Code of Alabama

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Section 11-58-8 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
The principal of and interest on any bonds issued by a corporation organized under the authority
of this chapter shall be secured by a pledge of the rentals and other receipts of all or any
part of the medical clinic and its facilities financed in whole or in part with the proceeds
of such bond issue or with the proceeds of bonds refunded or to be refunded by such issue,
may be secured by a mortgage covering all or any part of the clinic from which the revenues
so pledged may be derived and may be secured by a pledge of the lease of such clinic. The
proceedings under which such bonds are authorized to be issued or any such mortgage may contain
any agreements and provisions customarily contained in instruments securing bonds, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, provisions respecting the fixing and collection
of rents for any clinic or clinical facilities covered by... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-7 Powers of authority generally; power of authority to acquire, operate, etc.,
systems, etc., outside service area; provisions in schedules of rates and charges generally;
powers of authority organized to construct and operate sewer system. (a) The authority shall
have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the
discharge thereof in corporate form: (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the
duration of time (which may be in perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 11-88-18)
specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil
actions, except as otherwise provided in this article, and to defend civil actions against
it; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To
adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To
acquire, receive, and take, by purchase, gift, lease, devise, or otherwise, and... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-44.9 Establishment of tax increment funds. In order to provide a method of financing
project costs other than by the issuance of project obligations payable from the amounts required
to be paid by an approved company under a financing agreement, the authority may establish
one or more tax increment funds with respect to a project, into which the authority and an
approved company may agree that the approved company will deposit either or both of the following:
(i) an annual amount equal to the amount of corporate income tax levied by Section 40-18-31
that otherwise would be owed by the approved company on its income generated by or arising
from such project, and (ii) the aggregate job development fees withheld by the approved company
as provided in Section 41-10-44.7. The authority may also arrange for any gifts, grants, loans,
appropriations or other forms of aid from the federal or state governments or from any other
public or private entity to be paid into a tax... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92A-12 Powers of authority. An authority shall have the following powers, which
it may exercise in any county within such authority's authorized operational area: (1) To
have succession by its corporate name until dissolved as provided in this chapter; (2) To
institute and defend legal proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction and proper venue;
provided, however, that an authority may not be sued in any trial court other than the courts
of a county within the authorized operational area of the authority; provided, further, that
the officers, directors, agents, and employees of an authority may not be sued for their actions
in behalf of the authority except for actions that are known by such person to be unlawful
or are performed with reckless disregard for the lawfulness of such actions; (3) To have and
to use a corporate seal and to alter the seal at its pleasure; (4) To establish a fiscal year;
(5) To anticipate by the issuance of its bonds the receipt of any... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-178 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds. (a) The proceeds of all bonds, other than
refunding bonds, issued by the corporation remaining after paying the expenses of their issuance
shall be deposited in the State Treasury and credited to the Road and Bridge Fund, and shall
be subject to be drawn on by the corporation, upon the approval of the State Department of
Transportation, but solely for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing , or relocating
public roads and bridges, or work incidental or related thereto, including the acquisition
of property necessary therefor, in the State of Alabama; provided, that such funds may be
used only for payment of the state's share or the costs thereof to be paid by any county or
municipality within the state, of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, or relocating
public roads and bridges, or work incidental or related thereto, which have been or will be
constructed, reconstructed, or relocated under programs financed jointly by the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-44.3 Additional powers of authority. In addition to the powers granted to it
in Section 41-10-26 and in Sections 41-10-37 through 41-10-43, the authority shall have the
following powers: (1) To adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs
and business; (2) To borrow money and to issue project obligations, whether or not the interest
thereon is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, for the purpose of
financing project costs, and to provide for the rights of the purchasers, holders or owners
of its project obligations; (3) To execute and deliver mortgages, security agreements and
trust indentures and other forms of agreements for the purpose of securing its project obligations,
and in connection therewith, to mortgage, pledge or assign the revenues, receipts and other
property of the authority received, and the financing agreements entered into by the authority
in connection with, the financing of projects under this Article 2A;... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-18B-13 Refunding bonds. Pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid amendment and
this article, the corporation may, at any time and from time to time, issue for the state
refunding bonds of the state for the purpose of refunding any or all of the bonds authorized
by the amendment then outstanding (including any refunding bonds that may have been previously
issued), whether such refunding shall occur before, at or after the maturity of the bonds
to be refunded. In the discretion of the corporation, refunding bonds may be issued in exchange
for such outstanding bonds or they may be sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the purchase,
redemption or payment of outstanding bonds. Refunding bonds to be sold pursuant hereto may
be issued in such principal amount or amounts as shall be determined by the corporation. Pending
the application of the proceeds of refunding bonds issued in accordance with this section,
such proceeds, together with investment income therefrom, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-28 Execution of bonds and interest coupons; form, terms, denominations, etc.,
of bonds; sale; refunding bonds; liability upon bonds; pledges of certain funds as security
for payment of principal and interest on bonds generally; bonds to be deemed negotiable instruments;
bonds and income therefrom exempt from taxation; use of bonds as security for deposits of
funds of state, etc.; investment of certain state funds and private trust funds in bonds;
public hearing or consent of Department of Finance, etc., not a prerequisite to issuance of
bonds. The bonds of the authority shall be signed by its president and attested by its secretary,
and the seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto, and any interest coupons applicable
to such bonds shall be signed by the president; provided, that a facsimile of the signature
of one, but not both, of said officers may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any such
bonds in lieu of being manually subscribed thereon, a facsimile of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-54 Powers of authority generally; acquisition by eminent domain of real property
or rights owned by railroads or utilities not authorized. (a) The authority shall have the
following powers: (1) To have succession by its corporate name until it is dissolved; (2)
To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business; (3) To
adopt and use an official seal and alter the same at pleasure; (4) To maintain a principal
office in Jefferson County, Alabama, and suboffices at such places within the state as it
may designate; (5) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court
having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties; (6) To acquire by purchase,
gift, condemnation or any other lawful means any real, personal or mixed property necessary
or convenient in connection with the purpose for which the authority is formed and to hold
title to such property, together with all rights incidental to its estate in such... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-754 Powers of the authority. The authority shall have, in addition to all other
powers granted to it in this article, all of the following powers: (1) To have succession
by its corporate name until dissolved as herein provided. (2) To institute and defend legal
proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction and proper venue; provided, however, that
the authority may not be sued in any nisi prius court other than the courts of the county
in which is located the principal office of the authority; and provided further that the officers,
directors, agents, and employees of the authority may not be sued for actions on behalf of
the authority in any nisi prius court other than the courts of the county in which is located
the principal office of the authority. (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter
the seal at pleasure. (4) To establish a fiscal year. (5) To adopt, and from time to time,
amend and repeal, bylaws, rules, and regulations not inconsistent with... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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