Code of Alabama

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maintaining, or operating any project of the authority, shall pay to any validly constituted
taxing authority of the state, or any county or municipality or other political subdivision
thereof, that levies ad valorem, sales, use, license, or severance taxes, payments in lieu
of those taxes equal in amount to the ad valorem, sales, use, license and severance taxes
which would have been paid by private persons engaged in the same or similar business within
the state with respect to real and personal property owned, leased, or otherwise used,
and with respect to the purchases, sales, or use of property, within the taxing jurisdictions
of those entities had the properties of the authority been owned, leased, used, or purchased
by such private persons. Payment of such amounts in lieu of taxes shall be made at the time
taxes of such nature would be payable by private persons and shall be received, treated, deposited,
and appropriated by those taxing jurisdictions for all purposes in the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law, and when the State of Mississippi ratifies
the compact. Article III. For purposes of this compact, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, or any other
entity. (2) Railroad means a common carrier by railroad as defined in Section 1(3) of Part
I of the Interstate Commerce Act [codified as 49 U.S.C. ยง1(3)]. (3) Railroad properties and
facilities mean any real or personal property or interest in property which is owned,
leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad or other person, including, without limitation,
the authority, and which are used or are useful in rail transportation service, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing: a. Track, roadbed, and related structures,
including rail, ties, ballast, other track materials, grading, tunnels, bridges, trestles,
culverts, elevated structures, stations, office buildings used for operating... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

grants or other assistance from federal, state and local governments or from agencies of such
governments and by issuing in its own name revenue bonds pledging a portion of the revenues
from such facilities. f. Arrange with any city, county, municipality or supplier of utilities
for the abandonment, relocation or other adjustment of roads, highways, bridges and utility
lines. (3) LAND ACQUISITION. The agency may acquire by purchase, lease, gift or condemnation
property of any kind, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein, that the board
deems necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers or functions; provided, that acquisition
by condemnation shall be limited to land, rights in land, including leaseholds and easements,
and water rights in the Alabama portion of the Elk River Watershed that the board determines
to be necessary to the control and optimum development of the Elk River. The amount and character
of the interests in land, rights in land and water rights... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

all other ad valorem taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, imposed by the
state, counties, municipalities, and other taxing jurisdictions of Alabama, on the major addition
by complying with the procedures set forth in this chapter. Notwithstanding the immediately
preceding sentence, with respect to a data processing center, an abatement of noneducational
ad valorem taxes, other ad valorem taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof,
shall apply to all real and personal property comprising a data processing center,
the costs of which may be capitalized for federal income tax purposes, acquired at any time
during the applicable maximum exemption period, including, but not limited to, computers,
software licensed for use at the qualifying data processing center, equipment supporting computing,
networking, or data storage; cooling systems, cooling towers, and other temperature infrastructure;
power infrastructure for transformation, distribution, or... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

a tax measured in any way by the capital of a corporation considered in its entirety. 6. "Gross
receipts tax" means a tax, other than a sales tax, which is imposed on or measured by
the gross volume of business, in terms of gross receipts or in other terms, and in the determination
of which no deduction is allowed which would constitute the tax an income tax. 7. "Sales
tax" means a tax imposed with respect to the transfer for a consideration of ownership,
possession or custody of tangible personal property or the rendering of services measured
by the price of the tangible personal property transferred or services rendered and
which is required by state or local law to be separately stated from the sales price by the
seller, or which is customarily separately stated from the sales price, but does not include
a tax imposed exclusively on the sale of a specifically identified commodity or article or
class of commodities or articles. 8. "Use tax" means a nonrecurring tax, other than
a... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, shall relieve the seller
from the obligation to collect and pay over the transaction tax as if the sale were to a person
exempt, to the extent of the abatement, from the transaction tax. (2) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESOURCES.
The definition given in Section 40-18-1. (3) CONSTRUCTION RELATED TRANSACTION TAXES. The transaction
taxes imposed by Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof,
on tangible personal property and taxable services incorporated into an industrial
development property, the cost of which may be added to capital account with respect to the
property, determined without regard to any rule which permits expenditures properly chargeable
to capital account to be treated as current expenses. (4) DATA PROCESSING CENTER. An establishment
at which not less than 20 new jobs are located, the average annual total compensation, including
benefits, of such new jobs to be not less than... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-7.1 Additional powers. (a) Any authority organized or operating pursuant to Chapter
88 of Title 11 shall, in addition to all other powers now or hereafter granted by law, have
the following powers and rights: (1) To borrow money for temporary use for any of its corporate
purposes and, in evidence of such borrowing, to issue from time to time revenue bonds or notes
maturing not later than 36 months from the date of issuance. Any such temporary borrowing
may be made in anticipation of the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds, and in such
event, the principal proceeds from the sale of such long-term revenue bonds shall, to the
extent necessary, be used for payment of the principal of and the interest on the temporary
revenue bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the sale and issuance of such long-term revenue
bonds. Any such temporary borrowing may also be made with respect to a project simultaneously
with or after the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

or mortgage indenture may also provide that in the event of any default thereunder it may be
foreclosed either by sale at public outcry or by judicial proceedings and that the trustee
under such mortgage or mortgage indenture or the holders of any securities secured thereby
may become the purchaser at any foreclosure sale if the highest bidder. Any such mortgage
or mortgage indenture may be filed in the office of the judge of probate of any county in
which any of the property, real, personal or mixed, subject to the lien thereof is,
or is anticipated to be, located, and the lien of such mortgage or mortgage indenture shall,
with respect to all personal property and fixtures subject thereto, including after-acquired
property, and notwithstanding any contrary provisions of, and without compliance with, the
Uniform Commercial Code, be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind
against the corporation, irrespective of whether the parties have actual notice... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

any of the aforesaid facilities. (c) The authority shall have the following powers, together
with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof: (1) To adopt, alter
and repeal bylaws, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, for the regulation
and conduct of its affairs and business; (2) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction,
exchange, gift, lease or otherwise and to improve, maintain, equip and furnish one or more
projects, including all real and personal properties which the members of the authority
may deem necessary in connection therewith, regardless of whether or not any such projects
shall then be in existence; (3) To lease to others any or all of its projects and properties
and to charge and collect rent therefor and to terminate any such lease upon the failure of
the lessee to comply with any of the obligations thereof; (4) To receive and accept, from
any source, aid or contributions of money, property, labor or other items of value... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

perpetuity) specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its own
name in civil actions, excepting actions in tort against the authority; (3) To adopt and make
use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt and alter bylaws for
the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire, receive, take and
hold, whether by purchase, option to purchase, gift, lease, devise or otherwise, property
of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, whether in one or more counties
and whether within or without the corporate limits of any authorizing subdivision, and to
manage said property and to develop any property and to sell, exchange, lease or grant an
option to purchase any property (whether developed or undeveloped) owned, leased or controlled
by it; (6) To make, enter into, execute and perform such contracts, agreements, leases and
other instruments and to take such other action as may be necessary or convenient to... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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