Code of Alabama

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in the certificate of incorporation unless sooner dissolved as provided in this chapter; (2)
To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter and of the parties; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter
the same at pleasure; (4) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange, gift, lease,
or otherwise to improve, maintain, equip, furnish, own, and operate one or more projects,
including all real and personal properties which the board of directors of the corporation
may deem necessary in connection therewith, regardless of whether or not any such projects
or any part thereof shall then be in existence; (5) To fix, prescribe, and collect rates,
fees, tolls, charges, or rentals for the use of any of its facilities and for services, facilities,
and accommodations furnished by it or any of its facilities; (6) To adopt and enforce rules
and regulations relative to the use or occupancy of any of its... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92C-23 Loans, sales, grants, guarantees, and contractual or lease obligations of
money or property. (a) For the purpose of securing services of or the right to use or the
use by its citizens or customers of one or more projects of an authority, a cooperative district
of which the authority is a member, or any private user, or aiding or cooperating with the
authority, a cooperative district of which the authority is a member, or any private user
in the planning, development, undertaking, acquisition, construction, extension, improvement,
financing, operation, or protection of a project, any county, municipality, or other political
subdivision, public corporation, agency, or instrumentality of this state, upon such terms
and with or without consideration, as it determines, may do all of the following: (1) Lend
or donate money to, guarantee all or any part of the indebtedness or operating expense of,
or perform services for the benefit of, the authority, a cooperative district... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-3-17 Application for certificate of authority - Filing. To apply for an original
certificate of authority an insurer shall file with the commissioner its application therefor,
accompanied by the applicable fees as specified in Section 27-4-2, showing its name, location
of its home office or, if an alien insurer, principal office in the United States, kinds of
insurance to be transacted, state or country of domicile and such additional information as
the commissioner may reasonably require, together with the following documents, as applicable:
(1) A copy of its corporate charter, articles of incorporation or other charter documents
with all amendments thereto, certified by the public officer with whom the originals are on
file in the state or country of domicile; (2) If a mutual insurer, a copy of its bylaws, as
amended, certified by its secretary or other officer having custody thereof; (3) If a foreign
reciprocal insurer, copies of the power of attorney of its... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

and trust indentures, or either. (17) Exercise the power of eminent domain, except as limited
by state law, except the authority may not acquire, without the consent of the owner, any
transportation system from which public transportation service is currently being furnished.
The authority may not by eminent domain acquire any real property or rights owned or held
by public or private railroads or utilities. (18) Expend funds for the purchase or lease of
materials, equipment, supplies, or other personal property without compliance with
Chapter 16 of Title 41. (19) Appoint, employ, contract with, and provide for the compensation
of, officers, employees, and agents, including, but without limitation to, engineers, attorneys,
management consultants, fiscal advisers, or other consultants without regard to Chapter 16
of Title 41, or any law establishing a civil service or merit system that might otherwise
be applicable, as the business of the authority may deem necessary or desirable, and... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

commission and, with respect to a municipality, the council, commission or other governing
body of such municipality. (7) MUNICIPALITY. Any incorporated city or town in this state.
(8) INDENTURE. Any mortgage, indenture of mortgage, deed of trust, trust agreement or trust
indenture executed by an authority as security for its bonds. (9) PROJECT. a. Any land, any
interest in land, any building, structure, or improvement thereon, any machinery, equipment,
furniture, furnishings, facility or personal property, or any of them, which, in the
judgment of the board of an authority is suitable for use by the authority in carrying out
its powers and the functions authorized by this chapter, including, without limitation, ports,
docks, and all kinds of dock facilities, water and rail terminals and facilities, wharves,
piers, berths, quays, loading and unloading facilities and other related facilities, marinas,
boating facilities, facilities for aquatic entertainment and sports, facilities for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

office in the municipality which is an authorizing subdivision and sub-offices at such other
place or places within the county which is an authorizing subdivision as its board may designate;
(4) To sue and be sued in its own name, excepting actions in tort against the authority; (5)
To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange, gift, lease, or otherwise and to
improve, equip, and furnish and to own and maintain one or more projects or parts thereof,
including all real and personal properties and interests therein which its board may
deem necessary in connection therewith, regardless of whether or not any such project or projects
shall then be in existence; (6) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange, gift,
or otherwise and to improve rights-of-way, streets, approaches, roads, railroad lines, interests
in land, including the fee simple title to real property and riparian rights necessary or
useful and convenient in gaining access, entry, or approach to... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-31 Issuance of bonds by authority; types of and security for bonds generally;
liability on bonds. An authority shall have power to issue bonds, from time to time, in its
discretion, for any of its corporate purposes. An authority shall also have power to issue
or exchange refunding bonds for the purpose of paying, retiring, extending or renewing bonds
previously issued by it. An authority may issue such types of bonds as it may determine, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, bonds on which the principal and interest
are payable from income and revenues of the authority and from grants or contributions from
the federal government or some other source. Such income and revenues securing the bonds may
be: (1) Exclusively the income and revenues of the housing project financed in whole or in
part with the proceeds of such bonds; (2) Exclusively the income and revenues of certain designated
housing projects, whether or not they are financed in whole or in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

or otherwise, unless and only to the extent the municipality has, prior to entering into the
contract with the authority, incurred a binding obligation to make such payments. (c) The
contract provided for by this section may obligate the municipality to indemnify and save
harmless the authority, the members of its board, its officers or its employees from any and
all damage to persons and property occurring on or by reason of the project and to undertake,
at the expense of the municipality, the defense of any action brought against the authority
by reason of injury or damages to persons or property occurring on or by reason of
the project. (d) In the event of any failure or refusal on the part of a municipality to perform
punctually any covenant or obligation contained in the contract provided for by this section,
the authority may have the municipality's performance enforced by any legal or equitable process,
including specific performance. (Acts 1981, No. 81-681, p. 1114, ยง17.)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

specified in the certificate of incorporation unless sooner dissolved as provided in this article;
(2) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter and of the parties; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter
the same at pleasure; (4) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange, gift, lease,
or otherwise and to improve, maintain, equip, and furnish one or more projects, including
all real and personal properties which the board of directors of the board may deem
necessary in connection therewith, regardless of whether or not any such projects shall then
be in existence; (5) To lease to others any or all of its projects and to charge and collect
rent therefor and to terminate any such lease upon the failure of the lessee to comply with
any of the obligations thereof; (6) To sell, exchange, donate, and convey any or all of its
properties whenever its board of directors shall find any such... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16A-2 Legislative intent. It is hereby found and declared by the Legislature of
Alabama that it is in the public interest that the state, political subdivisions, agencies,
boards, commissions, and departments thereof, the various counties of the state, the various
municipal corporations within the state, county boards of education, city boards of education,
instrumentalities of any of the foregoing, and public corporations arising under or organized
pursuant to any statute of the state shall have the flexibility to finance the acquisition,
installation, equipping, and/or improvement of any eligible property that such governmental
entity otherwise is legally authorized to acquire through the use of lease, lease-purchase,
and/or installment-purchase financing. It is the intention of the Legislature by passage of
this chapter that wherever, either by express grant or by implication, a governmental entity
has the power and authority to acquire any eligible property by purchase,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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