Code of Alabama

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Section 45-22-243.99 Use of tax proceeds. (a) Commencing with the first month during which
proceeds from the taxes herein levied are paid and thereafter, the county treasurer shall
make monthly distributions of the proceeds so paid to him or her as follows: (1) From the
first 50 percent of the net proceeds from the tax, levied in Section 45-22-243.91, shall be
paid each month to the Cullman County Health Care Authority Board, a public corporation existing
under the provisions of Act 46 adopted at the 1949 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama,
as amended, a total of thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three
cents ($33,333.33) per month, and no more. (2) One-half (50 percent) of the residue of the
proceeds from the taxes herein levied that remains each month after the payment provided for
in subdivision (1) (the residue consisting of that portion of the tax levied in Section 45-22-243.91
that remains each month after making the payment provided... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-359 Distribution and use of proceeds. (a) For the purpose of this section, the
following terms shall have the meanings ascribed below: (1) BASE ANNUAL COUNTY DISTRIBUTION.
Five hundred fifty thousand dollars ($550,000). (2) COST OF COLLECTION. The amounts from the
proceeds of the highway gasoline tax that may be appropriated by the Legislature to the department
for its operating expenses. (3) COUNTY. Each county in the state. (4) FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal
year of the state. (5) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. The Department of Transportation of the
state. (6) HIGHWAY GASOLINE TAX. Both of the following: a. The excise tax levied under subdivision
(1) of subsection (a) of Section 40-17-325, with the exception of those portions of the tax
levied on aviation fuel and marine gasoline. b. The excise tax levied by Sections 40-17-140
to 40-17-155, inclusive, except that portion of the tax imposed on diesel fuel. (7) LOCAL
SUBDIVISIONS' SHARES OF THE NET TAX PROCEEDS. The 55 percent... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-4 Authorization of abatement. (a) Noneducational ad valorem taxes, construction
related transaction taxes, except those local construction related transaction taxes levied
for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education, and mortgage and recording
taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, and in the case of a qualifying industrial
or research enterprise described in Section 40-9B-3(a)(10)e. which is owned by an entity organized
under Chapter 6 of Title 37, or by an authority both organized and existing pursuant to Chapter
50A of Title 11, and subject to the payments required to be made in lieu of ad valorem, sales,
use, license, and severance taxes imposed by Section 11-50A-7, in addition to the foregoing,
all other ad valorem taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, imposed by the
state, counties, municipalities, and other taxing jurisdictions of Alabama, may be abated
with respect to private use industrial property and... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-245 Levy of tax for promotion of Birmingham as convention and visitors' destination.
(a) This section relates to Jefferson County. (b) The taxes levied by this section shall become
effective, or go into effect, on June 1, 1979. (c)(1) Commencing on June 1, 1979, in addition
to all other taxes imposed by law, there is hereby levied and shall be collected by the director
of revenue as herein provided a privilege or license tax in the amount hereinafter prescribed
against every person engaging in the county in the business of renting or furnishing any room
or rooms, lodging, or accommodations, to any transient in any hotel, motel, inn, tourist court,
or any other place in which rooms, lodgings, or accommodations are regularly furnished to
transients for a consideration. The director of revenue shall deduct and pay to the treasury
of the county one percent of the total amount of the taxes, to compensate the county for the
expenses incurred by it in collecting the taxes and in... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-12 Partial and final payments of contractors by awarding authorities. (a) As used
in this section the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows: (1)
CONTRACTOR. Any natural person, partnership, company, firm, corporation, association, limited
liability company, cooperative, or other legal entity licensed by the Alabama State Licensing
Board for General Contractors. (2) NONRESIDENT CONTRACTOR. A contractor which is neither a.
