Code of Alabama

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Section 12-21-98 Certificates and transcripts as evidence of land title and facts. All certificates
issued pursuant to any Act of Congress by any county commission, register of a land office
or by anyone authorized by law to issue such certificate, upon any warrant or order of survey
or for any donation or preemption claim, vest the legal title in the holder or his assignee
and must be received as evidence of such title; and all transcripts of any official book,
official entry or other document pertaining to any land office in this state, certified by
the register of such land office, must be received as prima facie evidence of the facts contained
in such transcripts so certified in all the courts of this state. (Code 1852, §2292; Code
1867, §2691; Code 1876, §3043; Code 1886, §2782; Code 1896, §1813; Code 1907, §3980;
Code 1923, §7678; Code 1940, T. 7, §390.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-335 Created; composition; powers and duties. (a) A board of trustees to be known
as the St. Stephens Historical Commission is hereby authorized to be appointed and established
for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, protecting, and promoting certain properties of
historical interest at St. Stephens, in Washington County, in the general vicinity of the
site of the first territorial capital of Alabama. The board shall be comprised of 11 members,
and the first five enumerated appointees designated herein shall serve for terms of two, three,
four, five, and six years, respectively, with subsequent appointees serving for terms of six
years. The four board members appointed by the legislative delegation representing Washington
County pursuant to subsection (b), including the initial appointees, shall serve terms of
six years. At least one of the four new members appointed by the Washington County Legislative
Delegation shall be African American. The ex officio board member... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-110 Compensation of election officers. (a) In Limestone County, the county commission
is hereby authorized to establish and set the compensation of the election officers, the returning
officer, and the inspectors and clerks, in such amounts as it shall determine. Provided, however,
the compensation established and set by the county commission shall not be less than the minimum
compensation provided by Section 17-8-12. (b) The compensation provided herein may be established
by resolution of the county commission and changed or amended by subsequent resolution. (c)
Election officers shall be entitled to all expenses provided by law in addition to any compensation
established pursuant to this section. (Act 92-238, p. 587, §§ 1-3.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

dollars ($20) for unspayed dogs or cats. The license fee provided for by this section shall
be in addition to all other dog or cat licenses or fees provided for by law. (c) All fees
collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into a separate fund in Madison County
to be used solely for the animal control shelter program established hereunder. (d) The county
commission is hereby authorized to create the position of animal control officer in Madison
County and if the position is created, the officer shall serve at the pleasure of the county
commission and shall have the duty of administering this section, subject to rules and regulations
promulgated by the county commission from time to time. The officer shall also perform such
other duties as may be required of him or her by law or required of him or her by any organization
or society under the law. (e) Any dog or cat on the property of its owner or on a leash
shall be exempt from this section. (Act 88-424, p. 626, §§ 1-5.)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-12-11 Determination as to legal liability upon claims; rejection of claims. In making
such determination with reference to the authorized expenditure of public funds of the county
in payment of the claims so presented and filed for payment with the county commissioner,
such officer shall make such investigation and inquiry, both as to fact and legal sufficiency,
as he shall deem reasonably necessary to correctly ascertain the legal liability of the county
with reference to each of the claims presented for payment. In the event it should be determined
by such officer, as a result of such investigation and inquiry, that payment of such claim
or claims may not lawfully be made from the public funds of the county, he shall refuse to
affix his signature to or draw warrant upon the county treasurer or county depository authorizing
payment of such claim or claims from the public funds of the county. (Acts 1953, No. 536,
p. 751, §2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-120.27 Certification of payroll. (a) It shall be unlawful for any county or city
official, officer, or employee, or any other officer, to pay or to cause to be paid any salary
or compensation to any person in the classified service for personal services unless the payroll,
estimate, voucher, or account for salary or compensation, containing the name of the person
to be paid shall bear the certification of the personnel director or the financial officer
of the jurisdiction where the employee is employed, that the person or persons named therein
are legally entitled to receive the sums stated therein. Any sum paid contrary to this part
or of any rule, regulation, or order thereunder may be recovered in an action maintained in
the name of the county or city or jurisdiction by the applicable county or city attorney or
by any citizen or taxpayer of the jurisdiction, from any officer who made, approved, or authorized
the payment or who signed or countersigned a voucher,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-31 Warrant for retaking parolee; arrest without warrant; execution of warrant
and fees therefor. (a) If the parole officer having charge of a paroled prisoner or any member
of the Board of Pardons and Paroles shall have reasonable cause to believe that such prisoner
has lapsed, or is probably about to lapse, into criminal ways or company or has violated the
conditions of his parole in an important respect, such officer or board member may report
such fact to the Department of Corrections, which shall thereupon issue a warrant for the
retaking of such prisoner and his return to the prison designated. (b) Any parole officer,
police officer, sheriff, or other officer with power of arrest, upon the request of the parole
officer, may arrest a parolee without a warrant; but, in case of an arrest without a warrant,
the arresting officer shall have a written statement by the parole officer setting forth that
the parolee has, in his or her judgment, violated the conditions of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-1-7 Procedure when county health officer, etc., resisted. If, in the attempt to
perform any duty enjoined by any public health law of the State of Alabama or rule or regulation
of the State Board of Health, the health or quarantine officer of a county, or his duly authorized
representative, shall be forcibly resisted or threatened with forceful resistance, such health
officer shall, after conference with the county board of health, if found necessary, make
affidavit before any judge of a circuit court, district court, municipal court or the judge
of probate of the municipality or county where such resistance occurs or is threatened, whereupon
the officer before whom said affidavit has been made shall forthwith issue his warrant directed
to the sheriff or to any bonded constable of said county, commanding said sheriff or constable
to remove or abate, under the direction of said health officer, said insanitary condition,
or source of infection or offensive or indecent material... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-22-12 Notice and opportunity for hearing in contested cases; contents of notice;
power of presiding officer to issue subpoenas, discovery and protective orders; procedure
upon failure of notified party to appear; presentation of evidence and argument; right to
counsel; disposition by stipulation, settlement, etc.; contents of record; public attendance
at oral proceedings; recordings and transcripts of oral proceedings. (a) In a contested case,
all parties shall be afforded an opportunity for hearing after reasonable notice in writing
delivered either by personal service as in civil actions or by certified mail, return receipt
requested. However, an agency may provide by rule for the delivery of such notice by other
means, including, where permitted by existing statute, delivery by first class mail, postage
prepaid, to be effective upon the deposit of the notice in the mail. Delivery of the notice
referred to in this subsection shall constitute commencement of the contested... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-232.28 Failure to appear. (a) A person released pursuant to this subpart who
willfully fails to appear before any court or judicial officer as required, shall incur a
forfeiture of any security given or pledged for release and, in addition, shall be guilty
of a Class B misdemeanor, punishable as provided by the Alabama Criminal Code. (b) Failure
to appear after notice of an appearance shall be prima facie evidence that the failure to
appear was willful. Whether the person was warned when released of the penalties for failure
to appear, shall be a factor in determining whether the failure to appear was willful. The
district attorney, or an assistant district attorney, or any other person responsible for
administering this subpart, shall initiate prosecution for violation of this subsection by
making an affidavit for a warrant to be issued by any officer authorized to issue warrants.
The person who fails to appear shall be arrested and shall be brought before a judicial... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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