Code of Alabama

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Section 41-10-391 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent; construction of article.
The Legislature hereby makes the following findings of fact and declares its intent to be:
Supercomputer technology is expected to have a significant impact on the research capabilities
of research institutions, governmental agencies and private industries. The police power of
the state authorizes the state to promote the prosperity and general welfare of its citizens.
The development of supercomputer technology will greatly enhance research capabilities of
the state's major research institutions and governmental agencies, and will attract industry
to the state. For these reasons, it is the intent of the Legislature by the passage of this
article to exercise its police power to authorize the incorporation by the Governor, the Director
of Finance, the Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce, the Lieutenant Governor and
the Speaker of the House, of a public corporation for the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92A-2 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent; construction of article.
(a) The Legislature hereby makes the following findings of fact and declares its intent to
be as follows: In recent years changes have taken place in the economy of the state that have
had a far-reaching effect on the welfare of its citizens. The agrarian economy that once prevailed
in the state and provided the principal means of livelihood for most of its citizens has proven
inadequate to provide employment for the state's growing population. The advent of mechanized
and scientific farming methods has reduced greatly the number of persons required to obtain
increased yields of agricultural products from land under cultivation. There has been a correspondingly
greater dependency upon industrial development as the bulwark of the economy of the state.
It is therefore appropriate and necessary that measures be taken to secure to the citizens
of the state the benefits of a strengthening... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-86A-2 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of intent; construction of chapter.
(a) The Legislature hereby makes the following findings of fact and declares its intent to
be as follows: The Legislature acknowledges the key role of public corporations in the state
in promoting public interest and participation in sports, athletics, and recreational activities
through acquiring, enlarging, improving, expanding, owning, operating, leasing, and disposing
of park and recreation related properties. It has come to the attention of the Legislature
that questions have been raised as to the status of certain local park and recreational authorities
and boards located in the state. It is the intent of the Legislature to promote the public
health and general welfare by exercising its police power to authorize the formation or retroactive
validation of independent public corporations created jointly by counties and municipalities,
one of which is to be a Class 4 municipality, as... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-14.1 Construction of port facilities by Class 1 municipalities; bonds and other
contributions. (a) Legislative findings. The Legislature of Alabama finds that the Tombigbee
Waterway will soon be completed, and the transportation opportunities afforded thereby must
be fully utilized if Alabama is to benefit from economic growth and job development potential
afforded by this project, and that local governments need broader authorization to participate
in the development of river port facilities necessary to accomplish this purpose. (b) Municipalities
authorized to construct port facilities; limitations thereon. The council or other governing
body of any Class 1 municipality may alter and change the channel of any watercourse within
25 miles of such municipality and may construct and maintain wharves and construct buildings
and other improvements on and near wharves and wharf sites, within such municipality or within
25 miles of the limits thereof, and may collect wharfage... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-34 Contracts, etc., with federal government for construction, etc., of housing
projects. In addition to the powers conferred upon the authority by other provisions of this
article, the authority is empowered to borrow money or accept grants from the federal government
for or in aid of the construction of any housing project which such authority is authorized
by this article to undertake, to take over any land acquired by the federal government for
the construction of a housing project, to take over or lease or manage any housing project
constructed or owned by the federal government and, to this end, to enter into such contracts,
mortgages, trust indentures, leases, or other agreements as the federal government may require,
including agreements that the federal government shall have the right to supervise and approve
the construction, maintenance, and operation of such housing project. It is the purpose and
intent of this article to authorize every authority to do any and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-73 Contracts, etc., with federal government for construction, etc., of housing
projects. In addition to the powers conferred upon the authority by other provisions of this
article, the authority is empowered to borrow money or accept grants from the federal government
for or in aid of the construction of any housing project which such authority is authorized
by this article to undertake, to take over any land acquired by the federal government for
the construction of a housing project, to take over or lease or manage any housing project
constructed or owned by the federal government and, to this end, to enter into such contracts,
mortgages, trust indentures, leases, or other agreements as the federal government may require,
including agreements that the federal government shall have the right to supervise and approve
the construction, maintenance, and operation of such housing project. It is the purpose and
intent of this article to authorize every authority to do any and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-171 Purpose and construction of article. It is the intention of the Legislature
by the passage of this article to authorize in each of the several counties of the state the
organization of a public corporation or corporations for the purpose of acquiring, owning
and operating public hospitals and other health-care and related facilities in the county
in which such corporation shall be organized. It is the legislative intent to confer on corporations
organized under this article all the powers requisite for the fulfillment of the purposes
of their organization, including the power to do whatever financing may be necessary to accomplish
such purposes. This article shall be liberally construed to give effect to its purpose. Corporations
organized under this article shall be public, nonprofit corporations, and no part of the net
earnings thereof shall inure to the benefit of any individual or private corporation. (Acts
1975, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 183, p. 442, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-210.1 Legislative findings and declarations. The Legislature finds and declares
all of the following: (1) Through this article, the Legislature has (i) granted to each municipality
in the state, acting either individually or in cooperation with one or more other municipalities,
the power to acquire, operate, manage, and control parks, playgrounds, and other recreational
or athletic facilities and to authorize the organization of an authority, as a public corporation,
to act on behalf of the municipality or municipalities in providing for the ownership and
management of parks, playgrounds, and other recreational or athletic facilities, (ii) provided
for the organization of the authorities, and (iii) specified certain powers to be enjoyed
by such an authority. (2) In order to facilitate the accomplishment of the legislative objectives
reflected in this article and to provide for a greater degree of mutual cooperation among
separate political subdivisions, it is necessary,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-71 Declaration of purpose and legislative findings. The Legislature has found and
determined and does hereby declare that in certain areas of this state, there are inadequate
market facilities available to Alabama farmers for the efficient handling and sale of agricultural
and agriculture related products. The Legislature has also found and determined, and does
hereby declare that the coliseum is in dire need of repair and is in such poor condition as
to limit its use by the public. It is the intent of the Legislature, by the passage of this
article, to authorize the incorporation of a public corporation as an instrumentality of the
state for the purpose of borrowing funds to finance the construction of an adequate market
facility and the renovation of the coliseum and to vest said corporation with all powers,
rights, privileges and titles that may be necessary to accomplish said purposes. This article
shall be liberally construed in conformity with said intent. (Acts 1984,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-541 Short title; construction. This article may be cited and known as "The
Alabama Medical Liability Act of 1987" and is intended to supplement "The Alabama
Medical Liability Act," Act No. 513 of the 1975 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature.
The provisions of this article shall be construed so as to be consistent with Act No. 513
of the 1975 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature and the legislative intent stated herein.
(Acts 1987, No. 87-189, p. 261, §2.)... - 791 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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