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Alabama, nor b. maintains its principal
place of business in the State of Alabama. A nonresident contractor which has maintained a
permanent branch office within the State of Alabama for at least five continuous years shall
not thereafter be deemed to be a nonresident contractor so long as the contractor continues
to maintain a branch office within Alabama. (3) RETAINAGE. That money belonging to the contractor
which has been retained by the awarding authority conditioned on... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-5-141.20 Powers and duties; annual dues; board of trustees; referendum election.
(a) This section shall apply only in Blount County. (b) A district for the delivery of fire
and emergency medical services may be formed in any unincorporated area of the county pursuant
to this section subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified electors who vote at
a referendum election for that purpose in the proposed district and for the approval of the
mandatory annual dues of the district. (c) In order to call for a referendum election for
the formation of a district, a petition signed by not less than 20 percent of the registered
voters who reside in the proposed district shall be presented to the county commission and
the Judge of Probate of Blount County. The petition shall contain an accurate legal description
of the proposed area and shall state the name of the proposed district. The petition for the
establishment of a district shall be accompanied by a request for the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-11A-1 Execution and text of compact. The Governor, on behalf of this state, shall
execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with the State of Mississippi, and
the Legislature approves and ratifies the compact in the form substantially as follows: Northeast
Mississippi - Northwest Alabama Railroad Authority Compact. The contracting states solemnly
agree: Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote and develop trade, commerce, industry,
and employment opportunities for the public good and welfare in northeast Mississippi and
northwest Alabama through the establishment of a joint interstate authority to acquire certain
railroad properties and facilities which the operator thereof has notified the Interstate
Commerce Commission of an intention to abandon and which are located in any of Franklin, Marion,
or Winston Counties, Alabama or in Alcorn or Tishomingo Counties, Mississippi. Article II.
This compact shall become effective immediately as to the State... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-252.06 Bonds of the authority; obligations. (a) In addition to all other powers
now or hereafter granted by law, the authority shall have the following powers, together with
all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1)
To sell and issue bonds of the authority in order to provide funds for any corporate function,
use, or purpose, any such bonds to be payable solely out of one or more of the following:
a. Any or all proceeds or receipts from the privilege, license, or excise tax levied on the
sale, distribution, storage, use, or consumption of tobacco and certain tobacco products in
Jackson County by Section 45-36-247. b. Any or all proceeds from any tax received by the Jackson
County Commission which are required by law to be deposited to the credit of the Jackson County
Water Authority. c. The revenues derived from any water, sewer, or garbage system or facility
of the authority. (2) To pledge for payment of any bonds issued... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-1-3 Lien for taxes - Date of lien. From and after October 1 of each year, when property
becomes assessable the state shall have a lien upon each and every piece or parcel of property
owned by any taxpayer for the payment of all taxes which may be assessed against him and upon
each piece and parcel of property real or personal assessed to owner unknown, which lien shall
continue until such taxes are paid, and the county shall have a like lien thereon for the
payment of the taxes which may be assessed by it; and, if such property is within the limits
of a municipal corporation, such municipal corporation shall have a like lien thereon for
the payment of the taxes which may be assessed by it. These liens shall be superior to all
other liens and shall exist in the order named, and each of such liens may be enforced and
foreclosed by sale for taxes as provided in this title, or as other liens upon property are
enforced, except as otherwise provided by laws. (Acts 1935, No. 194,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-70-2 Initiation and notice of action. (a) Class 2 municipalities may initiate an
expedited quiet title and foreclosure action under this chapter against a parcel of tax sale
property located within its municipal limits and purchased by the municipality. The municipality
shall record, in the office of the judge of probate in the county in which the property is
located, a notice of its intention to file an expedited quiet title and foreclosure action.
The notice shall include a legal description of the property, street address of the property
if available, a statement that the property is subject to expedited quiet title and foreclosure
proceedings under this chapter, and a statement that those proceedings may extinguish any
legal interests in the property. As used herein, interested parties shall mean the owner,
his or her heirs or personal representatives, any mortgagee or purchaser of the subject property
or any part thereof, and any party with an interest in the property,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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