Code of Alabama

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Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution; bond resolution
covenants. (a) The authority shall, prior to the adoption by the board of a resolution authorizing
the issuance of any bonds, enter into one or more contracts with two or more municipalities
which are authorized to contract with the authority pursuant to Section 11-50A-17. Any resolution
of the board authorizing the issuance of bonds may authorize those bonds to be issued in more
than one series, and the issuance of each series of bonds so authorized by that resolution
need not be preceded by the entering into by the authority of additional contracts pursuant
to Section 11-50A-17. (b) The board may by resolution or resolutions authorize the issuance
of bonds. Unless otherwise provided therein, the resolution or resolutions shall take effect
immediately and need not be published or posted. The board may authorize such types of bonds
as it may determine, subject only to any agreement with... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-324 Use of proceeds. (a) The principal proceeds derived from any borrowing made
by an authority shall be used solely for the purpose or purposes for which such borrowing
was authorized to be made. If any securities are issued for the purpose of financing costs
of acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging and equipping health care facilities, such
costs shall be deemed to include the following: (1) The cost of any land forming a part of
such health care facilities; (2) The cost of the labor, materials and supplies used in any
such construction, improvement or enlargement, including architectural and engineering fees
and the cost of preparing contract documents advertising for bids; (3) The purchase price
of, and the cost of installing, equipment for such health care facilities; (4) The cost of
landscaping the lands forming a part of such health care facilities and of constructing and
installing roads, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, utilities and parking places in... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-6 Board of directors; election committee; meetings; officers; compensation;
recordkeeping. (a) The board of directors of the authority shall be elected by the duly designated
representatives of the municipalities which are authorized and directed to designate a member
of the election committee as hereinafter provided in this section. Until the first meeting
of the board of directors following the meeting in 2015 of the election committee hereinafter
provided for, the board of directors shall consist of nine members; thereafter, the board
shall consist of the number of members equal to the number of municipalities contracting with
the authority for the purchase of electric power and energy pursuant to Section 11-50A-17,
which are authorized and directed to designate a member of the election committee. Members
of the board of directors shall be eligible to succeed themselves. The business, affairs,
and property of the authority shall be managed by its board of directors.... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-547 Bonds of the authority. (a) The authority is authorized from time to time
to sell and issue its bonds for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining to one or
more projects or for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management fees,
or any combination of the foregoing including, without limitation, in the case of authority
obligations issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management
fees, costs, expenses, and other items of the type described in paragraphs g., h., i., and
j. of the definition of project costs in Section 41-10-541 or to enter into guaranty agreements
wherein the authority guarantees payment, in whole or in part, of debt service referable to
obligations issued by development agencies for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining
to one or more projects; provided, however, that the principal amount of authority obligations
shall not exceed three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000). For... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1A-7 Proceeds from sale of bonds; use; issuance procedures; distribution percentages;
allocation of proceeds available for single family mortgage loans. (a) All moneys derived
from the sale of any bonds issued by the authority shall be used solely for the purpose or
purposes for which the same are authorized, including costs and expenses of issue. Such costs
and expenses may include but shall not be limited to: (1) The fiscal, legal and other expenses
incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds; and (2) Except in the case of refunding
bonds, interest to accrue on such bonds for a period ending not later than two years from
their date. (b) Bonds shall be issued in series, each of which shall be separately designated
in the proceedings authorizing their issuance. The board of directors in the proceedings authorizing
a series of bonds (other than refunding bonds) shall specify the purposes for which the proceeds
of such series shall be used. The proceeds of a series... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

paying costs of acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of mental health facilities
in the state. For the purposes of this article, the improvement of a facility shall be deemed
to include the renovation, modernization, remodeling, and equipment thereof and the construction
of additions thereof, and the construction of a facility shall be deemed to include the acquisition
of real estate sites and equipment therefor. For purposes of this article, equipment shall
mean any item of personal property having an estimated useful life of at least 10 years.
The preparation of all plans and specifications for any building, or capital improvements
to a building, constructed wholly or in part with any of the proceeds from the sale of the
bonds and all work done hereunder in constructing buildings and capital improvements thereto
shall be supervised by Building Commission, or any agency that may be designated by the Legislature
as its successor. All work done in the construction of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-469 Use of proceeds of refunding bonds. The proceeds of refunding bonds shall
be applied, together with any other moneys legally available therefor, to the payment of the
expenses authorized by this article and to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any,
and interest due and to become due on any outstanding bonds to be refunded thereby and, if
so required by resolution of the authority, shall be deposited in the State Treasury in an
interest account to pay interest on refunding bonds, and in the State Treasury in a reserve
account to further secure the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on
any refunding bonds. The expenses authorized by this article shall include, in addition to
expenses authorized by other sections hereof, all expenses that the board of directors may
deem necessary or advantageous in connection with the sale and issuance of such refunding
bonds, including without limitation, the expenses of selling and issuing such... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-25 Public Service Commission review and regulation. The authority shall be subject
to the provisions of Title 37 to the extent set out herein. The public service commission
shall review all bond resolutions, power sales contracts and other agreements entered into
by the authority and and municipality and any investor-owned utility presently regulated by
the public service commission that may affect the rates of the authority in order to determine
if the rates to be charged by the authority pursuant to such resolutions, contracts and other
agreements are reasonable and in the public interest; such bond resolutions and contracts
shall not be effective if the rates to be charged by the authority as provided therein are
disapproved by the public service commission within 30 days after submission of such resolutions,
contracts and other agreements by the authority to the commission. In determining whether
to approve any rates to be charged by the authority pursuant to such... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-16A-7 Additional findings; bonds authorized; procedures. (a) The Legislature finds
that the number of students attending the several school systems located in those areas of
North Alabama that will be directly impacted by the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will collectively increase by an estimated 9,000 students. As a result, there will be a need
for the construction of additional school facilities as well as the renovation of existing
school facilities. The Legislature also finds that the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will have a positive impact on future receipts to the Education Trust Fund, as the significant
population growth in North Alabama will increase sales, income, and other tax collections.
Thus, it is an efficient use of state funds to allow such revenue growth to help pay for capital
improvement costs associated with BRAC-related school construction. (b) The Alabama Public
School and College Authority is hereby authorized to sell and issue its... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-8-8 Deposit and use of funds; audit; annual plan. (a) The monies paid to counties
or municipalities pursuant to Section 40-17-371 shall be deposited into a separate fund maintained
by the county or municipality and expended only for one or more of the following: (1) The
maintenance, improvement, replacement, and construction of roads and bridges maintained by
a qualified county. (2) The maintenance, improvement, replacement, and construction of roads
and bridges maintained by a qualified municipality. (3) As matching funds for federal road
or bridge projects. (4) The payment of any debt associated with a road or bridge project.
(5) For a joint road or bridge project with one or more adjoining counties pursuant to any
agreement executed under the authority of state law. (6) For a joint road or bridge project
with one or more municipalities pursuant to any agreement executed under the authority of
state law. (7) For a joint road or bridge project with one or more counties and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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