Code of Alabama

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Section 11-32-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall
mean the following unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) AD VALOREM TAX. Those
real and personal property ad valorem taxes collected by the county tax collector,
the director of revenue of the county, or revenue commissioner, if any, for the county, but
shall exclude all ad valorem taxes collected for the State of Alabama and all boards of education,
municipalities, fire districts, or other entities located in the county. (2) APPLICANT. A
natural person who files a written application with the governing body of any county to which
this chapter applies and with a municipality in the county, all in accordance with Section
11-32-3. (3) AUTHORITY. The public corporation organized pursuant to this chapter, which shall
be an agency of the state but shall not be a political subdivision of the state. (4) AUTHORIZING
COUNTY. Any county the governing body of which shall have adopted an... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99B-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
(a) The certificate of incorporation of any district may at any time and from time to time
be amended in the manner provided in this section. (b)(1) The board shall first adopt a resolution
proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full
in the said resolution and which amendment may include, without limitation: a. A change in
the name of the district. b. The addition to the project or projects of the district of a
new project or projects and the proposed location thereof. c. Any matters which might have
been included in the original certificate of incorporation, or any change in any such matters.
(2) If any proposed amendment would add any new county, municipality, or public corporation
as a member of a district, such proposed amendment shall include, in addition: a. Provisions
for election of at least one director by the governing body of each such... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10A-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases
shall have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY. A governmental subdivision of this state and a public
body, corporate and politic, organized in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for
the purposes, with the powers and subject to the restrictions set forth in this chapter. (2)
DIRECTOR. One of the members of the governing body of a watershed management authority. (3)
AT LARGE DIRECTOR. A director of a watershed management authority who may reside within any
county that lies within the boundaries of the watershed management authority. (4) RESIDENT
DIRECTOR. A director of a watershed management authority who, pursuant to the requirements
of this chapter, must reside in a particular county. (5) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The governing
body of a watershed management authority. (6) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-8-50 Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases
shall have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
conservation district which constitutes a governmental subdivision of this state and a public
body, corporate and politic, organized in accordance with the provisions of this article for
the purposes, with the powers and subject to the restrictions set forth in this article. (2)
DIRECTOR. One of the members of the governing body of a watershed conservancy district. (3)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The governing body of a watershed conservancy district. (4) SUPERVISOR.
A supervisor of a soil and water conservation district in which a watershed conservancy district
is situated. (5) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The governing body of the soil and water conservation
district in which a watershed conservancy district is situated or, if... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
(a) The certificate of incorporation of any authority incorporated under the provisions of
this article may at any time and from time to time be amended in the manner provided in this
section. (b)(1) The board of directors of the authority shall first adopt a resolution proposing
an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full in the resolution
and which amendment may include: a. A change in the name of the authority; b. The addition
to the service area of the authority of new territory lying within the determining county;
c. Provisions for the operation of a system or facility the operation of which is not then
provided for in the certificate of incorporation of the authority and which the authority
is authorized by this article to operate; d. Any matters which might have been included in
the original certificate of incorporation; e. Provisions for the addition... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-392 Contents, acknowledgment, filing, and recordation of certificate of incorporation;
procedure for amendment thereof; dissolution of district and disposition of systems, etc.,
upon payment of indebtedness of district in full. (a) The certificate of incorporation of
any gas district incorporated under this article shall state: (1) The name of the corporation,
which shall be a name indicating in a general way the area or municipalities proposed to be
served by the district (e.g., "The South Alabama Gas District" or "The _____
County Gas District" or "The _____, _____, and _____ (naming the municipalities
which are members thereof) Gas District"); (2) The names of all the municipalities which
are to be members of the district; (3) The location of the principal office of the district
and its post office address; (4) The period for the duration of the corporation (if the duration
is to be perpetual, this fact should be stated); and (5) The objects for which the district
is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-41A-10.01 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this part, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof shall in the absence of clear implication herein
otherwise, be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT. A natural
person who files a written application with the governing body of the city in accordance with
Section 45-41A-10.03. (2) AUTHORITY. The Auburn Downtown Redevelopment Authority, a public
corporation organized pursuant to this part. (3) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution adopted
by the governing body of the city in accordance with Section 45-41A-10.03, that authorizes
the incorporation of the authority. (4) BOARD. The board of directors of the authority. (5)
BONDS. Bonds, notes, and certificates representing an obligation to pay money. (6) CITY. The
City of Auburn, Alabama. (7) DIRECTOR. A member of the board of the authority. (8) DOWNTOWN
DEVELOPMENT AREA. The central business district of the city as... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54A-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, in the absence of clear implication herein otherwise,
shall be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT. A natural person
who files a written application with the governing body of any city in accordance with Section
11-54A-4. (2) AUTHORITY. Any redevelopment authority organized pursuant to this chapter. (3)
AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution adopted by the governing body of any city in accordance
with Section 11-54A-4, that authorizes the corporation of the authority. (4) BOARD. The board
of directors of the authority. (5) BONDS. Shall include bonds, notes, and certificates representing
an obligation to pay money. (6) CITY. Any incorporated city or town in the State of Alabama
with respect to which a redevelopment authority may be organized. (7) DIRECTOR. A member of
the board of the authority. (8) DEVELOPMENT AREA.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-179 Application for incorporation; certificate of incorporation; amendment; board
of directors; dissolution; funding; competitive bidding laws not applicable. (a) A public
corporation may be organized as a community punishment and corrections authority pursuant
to this article in any county or group of counties located in one or more judicial circuits.
In order to incorporate the public corporation, any number of natural persons, not less than
three, who are duly qualified electors of a proposed county or counties shall first file a
written application with the county commission or any two or more thereof. The application
shall contain all of the following: (1) The names of each county commission with which the
application is filed. (2) A statement that the applicants propose to incorporate an authority
pursuant to this article. (3) The proposed location of the principal office of the authority.
(4) A statement that each of the applicants is a duly qualified elector of... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23A-91.01 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this part, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of clear implication otherwise,
be given the following respective interpretations: (1) APPLICANT. A natural person who files
a written application with the governing body of the city in accordance with Section 45-23A-91.03.
(2) AUTHORITY. The Ozark Downtown Redevelopment Authority, a public corporation organized
pursuant to this part. (3) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution adopted by the governing body
of the city in accordance with Section 45-23A-91.03, that authorizes the corporation of the
authority. (4) BOARD. The board of directors of the authority. (5) BONDS. Includes bonds,
notes, and certificates representing an obligation to pay money. (6) CITY. The City of Ozark,
Alabama. (7) DIRECTOR. A member of the board of the authority. (8) DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AREA.
The central business district of the city as described in... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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