Code of Alabama

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Section 11-47-137 Regulation, etc., of markets and marketing of food products, etc. All cities
and towns of this state shall have the power to establish, regulate and control markets and
market houses and to require and provide for the proper inspection of food products and articles
offered for sale or barter within the police jurisdiction of the city or town and for the
punishment of persons or corporations offering for sale unsound or unwholesome articles in
markets or other places in the city or town or within the police jurisdiction thereof. Such
cities and towns shall have the power to inspect all dairies and the products of the same
in the county in which the city or town or any part thereof is located and the owner of which
sells or disposes of milk or butter in such city or town and to regulate the same, and the
council or other governing body of such city or town may fix and prescribe the payment of
a reasonable fee for such inspection. Such council or other governing body... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Any territory added, by amendment to the certificate of incorporation of an authority, to the
area or areas in which that authority is authorized to render water service, fire protection
service, or any thereof. (11) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in
which it is used, such term includes a public or private corporation, a municipality, a county
or an agency, department, or instrumentality of the state or of a county or municipality.
(12) PROPERTY. Real and personal property and interests therein. (13) PUBLIC WATER
SYSTEM. A water system which is owned or operated by the United States of America, the state,
a county, a municipality, a public corporation organized under the laws of the state, any
combination of any thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof or
in which any one or more thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof
holds a reversionary or remainder interest. (14) SERVICE AREA. The geographic... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39-221 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this part, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, in the absence of clear implication herein otherwise,
shall be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION.
The resolution adopted by the governing body of the City of Florence or the county, in accordance
with this part, that authorizes the organization of the tourism board. (2) BOARD. The board
of directors of the tourism board. (3) CODE. This code and all amendments thereto and, with
respect to any particular title, chapter, article, division, section, or other portion thereof,
any act of the Legislature or other code preceding such portion of this code or subsequently
replacing the same. (4) COUNTY. Lauderdale County, Alabama. (5) COUNTY LODGING TAX. That certain
tax levied pursuant to Part 5, commencing with Section 45-39-244, of Article 24 of this chapter.
(6) DIRECTOR. A member of the board. (7)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-7-90 Definitions. For purposes of this division, the following terms shall have
the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) COUNTY. Each county in the state. (2)
GOVERNING BODY. The commission or other governing body of a county. (3) MUNICIPALITY. A municipal
corporation in the state. (4) STATE. The State of Alabama. (5) PROPERTY REAPPRAISAL ACT. Division
1 of this article. (6) APPRAISAL COSTS. The costs of the appraisal of property in a county
made pursuant to the requirements of the Property Reappraisal Act. (7) TAX RECIPIENT BODY.
The state, the county, each municipality located wholly or partly within the corporate limits
of such county, the board of education of such county, each city board of education organized
with respect to a municipality located wholly or partly within the county, each public hospital
corporation (including each public hospital board, public hospital association, or other public
hospital corporation) that receives, under any statute or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

period specified in the certificate of incorporation unless sooner dissolved as provided in
this part. (2) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court having
jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties. (3) To have and to use a corporate
seal and to alter the same at pleasure. (4) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction,
exchange, gift, lease or otherwise, improve, maintain, equip, and furnish one or more industrial
parks, including all real and personal properties which the board of directors of the
corporation may deem necessary in connection therewith and regardless of whether or not any
such industrial parks or any part thereof shall then be in existence. (5) To sell, exchange,
donate, and convey, to contract to sell, exchange, and convey, and to grant, with or without
additional consideration, options to acquire any or all of its properties whenever its board
of directors shall find any such action to be in furtherance of the purposes... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-174 Incorporation - Certificate of incorporation - Amendment. The certificate
of incorporation of any public corporation incorporated under this article may, at any time
and from time to time, be amended in the following manner: (1) The board of directors of the
corporation shall adopt a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment, which may include
any proposed change in the name of such corporation, the inclusion of another municipality
or municipalities as members thereof (provided each of such other municipalities is located,
in whole or in part, in the county which is a member of the corporation) and any matter which
might originally have been included in the certificate of incorporation. (2) If the governing
body of the county and of each other member of the corporation and the governing body of each
municipality, if any, which it is proposed shall be added as a member of the corporation shall
by resolution consent to such proposed amendment, the chairman and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

in connection with a project; (10) To lease or rent any of the dwelling or other accommodations
or any of the lands, buildings, structures, or facilities embraced in any housing project
and to establish and revise the rents or charges therefor; (11) To enter upon any building
or property in order to conduct investigations or to make surveys or soundings; (12) To purchase,
lease, obtain options upon, acquire by eminent domain, gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise,
any property, real or personal, or any interest therein from any person, firm, corporation,
city, county, or government; (13) To sell, exchange, transfer, assign or pledge any property,
real or personal, or any interest therein to any person, firm, corporation, city, county,
or government; (14) To own, hold, clear, and improve property; (15) To insure or provide for
the insurance of the property or operations of the authority against such risks as the authority
may deem advisable; (16) To procure insurance or guarantees... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-81 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) CORPORATION.
A corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this article. (2) BOARD. The board of
directors of the corporation. (3) STATE. The State of Alabama. (4) COUNTY. That county in
the state which authorized the organization of the corporation. (5) MUNICIPALITY. The incorporated
cities or towns located in the county which authorized the organization of the corporation.
(6) PUBLIC CORPORATION. Any public corporation now or hereafter organized or created in the
state pursuant to the authorization or determination by the municipality or by the municipality
and any one or more other cities and towns in the state or by the county or by the county
and any one or more counties in the state. (7) STATE AGENCY. Any public corporation now or
hereafter organized or created in the state pursuant to the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-60 Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred
therein - Adoption, etc. (a) Any cemetery corporation or association, including religious
bodies, owning or controlling any cemetery within this state may, with the consent and approval
of the governing body of the city or town in which such cemetery is located or with the consent
and approval of the governing body of the county if such cemetery is located outside the limits
of an incorporated municipality, by resolution of its board of directors or other governing
body, when assented to in writing filed with the secretary by at least three fourths of the
lot owners and holders of such corporation or association or ratified and approved by like
vote thereof at any regular meeting of the cemetery corporation or association or at a meeting
specially called for that purpose, declare for the abandonment in whole or in part of such
cemetery as a burial place for the human dead and for the removal... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

subject to the provisions of Section 11-49A-20) specified in its certificate of incorporation;
(2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil suits and actions and to defend suits against
it; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To
adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To
acquire, receive, and take, by purchase, gift, lease, devise, or otherwise, and to hold property
of every description, real, personal, or mixed, whether located in one or more counties
or municipalities and whether located within or outside the authorizing municipality; (6)
To make, enter into, and execute such contracts, agreements, leases, and other instruments
and to take other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose for
which the authority was organized or to exercise any power expressly granted hereunder; (7)
To plan, establish, develop, acquire, purchase, lease, construct, reconstruct,... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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