Code of Alabama

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Section 11-54-175 Amendments to certificate of incorporation; filing of application; approval
or denial by governing body; filing and recordation. The certificate of incorporation of any
authority incorporated under the provisions of this article may at any time and from time
to time be amended in the manner provided in this section. The board shall first adopt a resolution
proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full
in the said resolution and which amendment may include any matters which might have been included
in the original certificate of incorporation. After the adoption by the board of a resolution
proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation of the authority, the chairman
of the board and the secretary of the authority shall sign and file a written application
in the name of and on behalf of the authority, under its seal, with the governing body of
the authorizing municipality, requesting such governing body to adopt... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1A-3 Incorporation of authority authorized; application; filing; fees. (a) The nine
persons initially designated as members of the authority may become a corporation with the
power and authority provided in this chapter by proceeding according to the provisions of
this chapter. To become a corporation, the persons so designated shall present to the Secretary
of State an application signed by them which shall state: (1) That the applicants propose
to incorporate the authority pursuant to this chapter; (2) The name and official residence
of each of the applicants; (3) The date on which each applicant was appointed as a member
by the Governor and the expiration date of the term for which he was appointed; (4) The name
of the proposed corporation, which shall be "Alabama Housing Finance Authority";
(5) The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation, which shall be in the
City of Montgomery; and (6) Any other matter relating to the authority which the applicants... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-20-70 Establishment of agriculture authority; application; articles of incorporation.
(a) An agriculture authority may be established in any county to construct and operate facilities
to promote agricultural businesses, operations, and commodities, workforce development, and
economic development within the county as further provided in this article. The operational
area of an agriculture authority may not extend beyond the boundaries of the county in which
an agriculture authority is incorporated. (b) Any number of natural persons who are residents
and qualified electors in the county may file an application in writing with the county commission
for authority to incorporate and organize an agriculture authority. If the application is
approved, the county commission shall adopt a resolution declaring it to be wise, expedient,
and beneficial to the county that the agriculture authority be formed and that the persons
filing the application are authorized to form the authority.... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-3 Application for permission to incorporate. A municipal parking authority may
be organized as a public corporation in any Class 2 municipality of the state. Three or more
natural persons may file with the governing body of the municipality an application in writing
for permission to incorporate a public corporation to function as a municipal parking authority.
The applicants shall attach to the application a proposed form of certificate of incorporation
for the corporation. If the governing body receiving the application adopts a resolution approving
the form of the certificate of incorporation and authorizing the formation of a public corporation,
the applicants shall become the incorporators. The resolution does not have to be published
or posted. The applicants shall incorporate the authority as a public corporation as provided
in this chapter. (Acts 1994, No. 94-254, p. 470, ยง3.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49A-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendments; resolution; application; denial
or approval of governing body; filing. The certificate of incorporation of any authority incorporated
under the provisions of this chapter may at any time and from time to time be amended in the
manner provided in this section, provided that the contents of any amendment are first approved
by the municipal governing body which shall have the authority to recommend requirements with
respect to either any amendment or the original certificate of incorporation. The board of
directors of the authority shall first adopt a resolution proposing an amendment to the certificate
of incorporation which shall be set forth in full in the said resolution and which amendment
may include any matters which might have been included in the original certificate of incorporation.
After the adoption by the board of a resolution proposing an amendment to the certificate
of incorporation of the authority, the chairman... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-94-3 Application for incorporation of authority; approval by local governing bodies
and State Docks Department. Whenever any number of natural persons not less than three shall
file with the governing body of a county and with the governing body of any municipality located,
in whole or in part, in such county, an application in writing for authority to incorporate
a public corporation under the provisions of this chapter and shall attach to such application
a proposed form of certificate of incorporation for such corporation, said governing bodies
shall each proceed to consider such application. If said governing bodies shall each by appropriate
resolution duly adopted, find and determine that each applicant was a duly qualified elector
of and taxpayer in the county in which the application was filed and that it is wise, expedient,
necessary or advisable that the authority be formed, shall authorize the persons making such
application to proceed to form such authority and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-3-17 Application for certificate of authority - Filing. To apply for an original
certificate of authority an insurer shall file with the commissioner its application therefor,
accompanied by the applicable fees as specified in Section 27-4-2, showing its name, location
of its home office or, if an alien insurer, principal office in the United States, kinds of
insurance to be transacted, state or country of domicile and such additional information as
the commissioner may reasonably require, together with the following documents, as applicable:
(1) A copy of its corporate charter, articles of incorporation or other charter documents
with all amendments thereto, certified by the public officer with whom the originals are on
file in the state or country of domicile; (2) If a mutual insurer, a copy of its bylaws, as
amended, certified by its secretary or other officer having custody thereof; (3) If a foreign
reciprocal insurer, copies of the power of attorney of its... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-85 Permits - Approval or denial by authority; filing of violation schedule; issuance
to mine on prime farm land. (a) Upon the basis of a complete mining application and reclamation
plan or a revision or renewal thereof, as required by this article, following public notification
and opportunity for a public hearing as required by Section 9-16-88, the regulatory authority
shall grant, require modification of, or deny the permit within 30 days and notify the applicant
in writing of its action. The applicant for a permit, or revision of a permit, shall have
the burden of establishing that his application is in compliance with all the requirements
of this article. Within 10 days after the granting of a permit, the regulatory authority shall
notify the local governmental officials in the local political subdivision in which the area
of land to be affected is located that a permit has been issued and shall describe the location
of the land. (b) No permit or revision application... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-13-2 Authority and procedure to incorporate. Pursuant to this chapter, authorities
may be organized as public corporations with the powers herein set forth. To organize an authority,
no fewer than three natural persons shall file with the governing body of any one or more
counties, cities, or towns within this state in which there are located railroad properties
and facilities, an application in writing for permission to incorporate a public corporation
under this chapter and shall attach to such application a proposed form of certificate of
incorporation for such corporation. If each governing body with which the application is filed
shall adopt a resolution, which need not be published or posted, approving the form of the
certificate of incorporation and authorizing the formation of a public corporation, then the
applicants shall become the incorporators of and shall proceed to incorporate an authority
as a public corporation in the manner hereinafter provided, using for... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-4 Filing of certificate of incorporation, copy of resolution of county governing
body, etc., with probate judge; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; entry
of order by probate judge requiring recordation of certificate of incorporation, etc.; notification
of Secretary of State of recordation of certificate of incorporation. (a) Within 40 days following
the adoption of a resolution in accordance with Section 11-88-3, the applicants, or not less
than three of the applicants, shall proceed to incorporate an authority by filing for record
in the office of the judge of probate of the determining county a certificate of incorporation
which shall comply in form and substance with the requirements of this section and which shall
be in the form and executed in the manner provided in this section. (b) The certificate of
incorporation of the authority shall state: (1) The names of the persons forming the authority,
together with the residence of each, and that... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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