Code of Alabama

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Section 11-86A-15 Security for bonds. (a) In the discretion of the board of directors
of an authority, any bonds may be secured by an indenture between an authority and a trustee,
which may be a trust company or bank having trust powers, whether the trust company or bank
is located within or outside of the state. In any indenture or resolution providing for the
issuance of bonds, an authority may pledge, for payment of the principal of and the interest
on such bonds, any of its revenues to which its rights exist or may thereafter come into existence,
and may assign, as security for payment, any of its leases, franchises, permits, and contracts.
In any indenture, an authority may mortgage any properties, including any that may be thereafter
acquired by it, and may provide that in the event of a default in payment of the bonds secured
thereby or in the event of default with respect to any agreement contained therein, the mortgage
may be foreclosed either by sale at public outcry or by... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92A-15 Security for bonds. (a) In the discretion of the board of directors
of an authority, any bonds may be secured by an indenture between an authority and a trustee,
which may be any trust company or bank having trust powers, whether such trust company or
bank is located within or without the state. In any such indenture or resolution providing
for the issuance of bonds an authority may pledge, for payment of the principal of and the
interest on such bonds, any of its revenues to which its right then exists or may thereafter
come into existence, including, but not limited to, revenues or other money or property pledged
to it by any public or private person, and may assign, as security for such payment, any of
its leases, loan agreements, franchises, permits, and contracts. In any such indenture, an
authority may mortgage any of its properties, including any that may be thereafter acquired
by it, and may provide that in the event of a default in payment of the bonds... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-33 Powers of authority to secure payment of bonds, etc. In connection with
the issuance of bonds or the incurring of any obligation under a lease and in order to secure
the payment of such bonds or obligations, the authority shall have power: (1) To pledge by
resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, subject to the limitations hereinafter imposed, or
other contract all or any part of its rents, fees or revenues. (2) To covenant against mortgaging
all or any part of its property, real or personal, then owned or thereafter acquired, or against
permitting or suffering any lien thereon. (3) To covenant with respect to limitations on its
right to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any housing project, or any part thereof, or
with respect to limitations on its right to undertake additional housing projects. (4) To
covenant against pledging all or any part of its rents, fees and revenues to which its right
then exists, or the right to which may thereafter come into existence, or... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-72 Powers of authority to secure payment of bonds, etc. In connection with
the issuance of bonds or the incurring of any obligation under a lease and in order to secure
the payment of such bonds or obligations, the authority shall have power: (1) To pledge by
resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, subject to the limitations hereinafter imposed, or
other contract all or any part of its rents, fees, or revenues. (2) To covenant against mortgaging
all or any part of its property, real or personal, then owned or thereafter acquired, or against
permitting or suffering any lien thereon. (3) To covenant with respect to limitations on its
right to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any housing project, or any part thereof, or
with respect to limitations on its right to undertake additional housing projects. (4) To
covenant against pledging all or any part of its rents, fees, and revenues to which its right
then exists, or the right to which may thereafter come into existence, or... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-345 Issuance of revenue bonds authorized; form, terms, denominations,
etc.; execution, sale, etc.; disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; issuance of interim
receipts or temporary bonds. (a) Any board of water and sewer commissioners created under
the provisions of this article is hereby authorized by resolution, at one time or from time
to time, to issue revenue bonds of the board for the purpose of paying all or any part of
the cost of any water system or sewer system or any combination thereof and the cost of any
improvements, extensions, and additions and for the purpose of refunding any bonds or obligations
assumed by the board in connection with the acquisition of such system or systems or part
thereof. The principal of and the interest on such bonds shall be payable solely from the
funds provided by this article for such payment. The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall
bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding 10 percent per annum, shall mature... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-15 Issuance of bonds. (a) The authority may issue bonds under and secured
by an indenture between the authority and a trustee. The trustee may be a private person or
corporation, including, but not limited to, any trust company or bank having trust powers,
whether the bank or trust company is located within or without the state. (b) In any indenture
or resolution providing for the issuance of bonds, the authority may pledge, for payment of
the principal of and the interest on the bonds, any of its revenues to which its right then
exists or may subsequently come into existence and may assign, as security for the payment,
any of its leases, franchises, permits, and contracts. In any such indenture the authority
may mortgage any of its properties, including any properties subsequently acquired by it.
Any pledge of revenues shall be valid and binding from the time it is made, and the revenues
pledged and subsequently received by the authority, and any property of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-13-13 Bonds of authority - Security. In the discretion of the authority any
bonds may be issued under and secured by an indenture between the authority and a trustee.
Said trustee may be a private person or corporation, including (but not limited to) any trust
company or bank having trust powers, whether such bank or trust company is located within
or without the state. In any such indenture or resolution providing for the issuance of bonds,
the authority may pledge, for payment of the principal of and the interest on such bonds,
any of its revenues to which its right then exists or may thereafter come into existence and
may assign, as security for such payment, any of its leases, franchises, permits and contracts;
and in any such indenture, the authority may mortgage any of its properties, including any
that may be thereafter acquired by it. Any such pledge of revenues shall be valid and binding
from the time it is made, and the revenues so pledged and thereafter received... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-17 Security for bonds. In the discretion of the authority, any bonds may
be issued under and secured by an indenture between the authority and a trustee. Said trustee
may be a private person or corporation, including but not limited to any trust company or
bank having trust powers, whether such bank or trust company is located within or without
the state. In any such indenture or resolution providing for the issuance of bonds, the authority
may pledge, for payment of the principal of and the interest on such bonds, any of its revenues
to which its right then exists or may thereafter come into existence and may assign as security
for such payment, any of its leases, franchises, permits and contracts; and, in any such indenture
the authority may mortgage any of its properties, including any that may be thereafter acquired
by it. Any such pledge of revenues shall be valid and binding from the time it is made, and
the revenues so pledged and thereafter received by the authority... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-54 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest. In the discretion
of the authority, any bonds may be issued under and secured by an indenture between the authority
and a trustee. Said trustee may be a private person or corporation, including, but not limited
to, any trust company or bank having trust powers, whether such bank or trust company is located
within or without the state. In any such indenture or resolution providing for the issuance
of bonds, the authority may pledge for payment of the principal of and the interest on such
bonds any of its revenues, rents, income or funds to which its right then exists or may thereafter
come into existence and may assign, as security for such payment, any of its leases, franchises,
permits and contracts and, in any such indenture, the authority may mortgage any of its properties,
including any that may be thereafter acquired by it. Any such pledge of revenues shall be
valid and binding from the time it is made, and the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-56.35 Security of bonds. In the discretion of the authority any bonds
may be issued under and secured by an indenture between the authority and a trustee. The trustee
may be a private person or corporation, including, but not limited to, any trust company or
bank having trust powers, whether such bank or trust company is located within or without
the state. In any such indenture or resolution providing for the issuance of bonds the authority
may pledge, for payment of the principal of and the interest on such bonds, any of its revenues
to which its right then exists or may thereafter come into existence and may assign, as security
for such payment, any of its leases, franchises, permits, and contracts; and in any such indenture
the authority may mortgage any of its properties, including any properties thereafter acquired
by it. Any such pledge of revenues shall be valid and binding from the time it is made, and
the revenues so pledged and thereafter received by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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