Code of Alabama

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Section 45-5-141.20 Powers and duties; annual dues; board of trustees; referendum election.
(a) This section shall apply only in Blount County. (b) A district for the delivery of fire
and emergency medical services may be formed in any unincorporated area of the county pursuant
to this section subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified electors who vote at
a referendum election for that purpose in the proposed district and for the approval of the
mandatory annual dues of the district. (c) In order to call for a referendum election for
the formation of a district, a petition signed by not less than 20 percent of the registered
voters who reside in the proposed district shall be presented to the county commission and
the Judge of Probate of Blount County. The petition shall contain an accurate legal description
of the proposed area and shall state the name of the proposed district. The petition for the
establishment of a district shall be accompanied by a request for the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49-100 Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building,
etc., thereon - Authorized generally. Whenever in the judgment of the council or other governing
body of any town or city it is to the interest of the public convenience that a portion of
any street in the limits of such city or town be vacated and discontinued as a highway and
that such vacated portion should be used for the erection and maintenance in whole or in part
thereon of any state, county, or municipal public building or railroad station or depot or
street railroad station or depot, such city or town council or other governing body may, by
ordinance duly adopted, vacate such portions of such street and discontinue its use as a public
highway and permit the erection and maintenance in whole or in part thereon of a state, county,
or municipal public building or railroad station or depot or street railroad station or depot.
(Acts 1909, No. 67, p. 102; Code 1923, §2238; Code 1940, T.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-81 Delivery of assessment book to city or town clerk; publication of notice as
to delivery and inspection of book, hearing upon objections to assessments, etc. After the
completion of the proper entries in said book, said book shall be delivered to the city or
town clerk, who shall thereupon give notice by publication one time in some newspaper published
in said municipality or of general circulation therein that said assessment roll or list has
been delivered to him and is open for inspection in the office of the person authorized to
make collection of said assessments. The notice shall state that, at the time and place therein
mentioned, not less than 20 days from the date of publication, the council will meet to hear
and determine any objections or defenses that may be filed to such assessment or the amount
thereof. Such notice shall also state the general character of the sewers or sewer system
purchased or proposed to be purchased and the territory or area abutting... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-76 Publication of ordinance or resolution. The ordinance or resolution provided
for in Section 11-50-75 must be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper
published in said city or town. If no newspaper is published therein it may be published either
in a newspaper of general circulation or by posting for two weeks in three public places in
such city or town. (Acts 1923, No. 165, p. 134; Code 1923, §2089; Code 1940, T. 37, §614.)... - 783 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-42-133 Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen; division of wards into voting
precincts; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards or voting precincts. (a) The council
or governing body of the annexing city or town shall create new wards (as many as may be deemed
to be necessary) regardless of any limitation in the charter of the annexing city or town
on the number of wards, or enlarge wards so as to embrace all territory embraced in the annexed
city or town and so as to afford opportunity to all persons in the territory embraced in the
annexed city or town to vote in all elections and participate in the government of the annexing
city or town, and each ward in the annexing city or town shall have the same number of aldermen,
but in no event shall there be more than 30 aldermen or representatives in the council or
governing body of the city or town. (b) The council or governing body of the city or town
shall elect aldermen for the wards, embracing all the territory... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44B-9 Franchise, lease, or right to use streets, public highways, thoroughfares,
or public ways. No resolution or ordinance, granting to any person, firm or corporation any
franchise, lease or right to use the streets, public highways, thoroughfares, or public ways
of any city organized under the provisions of this chapter, either in, under, along, through,
or over same shall take effect and be enforced until 30 days after the final enactment of
same by the council and publication of said resolution or ordinance in full once a week for
three consecutive weeks, in some daily newspaper published in said city, which publication
shall be made at the expense of the person, firm or corporation applying for said grant. No
grant of any franchise or lease or right of user, or any other right, in, under, upon, along,
through, or over the streets, public highways, thoroughfares or public ways of any such city,
shall be made or given nor shall any such rights of any kind whatever be... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43C-30 Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive
zone map. The council may provide for the revision and codification of its ordinances, bylaws,
and permanent resolutions, or for the adoption of a code or codes by ordinance. Such code
or codes and the revisions or amendments thereof may relate to the whole system of city bylaws,
ordinances, and permanent resolutions, or may relate to that portion of such ordinances, bylaws,
and permanent resolutions which relate to, affect, or purport to govern any particular subject
of municipal legislation. The council shall have full power and authority to prescribe the
manner in which said code or codes, revisions or amendments thereto, shall be made public,
whether by proclamation of any officer of said city by posting or by publication, one or all,
but it shall not be necessary unless so prescribed by the council for such code or codes,
revisions or amendments thereto, to be published in a newspaper... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44C-30 Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive
zone map. The council may provide for the revision and codification of its ordinances, bylaws
and permanent resolutions, or for the adoption of a code or codes by ordinance. Such code
or codes and the revisions or amendments thereof may relate to the whole system of city bylaws,
ordinances and permanent resolutions, or may relate to that portion of such ordinances, bylaws
and permanent resolutions which relate to, affect or purport to govern any particular subject
of municipal legislation. The council shall have full power and authority to prescribe the
manner in which said code or codes, revisions or amendments thereto, shall be made public,
whether by proclamation of any officer of said city by posting or by publication, one or all,
but it shall not be necessary unless so prescribed by the council for such code or codes,
revisions or amendments thereto, to be published in a newspaper or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35A-54.17 Grants for use, etc., of public streets, property, etc. - Objections,
election. Pending the passage of any such resolution, bylaw, or ordinance, or during the time
intervening between its final passage and the expiration of the 30 days during which publication
shall be made as above provided, the legally qualified voters of the city may by written petition
or petitions addressed to the board of commissioners object to such grant, and if, during
this period, such written petition or petitions signed by at least a number of qualified voters
equal to four for every 100 inhabitants of the city, or fraction thereof, according to the
last federal census, shall be filed with the board of commissioners, the board shall forthwith
order an election, at which the legally qualified voters of the city shall vote for or against
the proposed grant as set forth in the bylaw, resolution, or ordinance. In the call for the
election the resolution, bylaw, or ordinance making the grant... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-23.123 Publication of notice of public hearing. At the meeting of the council
at which the budget proposal and budget message are submitted, the council shall determine
the date and time of the public hearing on the budget proposal, and shall cause to be published
a notice of the place and date, not less than seven days after the date of publication nor
later than 15 days prior to the beginning of the next budget year, at which the council will
hold a public hearing. Publication shall be made at least once in a daily newspaper published
and of general circulation in the city. (Acts 1953, No. 404, p. 472, §5.04.)... - 944 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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