Code of Alabama

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Section 37-2-41 Inspection and supervision fees; election. (a) Each transportation company
doing business in this state and subject to the control and jurisdiction of the commission
with respect to its rates and service regulations shall pay quarterly to the commission, beginning
November 1, 1985 and on each quarter thereafter, February 1, May 1, August 1, and November
1 of each year, a fee for the inspection and supervision of such business during the next
preceding fiscal year. Such inspection and supervision fees shall be paid by such transportation
companies in addition to any and all property, franchise, license, intangible and other taxes,
fees and charges now or hereafter provided by law. No similar inspection and supervision fees
shall be levied or assessed by any county or municipality of the state, and no part of such
inspection and supervision fees shall be allowed to any county or municipality of this state.
Such inspection and supervision fees shall be measured by the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-4-116 Fees for inspection and supervision; payment. (a) Each radio utility, as defined
in this article, doing business in this state and subject to the control and jurisdiction
of the commission with respect to its rates and service regulations, shall pay quarterly to
the commission, beginning on November 1, 1988, and on each quarter thereafter, February 1,
May 1, August 1, and November 1 of each year, a fee for the inspection and supervision of
such business during the next preceding fiscal year. Such inspection and supervision fees
shall be paid by such radio utilities in addition to any and all property, franchise, license,
intangible and other taxes, fees and charges now or hereafter provided by law. No similar
inspection and supervision fees shall be levied or assessed by any county or municipality
of the state, and no part of such inspection and supervision fees shall be allowed to any
county or municipality of this state. Such inspection and supervision fees shall be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-3-25 Appeals - Procedure. All appeals from the rulings of the board of equalization
fixing value of property shall be taken within 30 days after the final decision of said board
fixing the assessed valuation as provided in this chapter. The taxpayer shall file notice
of said appeal with the secretary of the board of equalization and with the clerk of the circuit
court and shall file bond to be filed with and approved by the clerk of the circuit court,
conditioned to pay all costs, and the taxpayer or the state shall have the right to demand
a trial by jury by filing a written demand therefor within 10 days after the appeal is taken.
When an appeal is taken, the taxpayer shall pay the taxes due as fixed for assessment for
the preceding tax year before the same becomes delinquent; and, upon failure to do so, the
court upon motion ex mero motu must dismiss the appeal, unless at the time of taking the appeal
the taxpayer has executed a supersedeas bond with sufficient sureties... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-31 Tax levy to defray expenses of proposed works and improvements generally; water
management tax record; additional taxes. (a) After the list of lands and other property with
the assessed benefits and the decree and judgment of the court have been filed as provided
in Section 9-9-29, the board of water management commissioners shall without unnecessary delay
levy a tax of such portion of said benefit on all lands and other property in the district
to which benefits have been assessed as may be found necessary by the board of water management
commissioners to defray the costs and expenses of the proposed works and improvements as incorporated
in the plan of water management, plus 10 percent of said total amount for emergencies. The
said tax shall be apportioned to and levied on each tract of land or other property in said
district in proportion to the benefits assessed and not in excess of 90 percent thereof; and,
in case bonds are issued as provided in this article, then... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-4A-3 Generally. (a) Subject to the exceptions and exemptions hereinafter set forth,
for the year beginning on January 1, 1995, and for each year thereafter, every insurer shall
pay to the commissioner a premium tax equal to the percentage, as set out in this subsection,
of the premiums received by the insurer for business done in this state, whether the same
was actually received by the insurer in this state or elsewhere: (1) PREMIUM TAX ON LIFE INSURANCE
PREMIUMS. a. Except as hereinafter provided, the rates of taxation on life insurance premiums
shall be those amounts set out in the following schedule: Year Foreign Insurers Domestic Insurers
1995 2.9 1.3 1996 2.8 1.6 1997 2.7 1.8 1998 2.5 2.1 Every Year Thereafter 2.3 2.3 b. Individual
life insurance policies in a face amount of greater than $5,000 and up to and including $25,000,
excluding group life insurance policies, shall be taxed at the rate of one percent per annum.
c. Individual life insurance policies in a face... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-10 Confidentiality, disclosure, and exchange of tax returns and tax information.
THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section,
it shall be unlawful for any person to print, publish, or divulge, without the written permission
or approval of the taxpayer, the return of any taxpayer or any part of the return, or any
information secured in arriving at the amount of tax or value reported, for any purpose other
than the proper administration of any matter administered by the department, a county, or
a municipality, or upon order of any court, or as otherwise allowed in this section. Statistical
information pertaining to taxes may be disclosed at the discretion of the commissioner or
his or her delegate to the legislative or executive branch of the state. Upon request, the
commissioner or his or her delegate may make written disclosure as... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-53 Abatement of weeds. (a) All weeds growing upon private property within municipalities
of the state having a population of 300,000 inhabitants or more, according to the last or
any subsequent federal census, which bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature or attain such
a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, or which are otherwise noxious or dangerous,
may be declared to be a public nuisance by the governing body of any such municipality, and
thereafter abated as in this section provided. (b) Whenever any such weeds are growing upon
any private property, the governing body of any such municipality may, by resolution, declare
the same to be a public nuisance. The resolution shall refer to the street by the name under
which it is commonly known, and describe the property upon which the nuisance exists by giving
a legal description thereof; and no other description of the property shall be required. Any
number of parcels of private property may be included in one... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.13 Annexation; referendum; hearing; reestablishment of boundaries. (a) Whenever
any municipal corporation in Jefferson County annexes any portion of a district and a petition
is filed with the clerk of the municipality requesting annexation of the remaining portion
of the district, the petition containing the following: (1) signatures of 20 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or signatures of 200 qualified electors, whichever
is less, and (2) a written statement signed by at least two members of the board of trustees
of the district reciting that those signing the petition constitute either 10 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or 100 qualified electors residing within
the district, whichever is applicable, and (3) a description of the district; then the governing
body of such municipal corporation shall provide for and finance the cost of a referendum
election wherein the remaining qualified voter residents of... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-255 Manufactured homes. (a) Every person, firm, or corporation who owns, maintains
or keeps in this state a manufactured home as defined according to subsection (n) of this
section, except a manufactured home that constitutes a part of the inventory of a manufacturer
or dealer, shall pay an annual registration fee of $24 for an owner occupied single wide (one
transportable module) manufactured home, $48 for an owner occupied double wide or larger (two
or more transportable modules) manufactured home, $48 for a commercial single wide (one transportable
module) manufactured home, or $96 for a commercial double wide or larger (two or more transportable
modules) manufactured home, provided, however, that any manufactured home 10 years of age
or greater but less than 20 years of age shall pay 75 percent of the above stated fees, and
any manufactured home 20 years of age or greater shall pay 50 percent of the above stated
fees; and upon payment thereof such owner shall be... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-20-2 Levy and amount of tax upon business of producing or severing oil or gas from
soil, etc., generally. (a)(1) There is hereby levied, to be collected hereafter, as herein
provided, annual privilege taxes upon every person engaging or continuing to engage within
the State of Alabama in the business of producing or severing oil or gas, as defined herein,
from the soil or the waters, or from beneath the soil or the waters, of the state for sale,
transport, storage, profit, or for use. The amount of such tax shall be measured at the rate
of eight percent of the gross value of the oil or gas at the point of production except as
provided in subsequent subdivisions of this subsection. Provided, however, that the tax on
offshore production, produced from depths greater than 8,000 feet below mean sea level, shall
not be computed as a percentage of gross value at the point of production, as provided in
this article, but shall be computed as a percentage of gross proceeds, as... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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