Code of Alabama

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Section 32-7C-36 Legislative intent, scope, and construction of article. (a) It is the intent
of the Legislature to provide for uniformity of laws governing TNCs, TNC drivers, and TNC
vehicles throughout the state, and to provide that TNCs, TNC drivers, and TNC vehicles be
governed exclusively by state law, including Article 1 of this chapter, governing insurance
requirements for TNCs and TNC drivers, and any rules adopted by the commission consistent
with this article. (b) A county, municipality, special district, airport authority, port authority,
or other local governmental entity or subdivision may not do any of the following: (1) Impose
a tax on, or require a license for, a TNC or a TNC driver or TNC vehicle if the tax or license
relates to providing prearranged rides. (2) Require a TNC or a TNC driver to obtain a business
license or any other type of similar authorization to operate within the jurisdiction. (3)
Subject a TNC, a TNC driver, or a TNC vehicle to a rate, entry,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-6 Board of directors; election committee; meetings; officers; compensation;
recordkeeping. (a) The board of directors of the authority shall be elected by the duly designated
representatives of the municipalities which are authorized and directed to designate a member
of the election committee as hereinafter provided in this section. Until the first meeting
of the board of directors following the meeting in 2015 of the election committee hereinafter
provided for, the board of directors shall consist of nine members; thereafter, the board
shall consist of the number of members equal to the number of municipalities contracting with
the authority for the purchase of electric power and energy pursuant to Section 11-50A-17,
which are authorized and directed to designate a member of the election committee. Members
of the board of directors shall be eligible to succeed themselves. The business, affairs,
and property of the authority shall be managed by its board of directors.... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-86A-5 Contents, signing, and filing of articles. (a) The articles of an authority
shall state all of the following: (1) The names of the incorporators and that each is a resident
of the county of incorporation. In addition, one of the incorporators shall also be a Class
4 municipality that has within 90 days of March 9, 2000, opted by ordinance to be a participating
municipality. (2) The name of the authority, which may be a name indicating in a general way
the geographic area proposed to be served by the authority and include the words "Park
and Recreation Authority" (e.g., "The ___ Park and Recreation Authority" or
"The Park and Recreation Authority of ___," the blank space to be filled in with
a geographically descriptive word or words, but the descriptive word or words shall not preclude
the authority from exercising its powers in other geographic areas). (3) The period of the
authority which may be perpetual. (4) The location of the principal office of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-433 (This section terminates April 26, 2018, if no revenue is created.) Use of
funds by county; Transportation Safety Fund Plan; annual report. (a) Except for monies allocated
pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) of Section 23-1-431, the monies paid to counties from
the fund shall be deposited into a separate fund maintained by the county and expended only
for one or more of the following: (1) The maintenance, improvement, replacement, and construction
of county-maintained roads and bridges. (2) As matching funds for federal road or bridge projects.
(3) The payment of any debt associated with a road or bridge project. (4) With the consent
of the municipality, for the maintenance, improvement, or replacement of municipally-maintained
roads and bridges. (5) For a joint road or bridge project with one or more municipalities
in the county pursuant to any agreement executed under the authority of state law. (b) The
county shall not use any monies from the fund for any of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-14-35 Security for deposits or accounts. (a) All public deposits, as defined in
Chapter 14A, of the state shall be secured to the extent and in the manner provided in Chapter
14A by any combination of the following securities and instruments, which may be issued and
held in either definitive or book-entry form: Direct obligations of the State of Alabama or
any other state of the United States; obligations of the United States government or that
are fully guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by the United States; obligations
issued or guaranteed by any agency or instrumentality of the United States, including, without
limitation, the Government National Mortgage Association or any successor thereto, any Federal
Farm Credit Bank or any successor thereto, the Federal Housing Finance Board or any successor
thereto, the Federal Home Loan Bank System or any successor thereto, or any Federal Home Loan
Bank or any successor thereto; debt obligations, including, without... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-392 Contents, acknowledgment, filing, and recordation of certificate of incorporation;
procedure for amendment thereof; dissolution of district and disposition of systems, etc.,
upon payment of indebtedness of district in full. (a) The certificate of incorporation of
any gas district incorporated under this article shall state: (1) The name of the corporation,
which shall be a name indicating in a general way the area or municipalities proposed to be
served by the district (e.g., "The South Alabama Gas District" or "The _____
County Gas District" or "The _____, _____, and _____ (naming the municipalities
which are members thereof) Gas District"); (2) The names of all the municipalities which
are to be members of the district; (3) The location of the principal office of the district
and its post office address; (4) The period for the duration of the corporation (if the duration
is to be perpetual, this fact should be stated); and (5) The objects for which the district
is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90.2 Purchase of business license; classification of taxpayers; vehicle decals;
determination of gross receipts; construction with other provisions. (a) Every taxpayer required
to purchase a business license under this chapter shall: (1) Purchase a business license for
each location at which it does business in the municipality, except as otherwise provided
by the municipality. (2) Except as provided in Section 11-51-193, with respect to taxpayers
subject to state licensing board oversight, be classified into one or more of the following
2002 North American Industrial Classification System ("NAICS") sectors and applicable
sub-sectors, industry groups, industries, and U.S. industries thereunder: SECTOR NAICS TITLE
111 Crop Production Agriculture, farming, nursery, fruit, growers Gross Receipts and/or Flat
Rate 112 Animal Production Animal, dairy, cattle, ranching, sheep,... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-40 Definitions. When used in this article, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. A public corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of this
chapter, as amended. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority. (3) GOVERNING BODY.
The county commission of a county. (4) IMPROVEMENT. Any sanitary sewage treatment or sewage
disposal plant or any sanitary sewer, including mains, laterals, trunk lines, collector lines,
outfall lines, force mains, and appurtenant facilities. (5) RESORT AREA. An area located outside
the corporate limits of any municipality in which the primary use of the majority of the real
property is for recreational pursuits or those associated with relaxation, avocation, or pleasure,
including vacation homes and facilities and commercial amusement or recreational establishments
providing such facilities or goods or services with... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92C-4 Procedure to incorporate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation.
(a) Within 40 days following the adoption of the authorizing resolution, the applicants shall
proceed to incorporate the authority by filing for record in the office of the judge of probate
of the county in which the proposed local redevelopment area is located a certificate of incorporation
which shall comply in form and substance with the requirements of this section and which shall
be in the form and executed in the manner provided in this section. (b) The certificate of
incorporation of an authority shall state all of the following: (1) The names of the persons
forming the authority, and that each of them is a duly qualified elector residing in the authorizing
subdivision. (2) The name of the authority, which shall include the local redevelopment authority.
(3) A general description of the proposed project. (4) The period for the duration of the
authority; subject to Section... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-94-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context plainly indicates
otherwise, the present term shall include the future term, the singular shall include the
plural, the plural shall include the singular, the masculine shall include the feminine, and
the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings respectively ascribed to
them by this section: (1) AUTHORITY. A nonprofit public corporation organized pursuant to
the provisions of this chapter. (2) AUTHORIZING SUBDIVISION. Any county or municipality to
which application has been made for authority to incorporate an authority under this chapter.
(3) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority. (4) DIRECTOR. A member of the board of
directors of an authority. (5) COUNTY. Any county in this state that abuts on a navigable
river or through which a navigable river runs. (6) GOVERNING BODY. With respect to a county,
the county commission and, with respect to a municipality, the council,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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