Code of Alabama

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Section 17-4-2.1 Electronic poll books. (a) The Secretary of State may allow the use of electronic
poll books in lieu of the printed lists of qualified voters provided for in Section 17-4-2
and the poll lists provided for in Sections 17-9-11 and 17-13-7. A county, with consent of
the county commission and judge of probate, may use electronic poll books in lieu of the printed
lists of qualified voters. In addition, the Secretary of State and municipal governing bodies
may allow the use of electronic poll books in lieu of the printed lists of qualified voters
provided for in Section 11-46-36 or any local law governing a municipal election. (b) A participating
county or municipality may adopt the use of any electronic poll book that has been certified
by the Secretary of State for use in this state. (c) To be certified for use by the Secretary
of State, an electronic poll book shall do all of the following: (1) Be secure. (2) Be compatible
with the statewide voter registration system. (3)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-172 Incorporation - Authority. Any county and any one or more municipalities
located, in whole or in part, in such county are hereby together empowered and authorized
to cause to be organized and incorporated one or more public corporations for hospital purposes
with all the power and authority provided in Section 22-21-179. Such power and authority shall
be exercised by the governing body of the county and by the governing body or bodies of the
municipality or municipalities proposing to exercise such power and authority. The determination
of such governing body to exercise the power and authority granted in this section shall be
evidenced by a resolution which: (1) Shall declare the desirability of organizing and incorporating
a public corporation for hospital purposes under this article; (2) Shall approve the form
of the certificate of incorporation proposed to be used in organizing the corporation; (3)
Shall find and determine that it is wise, expedient, necessary or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-15-170 Industrial Waste Committee. (a) There is hereby created the Cleburne County
Industrial Waste Committee to consist of: One member, appointed jointly by the county's four
municipal governing bodies, for a term of four years; one member appointed by each member
of the county commission from within the commissioner's district. Such appointments by the
commissioners shall be on staggered terms with the member from district 1 appointed for one
year, the member from district 2 appointed for two years, the member from district 3 appointed
for three years and the member from district 4 appointed for four years. Thereafter their
successors in office shall serve four-year terms and until their successors are appointed.
The State Forestry Commission member from Cleburne County shall serve as an ex officio member
and the county health officer shall serve ex officio and shall be the secretary of the committee.
The members shall select a chairman and vice chairman from among its... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-243.59 Assessments liens. Assessment liens for charges and expenses authorized
in this subpart, except as herein provided, shall insofar as feasible be governed by laws
governing assessment liens for municipal improvements; and all powers, duties, and authority
relative to municipal improvements vested by such laws in municipal governing bodies may be
had and exercised by the county commission. All such assessments may be enforced, contested,
and appeals therefrom taken in the manner prescribed for enforcing municipal improvement assessments;
and liens for county improvement assessments shall have the same force and effect as liens
for municipal improvement assessments. (Act 84-524, p. 1143, §11.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-29-90.18 Monetary contributions by county and municipalities. Fayette County and
the municipalities therein are hereby authorized and empowered to contribute to the authority
any amount or amounts of money, either with or without consideration therefor, that their
respective governing bodies, acting in their sole discretion without the necessity of authorization
at any election of qualified electors, shall approve to be paid from the general fund of the
county or municipality. The governing bodies of Fayette County or the municipalities are hereby
empowered to levy and collect ad valorem taxes within constitutional limits for such purposes,
which are hereby declared to be for municipal and county public purposes. (Act 91-277, p.
517, §19.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-260.01 Installation of traffic control devices. (a) This section shall apply
only to Jefferson County. (b) Regulations adopted by the Jefferson County Planning Commission
or regulations adopted pursuant to Section 11-52-31, by a municipal planning commission governing
the subdivision of land within Jefferson County or any municipality therein may include provisions
permitting the owner or developer of a subdivision to install devices for control of access
to the subdivision either on public or private roads. The installation of such devices shall
not create liability on the part of the municipality, county, or an owner or developer of
the subdivision for the installation or maintenance thereof, provided, however, that no such
owner or developer shall be relieved of liability for the negligent installation or maintenance
of a mechanical security device. (Act 96-873, p. 1685, §1; Act 96-882, p. 1697, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-41-72.09 Assessment liens. Assessment liens for charges and expenses authorized
in this subpart, except as herein provided, shall insofar as feasible be governed by laws
governing assessment liens for municipal improvements. All powers, duties, and authority relative
to municipal improvements vested by the laws in municipal governing bodies, including collection
of assessments for the cost of the improvements, are vested in the county commission. All
assessments may be enforced, contested, and appeals therefrom taken in the manner prescribed
for enforcing municipal improvement assessments. Liens for county improvement assessments
shall have the same force and effect as liens for municipal improvement assessments. (Act
92-478, p. 952, §10.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-200.02 Residential building permit fee; North Alabama Homebuilding Academy. (a)
The Legislature finds that there is a shortage of individuals skilled in trades relating to
the residential construction industry in Madison County, including municipalities that are
located wholly or partially within the county and that, as authorized under Amendment 772
to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 94.01 of the Official Recompilation
of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, the county and municipalities of the county
may lend credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of the promotion of the
residential construction industry within Madison County. (b) The Madison County Commission
and the governing bodies of any municipality located wholly or partially within Madison County
may levy up to twenty dollars ($20), in addition to any other amount authorized by law, for
the issuance of a residential building permit. A municipality may... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-48-141.02 Financial charge - Determination. The county governing body of Marshall
County is authorized to appoint agents and delegate authority to individuals to search out
forest land in Marshall County, to determine the area and owners thereof, and report the same
to the Tax Assessor of Marshall County who shall be authorized, after notice by mail to such
owners, and hearing before the county governing body, if so requested by such owners, to place
a financial charge against the forest lands as may be determined by the report of such agents
or the determination of the county governing body. It shall be the responsibility of the Tax
Assessor of Marshall County to establish such rules and regulation as are necessary to administer
this part. (Act 83-709, p. 1152, § 3.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-11 Raffles and Fund Raisers. The holding of raffles, cake walks, turkey shoots,
and other similar contests of skill for charitable purposes by nonprofit organizations in
Chambers County shall be legal, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinances
by the Chamber County Commission or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns,
within their respective jurisdictions. The commission and governing bodies shall have the
authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the operation of raffles, cake walks, turkey
shoots, and similar contests within their respective jurisdictions. Provided, however, no
proceeds from such activities shall be payable to any officer or employee of the organization
conducting the activity. (Act 85-883, p. 139, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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