but must not receive money on decrees or executions or become the custodian of trust funds
pertaining to the court. He may make all necessary orders for the continuances of cases and
proceedings pending in the court. All such duties are to be performed, during such vacancy,
by such chief clerk in his own name as clerk of the probate court, and he is entitled to the
lawful fees therefor. For his official acts under this article, such chief... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 43-8-292 Filing and delivery of disclaimer. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c)
of this section, if the property or interest has devolved to the disclaimant under a testamentary
instrument or by the laws of intestacy, the disclaimer shall be filed, as to a present interest,
not later than nine months after the death of the deceased owner or deceased donee of a power
of appointment and, if of a future interest, not later than nine months after the event determining
that the taker of the property or interest has become finally ascertained and his interest
is indefeasibly vested. The disclaimer shall be filed in the probate court of the county in
which proceedings for the administration of the estate of the deceased owner or deceased donee
of the power have been commenced or, if they have not been commenced, in which they could
be commenced. A copy of the disclaimer shall be delivered in person or mailed by registered
or certified mail to any personal representative or other... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 18-1A-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ACTION. Condemnation
action. (2) APPRAISAL. An opinion as to the value of or compensation payable for property,
prepared by the owner or under the direction of an individual qualified by knowledge, skill,
experience, training, or education to express an opinion as to the value of property. (3)
BUSINESS. A lawful activity, whether or not for profit, other than a farm operation, conducted
primarily for the purchase, sale, lease, rental, manufacture, processing, or marketing of
products, commodities, or other property, or for providing services. (4) CONDEMN. To take
property under the power of eminent domain. (5) CONDEMNATION ACTION. Includes all acts incident
to the process of condemning property after commencement of suit until the entry of final
judgment. (6) CONDEMNEE. A person who has or claims an interest in... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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