Code of Alabama

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Section 11-50-435 Members of board - Compensation. Each member of the board shall receive for
his services such compensation as authorized by the governing body of such municipality. The
compensation to the members of the board shall be paid in monthly installments from the money
received from the operation of the municipal waterworks plant and waterworks system. (Acts
1953, No. 860, p. 1152, §6.)... - 708 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-465 Members of board - Compensation. Each member of the board shall receive for
his services such compensation as authorized by the governing body of such municipality. The
compensation to the members of the board shall be paid in monthly installments from the money
received from the operation of the municipal gas distribution system. (Acts 1953, No. 861,
p. 1157, §6.)... - 693 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-495 Compensation. Each member of the board shall receive for his services such
compensation as authorized by the governing body of such municipality. The compensation to
the members of the board shall be paid in monthly installments from the money received from
the operation of the municipal electric distribution system. (Acts 1939, No. 463, p. 675;
Code 1940, T. 18, §65.)... - 698 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-21 Qualifications; compensation; powers and duties; bond; term of office and
removal. (a) A city manager employed under the provisions of this article shall have the authority
and be charged with the duties, liabilities, and penalties and shall hold office and receive
compensation as set forth in this section: The city manager shall be the administrative head
of the municipal government. He shall be chosen by the governing body of the municipality
without regard to political beliefs and solely upon the basis of his executive and administrative
qualifications. The choice shall not be limited to inhabitants of the municipality or of the
State of Alabama. The city manager shall receive such compensation as may be prescribed by
ordinance of the governing body, which shall be payable in 12 monthly installments from the
municipal treasury. During the absence or disability of the city manager the governing body
shall designate some properly qualified person to perform the duties... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-11A-1 Execution and text of compact. The Governor, on behalf of this state, shall
execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with the State of Mississippi, and
the Legislature approves and ratifies the compact in the form substantially as follows: Northeast
Mississippi - Northwest Alabama Railroad Authority Compact. The contracting states solemnly
agree: Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote and develop trade, commerce, industry,
and employment opportunities for the public good and welfare in northeast Mississippi and
northwest Alabama through the establishment of a joint interstate authority to acquire certain
railroad properties and facilities which the operator thereof has notified the Interstate
Commerce Commission of an intention to abandon and which are located in any of Franklin, Marion,
or Winston Counties, Alabama or in Alcorn or Tishomingo Counties, Mississippi. Article II.
This compact shall become effective immediately as to the State... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-6 Board of directors; election committee; meetings; officers; compensation;
recordkeeping. (a) The board of directors of the authority shall be elected by the duly designated
representatives of the municipalities which are authorized and directed to designate a member
of the election committee as hereinafter provided in this section. Until the first meeting
of the board of directors following the meeting in 2015 of the election committee hereinafter
provided for, the board of directors shall consist of nine members; thereafter, the board
shall consist of the number of members equal to the number of municipalities contracting with
the authority for the purchase of electric power and energy pursuant to Section 11-50A-17,
which are authorized and directed to designate a member of the election committee. Members
of the board of directors shall be eligible to succeed themselves. The business, affairs,
and property of the authority shall be managed by its board of directors.... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89C-4 Powers of public corporation; requirements for development or adoption of
rules, procedures, ordinances, etc. (a) When expressly required to comply with storm water
laws, any public corporation created pursuant to this chapter shall have the following powers:
(1) To establish, maintain, and operate an organizational structure pursuant to this chapter,
its original or amended certification, and its bylaws or other rules of procedure, that will
enable it to implement the storm water laws for and on behalf of any governing body that exercises
the option to participate in or with a public corporation, provided that no new or greater
authorities or powers other than those specifically granted to the governing bodies are conferred
upon any public corporation formed pursuant to this chapter. Except for the authority provided
in subdivision (20), authority to enforce the storm water laws is retained wholly and exclusively
to the governing bodies and may not be further... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.120 Definitions. (a) The following words, terms, and phrases, wherever used
in this subpart, including this section, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to
them in this section, unless the context plainly indicates otherwise or that a more restricted
or extended meaning is intended: (1) ANNIVERSARY DATE. The date of establishment and the month
and day thereof annually thereafter. (2) APPOINTED EMPLOYEE. A person who holds his or her
office or position by reason of being appointed by the mayor or city council or other appointing
authority of the city; who is not a classified service employee; and who serves solely at
the pleasure of the respective appointing authority. (3) BASIC MONTHLY EARNINGS and MONTHLY
SALARY. Basic monthly compensation, exclusive of overtime or other forms of extra compensation
but including longevity pay, which shall be regarded as having been received in equal monthly
installments during each of the months prior to the accrual date... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-90 Economic Development Council - Creation; composition; powers and duties. (a)(1)
For the purposes of promoting industry and trade and economic development and to assist Calhoun
County and the municipalities located therein in their pursuits therefor and to provide for
the exercise by the county and the municipalities of certain powers and authority proposed
to be granted to them by an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama, the act proposing such
amendment being adopted at the same session of the Legislature at which the act adding this
section was adopted, there is hereby created an economic development council for Calhoun County,
which council shall constitute a public corporation under the name Calhoun County Economic
Development Council. (2) This section shall be liberally construed in conformity with the
purposes. (b)(1) The powers and authorities of the Calhoun County Economic Development Council
shall be vested in and performed by a board of directors. (2) The... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92C-8 Powers of authority. (a) The authority shall have the following powers, together
with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form:
(1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time, which may be in perpetuity,
subject to Section 11-92C-20, specified in its certificate of incorporation. (2) To sue and
be sued in its own name and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter and of the parties; provided that the authority shall be deemed to be
a governmental entity as defined in Chapter 93 of this title for the purpose of limiting the
damages for which the authority may be liable. (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal
and to alter the seal at its pleasure. (4) To adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and
conduct of its affairs and business. (5) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange,
gift, lease, or otherwise, and to refinance existing... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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