Code of Alabama

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Section 45-8A-111.08 Powers of authority. (a) The authority shall have the following powers,
together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate
form: (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be
perpetuity, subject to Section 45-8A-111.19) specified in its certificate of incorporation;
(2) To sue and be sued in its own name and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court
having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties; (3) To adopt and make use of
a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt and alter bylaws for the
regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction,
exchange, gift, lease, or otherwise and to refinance existing indebtedness on, improve, maintain,
equip, and furnish one or more projects, including all real and personal properties which
the board of the authority may deem necessary in connection... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-20.08 Powers of authority. (a) The authority shall have the following powers,
together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate
form: (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be
perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 45-8A-20.19) specified in its certificate
of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its own name and to prosecute and defend civil
actions in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties; (3) To
adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt and
alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire, whether
by purchase, construction, exchange, gift, lease, or otherwise and to refinance existing indebtedness
on, improve, maintain, equip, and furnish one or more projects, including all real and personal
properties which the board of the authority may deem necessary in... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-190 Penalties; sale of ephedrine, etc.; Alabama Drug Abuse Task Force. (a) Any
person who manufactures, sells, transfers, receives, or possesses a listed precursor chemical
violates this article if the person: (1) Knowingly fails to comply with the reporting requirements
of this article; (2) Knowingly makes a false statement in a report or record required by this
article or the rules adopted thereunder; (3) Is required by this article to have a listed
precursor chemical license or permit, and is a person as defined by this article, and knowingly
or deliberately fails to obtain such a license or permit. An offense under this subsection
shall constitute a Class C felony. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20-2-188,
a person who possesses, sells, transfers, or otherwise furnishes or attempts to solicit another
or conspires to possess, sell, transfer, or otherwise furnish a listed precursor chemical
or a product containing a precursor chemical or ephedrine or... - 25K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-18-50 Enactment and text of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact. The Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in form substantially
as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE In order to protect the public through verification of competency
and ensure accountability for patient care related activities all states license emergency
medical services (EMS) personnel, such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs
and paramedics. This Compact is intended to facilitate the day to day movement of EMS personnel
across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate
authority and authorize state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel
licensed in a member state. This Compact recognizes that states have a vested interest in
protecting the public's health and safety... - 41K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-20-4 Unfair and deceptive trade practices. Notwithstanding the terms, provisions,
or conditions of any dealer agreement or franchise or the terms or provisions of any waiver,
prior to the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of any dealer agreement or franchise,
the following acts or conduct shall constitute unfair and deceptive trade practices: (1) For
any manufacturer, factory branch, factory representative, distributor, or wholesaler, distributor
branch, or distributor representative to coerce or attempt to coerce any motor vehicle dealer
to do any of the following: a. To accept, buy, or order any motor vehicle or vehicles, appliances,
equipment, parts, or accessories therefor, or any other commodity or commodities or service
or services which such motor vehicle dealer has not voluntarily ordered or requested except
items required by applicable local, state, or federal law; or to require a motor vehicle dealer
to accept, buy, order, or purchase such items in order to... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-48-100 Apportionment of assessment against property for public improvement among
joint owners thereof authorized; discharge of portion of assessment lien upon payment of portion
of assessment. When an assessment for public improvements is levied against a tract of land
owned by tenants in common, the governing body of any municipality may, upon petition of an
owner or owners of said tract of land, split or divide the original assessment against the
same and may apportion the cost of the improvements among the several portions or divisions
of said tract of land and shall, upon the payment of the amount so charged or assessed against
any separate portion or division, discharge said portion or division from the lien for improvements
against the same. (Acts 1919, No. 61, p. 65; Code 1923, §2248; Code 1940, T. 37, §578.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-26A-30 Police jurisdiction outside corporate limits. The police jurisdiction of
the City of Millbrook outside of the corporate limits of the city shall not include any territory
in Autauga County; nor shall the City of Millbrook exercise police powers or taxing powers
outside of the corporate limits in the police jurisdiction of the City of Millbrook in any
territory in Autauga County or over or on any person or property or business, trade, or profession
outside of the corporate limits of the City of Millbrook in Autauga County; nor shall the
City of Millbrook levy, fix, or collect any license or fee of any kind outside of the corporate
limits in the police jurisdiction of the City of Millbrook in any territory in Autauga County;
nor shall any ordinance of the City of Millbrook enforcing police or sanitation regulations
or prescribing fines or penalties for violations thereof have any force or effect outside
of the corporate limits in the police jurisdiction of the City of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-141 Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Emergencies;
liabilities, exemptions, etc. Whenever the necessity arises during any emergency resulting
from fire or other public disaster, the firemen of any city or town may, together with all
necessary equipment, lawfully go or be sent beyond the corporate limits and police jurisdiction
of such city or town to any point within the State of Alabama to assist in meeting such emergency.
In such event the acts performed for such purpose by such firemen and the expenditures made
for such purpose by such city or town shall be deemed conclusively to be for a public and
governmental purpose and all of the immunities from liability enjoyed by a city or town when
acting through its firemen for a public or governmental purpose within its corporate limits
and police jurisdiction shall be enjoyed by it to the same extent when such city or town is
so acting under this section or under other lawful authority... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-142 Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Contracts
with municipalities, counties, manufacturing or industrial concerns, etc.; liability for injuries.
The governing body of any city or town may, in its discretion, authorize or require the fire
department thereof to render aid in cases of fire occurring beyond their corporate limits
and police jurisdiction, and may prescribe the conditions on which such aid may be rendered
and may enter into a contract or contracts with other cities or towns, with counties or county
boards, manufacturing or industrial concerns, or residential or business areas for rendering
aid in fire protection in such places on such terms as may be agreed upon by such governing
body and the governing body of such city or town, county or county boards, or the management
of such manufacturing or industrial concerns or the residents of such residential or business
areas, and when the fire department of any city or town is... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-42-21 Annexation proceedings. Whenever all of the owners of property located and
contained within an area contiguous to the corporate limits of any incorporated municipality
located in the state of Alabama and such property does not lie within the corporate limits
or police jurisdiction of any other municipality, shall sign and file a written petition with
the city clerk of such municipality requesting that such property or territory be annexed
to the said municipality, and the governing body of such municipality adopts an ordinance
assenting to the annexation of said property to such municipality, the corporate limits of
said municipality shall be extended and rearranged so as to embrace and include such property
and such property or territory shall become a part of the corporate area of such municipality
upon the date of publication of said ordinance. It is provided further, that in the event
any such incorporated municipality's police jurisdiction overlaps with the police... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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