Code of Alabama

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Section 22-21-112 Issuance of securities - Validation prior to issuance. The directors of any
hospital corporation may, in their discretion, before the issuance of any securities, determine
the authority of the hospital corporation to issue such securities, and the legality of all
proceedings had or taken in connection therewith and the validity of the tax or other means
provided for the payment thereof and the validity of all pledges of revenues and of all covenants
and provisions contained in any resolution authorizing the securities in a proceeding instituted
and conducted in accordance with Sections 6-6-750 through 6-6-757 as the same may be amended
from time to time, or any similar proceeding prescribed by law, but such proceedings shall
not be essential to the validity of such securities. (Acts 1949, No. 640, p. 981, §10.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-17 Provisions of chapter cumulative; provisions of chapter exclusive as to incorporation,
issuance of bonds, etc. This chapter is intended to aid the state in the execution of its
duties by providing appropriate and independent instrumentalities of the state with full and
adequate powers to fulfill their functions. The foregoing sections of this chapter shall be
deemed to provide additional and alternative methods for the doing of the things authorized
thereby and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to and not in derogation of any
powers conferred upon boards of water and sewer commissioners created by municipalities within
this state or upon any other agencies of the state or the municipalities thereof which are
concerned with the control, abatement or prevention of water, air or general environmental
pollution. Neither this chapter nor any provision contained in this chapter shall be construed
as a restriction or limitation upon any power, right or remedy... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution; bond resolution
covenants. (a) The authority shall, prior to the adoption by the board of a resolution authorizing
the issuance of any bonds, enter into one or more contracts with two or more municipalities
which are authorized to contract with the authority pursuant to Section 11-50A-17. Any resolution
of the board authorizing the issuance of bonds may authorize those bonds to be issued in more
than one series, and the issuance of each series of bonds so authorized by that resolution
need not be preceded by the entering into by the authority of additional contracts pursuant
to Section 11-50A-17. (b) The board may by resolution or resolutions authorize the issuance
of bonds. Unless otherwise provided therein, the resolution or resolutions shall take effect
immediately and need not be published or posted. The board may authorize such types of bonds
as it may determine, subject only to any agreement with... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-76 Powers of corporation - Issuance and sale of securities. (a) The corporation
is authorized to issue and sell its interest-bearing or noninterest-bearing securities, in
one or more series, not exceeding $6,000,000.00, in aggregate principal amount, to provide
funds to be used by the Board of Agriculture and Industries in the construction, acquisition
and installation of a market facility and to be used by the Agricultural Center Board in the
renovation of the coliseum. (b) The principal of, premium, if any, and interest on any securities
or series of securities of the corporation the proceeds of which are devoted to the construction,
acquisition and installation of the market facility shall be payable from and secured by a
pledge of all rents, leases, charges or other revenues derived or realized from leases to
the public of said market facility after deduction of costs of operation. The principal of,
premium, if any, and interest on any securities or series of securities... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-4-16 Validity of securities issued without authorization; penalty for violation.
Securities issued and obligations and liabilities assumed by a utility, for which under the
provisions of this chapter the authorization of the commission is required, shall not be invalidated
because issued or assumed without such authorization therefor having first been obtained,
or because issued or assumed contrary to any term or condition of such order of authorization
as modified by any order supplemental thereto entered prior to such issuance or assumption.
Securities issued or obligations or liabilities assumed in accordance with all the terms and
conditions of the order of authorization therefor shall not be affected by a failure to comply
with any provision of this chapter or rule or regulation of the commission relating to procedure
and other matters preceding the entry of such order of authorization or order supplemental
thereto. A copy of any order made and entered by the commission... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-3 Class 1 municipality authorized to create racing commission; status of commission;
powers and duties generally; disposition of fees; jurisdiction of State Ethics Commission.
A commission is authorized to be created in accordance with the provisions of this chapter
for each Class 1 municipality, as Class 1 municipality is defined in Section 11-40-12 or any
successor provision of law. Any commission created for any sponsoring municipality pursuant
to the provisions of this chapter shall be named "The ______ (the name of the sponsoring
municipality shall be inserted in the blank) Racing Commission" and shall be a public
corporation having a legal existence separate and apart from the state and any county, municipality,
or political subdivision thereof. A commission shall be vested with the powers and duties
specified in this chapter and all other powers necessary and proper to enable it to execute
fully and effectively the purposes of this chapter. Anything contained in... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-4 Application for authority to incorporate; review of application and issuance
of executive order by Governor. (a) In order to form a public corporation under the provisions
of this chapter, any number of natural persons, not less than three, shall first file a written
application with the Governor. Such application shall: (1) Contain a statement that such public
corporation proposes to undertake and carry out one or more or all of the purposes defined
in Section 9-6-3 with respect to public corporations formed under this chapter; (2) Contain
a description by county name or otherwise of the geographical area of operation in which the
public corporation proposes to carry on its activities; (3) State that conditions of water,
air or general environmental pollution or any one or more of such conditions in excess of
normal acceptable tolerance as established or determined by appropriate regulatory body or
bodies exist within the area of operation, and that no public corporation... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-62-21 Construction of chapter. This chapter shall be construed liberally to effect
its purposes and neither this chapter nor anything herein contained is or shall be construed
as a restriction or limitation upon any powers which any authority might otherwise have under
any laws of the state, and the provisions of this chapter are cumulative to any such powers.
This chapter does and shall be construed to provide a complete, additional, and alternative
method for the doing of the things authorized thereby and shall be regarded as supplemental
and additional to other laws. However, the issuance of bonds, notes, and other obligations
of any authority under the provisions of this chapter need not comply with the requirements
of any other law of the state generally applicable to the issuance of bonds, notes, and other
obligations by other public corporations organized under the laws of the state. (Acts 1979,
No. 79-332, p. 506, §17.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-97-27 Liberal construction. This chapter shall be construed liberally to effect
its purposes and neither this chapter nor anything herein contained is or shall be construed
as a restriction or limitation upon any powers which any corporation might otherwise have
under any laws of the state, and the provisions of this chapter are cumulative to any such
powers. This chapter does and shall be construed to provide a complete, additional, and alternative
method for the doing of the things authorized thereby and shall be regarded as supplemental
and additional to other laws. However, the issuance of bonds of any corporation under the
provisions of this chapter need not comply with the requirements of any other law of the state
generally applicable to the issuance of bonds, notes, and other obligations by other public
corporations organized under the laws of the state. (Acts 1984, No. 84-314, p. 695, §27.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-14A-3 Definitions. Where used in this chapter the following words and terms shall
be given the following respective meanings unless the context hereof clearly indicates otherwise:
(a) AMENDMENT. Amendment 617 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, authorizing the issuance
of the bonds. (b) CORPORATION. The respective public corporations authorized to be created
by this chapter. (c) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The respective board of directors of the corporations.
(d) BONDS. The bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter. (e) CODE. The Code of Alabama
1975, as amended. (f) GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Any bonds or other obligations which as to principal
and interest constitute direct obligations of, or are unconditionally guaranteed by, the United
States of America, including obligations of any federal agency to the extent the obligations
are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America and any certificates or any
other evidences of an ownership interest in such... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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