Code of Alabama

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Section 11-56-1 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter,
shall, in the absence of clear implication otherwise, have the following respective meanings:
(1) CORPORATION OR THE CORPORATION. A corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of the corporation. (3) THE STATE. The State
of Alabama. (4) THE MUNICIPALITY. That incorporated city or town in the state which authorized
the organization of the corporation. (5) THE COUNTY. That county in which the certificate
of incorporation of the corporation shall be filed for record. (6) LOCAL SUBDIVISION. The
municipality or the county. (7) PUBLIC CORPORATION. a. Any public corporation (other than
a corporation organized under this chapter) now or hereafter organized or created in the state
pursuant to the authorization or determination by the municipality, by the municipality and
one or more other cities and towns in the state, by the county, by the county... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3-190 Levy of tax; collection; disposition of proceeds by localities; enforcement
and administration; penalties; exclusive nature of tax. (a) Levy. In addition to the excise
tax levied by Article 5A of Chapter 3 of this title and the licenses provided for by Chapter
3A of this title and by Section 28-3-194, and any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary thereto
or substituted therefor, and municipal and county licenses, there is hereby levied a privilege
or excise tax on every person licensed under the provisions of Chapter 3A who sells, stores,
or receives for the purpose of distribution, to any person, firm, corporation, club, or association
within the State of Alabama any beer. The tax levied hereby shall be measured by and graduated
in accordance with the volume of sales by such person of beer, and shall be an amount equal
to one and six hundred twenty-five thousands cents (1.625 cents) for each four fluid ounces
or fractional part thereof. (b) Collection. The tax levied... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-58-2 Purpose of chapter; application for authority to form corporation; adoption
of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution and filing of certificate
of incorporation generally; effect of granting of authority for incorporation upon incorporation
of other such corporations. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the incorporation
of medical clinic boards as public agencies and instrumentalities of the State of Alabama
to promote the acquisition of health facilities in order to promote the public health of the
people of Alabama and also to promote the acquisition of certain other facilities for the
housing and care of elderly persons. (b) Whenever any number of natural persons, not less
than three, shall file with the governing body of any county or municipality in this state
an application in writing for authority to incorporate a public corporation as a medical clinic
board for the purpose of acquiring, owning, leasing, and disposing of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89C-3 Public corporation - Procedure for incorporation. (a) Three or more natural
persons who are either the mayor of a municipality or the chair of a county governing body
of a county or counties in which a municipality is wholly or partially situated, may file
with their respective governing bodies a written application to incorporate a public corporation
pursuant to this chapter. If each of the governing bodies adopts a resolution declaring that
the formation of a public corporation is wise, expedient, and necessary, and approves the
proposed certificate of incorporation, the incorporators shall proceed to incorporate the
public corporation pursuant to this chapter by executing and filing for record in either the
office of the judge of probate of the participating county having the largest population according
to the last federal decennial census, or, if there is not a participating county, in any county
in which the municipality with the largest population according to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

any thereof. (17) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in which it is
used, such term includes a public or private corporation, a municipality, a county, a cooperative,
or an agency, department or instrumentality of the state or of a county or municipality or
cooperative. (18) PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The place at which the certificate of incorporation and
amendments thereto, the bylaws and the minutes of proceedings of the board of a district are
kept. (19) PROPERTY. Real and personal property and interests therein. (20) PUBLIC
CORPORATION. Any public corporation organized under the laws of the state. (21) PUBLIC FIRE
PROTECTION FACILITY. A fire protection facility which is owned or operated by the United States
of America, the state, a county, a municipality, a public corporation, any combination of
any thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof or in which any one
or more thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof holds... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

application for the incorporation or reincorporation of an authority pursuant to the provisions
of this chapter. (9) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in which it
is used, any person, including, without limitation, a private firm, a private association,
a corporation, and a public person. (10) PROBATE JUDGE. The judge of probate of the county
of incorporation of an authority. (11) PROJECT. Any land and any buildings or other improvements
thereon, and all real, personal, and mixed properties deemed by an authority to be
necessary or appropriate in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, which shall
be suitable for use by the following or by any combination of two or more thereof: a. Any
industry for the manufacturing, processing, cultivating, or assembling of any agricultural
or manufactured products; b. Any commercial enterprise involved in storing, warehousing, distributing,
or selling products of agriculture, mining, or industry (but not... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

or mortgage indenture may also provide that in the event of any default thereunder it may be
foreclosed either by sale at public outcry or by judicial proceedings and that the trustee
under such mortgage or mortgage indenture or the holders of any securities secured thereby
may become the purchaser at any foreclosure sale if the highest bidder. Any such mortgage
or mortgage indenture may be filed in the office of the judge of probate of any county in
which any of the property, real, personal or mixed, subject to the lien thereof is,
or is anticipated to be, located, and the lien of such mortgage or mortgage indenture shall,
with respect to all personal property and fixtures subject thereto, including after-acquired
property, and notwithstanding any contrary provisions of, and without compliance with, the
Uniform Commercial Code, be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind
against the corporation, irrespective of whether the parties have actual notice... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

such obligations, and which meet the greater of 100% collateralization or the "AA"
collateral levels established by Standard & Poor's Rating Group for structured financings;
and h. Uncollateralized investment agreements with, or certificates of deposit issued by banks
or bank holding companies, the senior long-term securities of which are rated at least "AA"
by Standard & Poor's Rating Group and at least "Aa" by Moody's Investors Service.
(11) FINANCED PROPERTY. All property whether real, personal, or mixed, the costs of
which were or are to be paid or reimbursed in whole or in part with the proceeds of bonds
of the authority or the proceeds of authority-guaranteed obligations. (12) FINANCING AGREEMENT.
Any loan, lease, agreement, grant agreement, financing agreement, credit agreement, security
agreement, mortgage, indenture, guaranty agreement, or other type of agreement entered into
by the authority in connection with the incurring of authority obligations. (13) FUNDING AGREEMENT.... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

any authority may enter into contracts with the holders of any of its bonds or notes preventing
such authority from thereafter issuing general obligation bonds or notes or limiting the amount
of such bonds or notes that may thereafter be issued. To the extent permitted by any contracts
with the holders of outstanding bonds and notes and any other contractual obligations or requirements,
any authority may pledge any of its revenues or mortgage or assign any of its assets, whether
real or personal and whether tangible or intangible, to secure the payment of any of
its bonds or notes. (d) All obligations created or assumed by any authority and all bonds
or notes issued thereby shall be solely and exclusively an obligation of such authority and
shall not create an obligation or debt of the state, the determining municipality or any other
political subdivision of the state or public corporation or governmental agency existing under
the laws thereof; provided, that the provisions of this... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
(a) The certificate of incorporation of any district incorporated under the provisions of
this chapter may at any time and from time to time be amended in the manner provided in this
section. (b)(1) The board of directors of the district shall first adopt a resolution proposing
an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full in the said
resolution and which amendment may include: a. A change in the name of the district; b. The
addition to the service area of the district of new territory lying within any municipality
or, in the case of territory not lying within any municipality, any county in which the district's
then existing service area lies; c. Provisions for the operation of a system or facility the
operation of which is not then provided for in the certificate of incorporation of the district
and which the district is authorized by this chapter to operate;... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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