Code of Alabama

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Section 11-51-90.2 Purchase of business license; classification of taxpayers; vehicle decals;
determination of gross receipts; construction with other provisions. (a) Every taxpayer required
to purchase a business license under this chapter shall: (1) Purchase a business license for
each location at which it does business in the municipality, except as otherwise provided
by the municipality. (2) Except as provided in Section 11-51-193, with respect to taxpayers
subject to state licensing board oversight, be classified into one or more of the following
2002 North American Industrial Classification System ("NAICS") sectors and applicable
sub-sectors, industry groups, industries, and U.S. industries thereunder: SECTOR NAICS TITLE
111 Crop Production Agriculture, farming, nursery, fruit, growers Gross Receipts and/or Flat
Rate 112 Animal Production Animal, dairy, cattle, ranching, sheep,... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-242 Levy of tax; advisory referendum; collection of tax; disposition of funds.
(a) This section shall only apply to Calhoun County. (b) As used in this section, state sales
and use tax means the tax imposed by the state sales and use tax statutes, including, but
not limited to, Sections 40-23-1, 40-23-2, 40-23-4, 40-23-60, 40-23-61, 40-23-62, and 40-23-63.
(c)(1) The County Commission of Calhoun County may levy in the police jurisdictions of the
incorporated municipalities in the county and in the unincorporated areas of the county, in
addition to all other taxes a sales and use tax, parallel to the state sales and use tax,
of up to two percent of the gross sales, gross receipts, or the fair and reasonable market
value of tangible personal property, as appropriate, except where a different rate is provided
herein. Notwithstanding any other part or provision of this section, no additional tax levied
by this section shall be levied or collected on the sale, storage, use, or... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-10 Powers and duties of commission. When authorized by one or more elections
as provided in Section 11-65-4, a commission shall have the powers and duties necessary to
license, regulate, and supervise horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound
racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon within the commission municipal jurisdiction, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the powers and duties hereinafter set forth
in this section or in other sections of this chapter. (1) A commission shall have succession
in perpetuity, subject only to the provisions of this chapter as it may be amended from time
to time. (2) A commission shall have the power to sue and be sued in its own name in civil
suits and actions and to defend suits against it. (3) A commission shall have the power to
adopt and make use of an official seal and to alter the same at pleasure. (4) A commission
shall have the power to adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, regulations and... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-35-5 Fee; withdrawals; disposition of funds; liability for clean-up costs; audit.
(a) Every owner of an underground or aboveground storage tank as defined in this chapter shall
pay an Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund fee as established by the provisions
of this chapter to be paid to the department. During the first year next following October
1, 1988, the amount of the annual Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund fee
shall be one hundred dollars ($100). Thereafter, the commission, upon recommendation of the
management board, shall set such an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150)
per year per regulated tank. Should the fund become depleted due to claims being greater than
amounts provided by tank fees, the commission shall be empowered to make special assessments
of tank fees to protect the financial integrity of the fund. Provided the total tank fees
and special assessments for any fiscal year do not exceed one hundred fifty... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-6 Participation of employees of counties, cities, towns, public or quasi-public
organizations, etc. - Generally. (a) The governing board of any county, city, town or public
or quasi-public organization of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or the Alabama
Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station System of Auburn University may, by
resolution legally adopted to conform to rules prescribed by the Board of Control, elect to
have its officers and employees from whatever sources and in whatever manner paid become eligible
to participate in the retirement system; and the Adjutant General of the state, with the approval
of the Governor, may, by application properly prepared and submitted in conformity with rules
prescribed by the Board of Control, elect to have those employees of the Alabama National
Guard employed pursuant to 32 U.S.C.A., Section 709, and paid from federally appropriated
funds, become eligible to participate in this retirement system.... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-145 Penalties; limitation of actions; collection of overpayments; waiver of overpayments.
(a) Penalties. (1) Whoever willfully makes a false statement or representation or who willfully
fails to disclose a material fact to obtain or increase any benefit or payment under this
chapter, or under an unemployment insurance law of any other state or government, either for
himself or herself or for any other person, whether such benefit or payment is actually received
or not, shall be guilty of an offense as follows and each such false statement or representation
shall constitute a separate and distinct offense: a. If the aggregate amount involved in the
offense exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) in value, that shall constitute
a Class B felony. b. If the aggregate amount involved in the offense exceeds five hundred
dollars ($500) but does not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), that shall
constitute a Class C felony. c. If the aggregate amount... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-54 Contribution rates for employers subject to benefit charges; determination
of individual benefit charges. (a) Determination of contribution rates. (1) For the 12-month
period beginning on January 1 of each year which begins after December 31, 1996, any employer
whose experience rating account has been subject to benefit charges throughout at least the
fiscal year, as defined in Section 25-4-4, immediately preceding such January 1, shall have
his or her rate determined by the Unemployment Compensation Fund's liability for benefits
paid to his or her employees, modified by the fund's balance as of the most recent June 30.
The employment record of an organization which has been making payments in lieu of contributions
but which elects to change to payment of contributions shall be deemed to have been chargeable
with benefits throughout the period (not to exceed three fiscal years) with respect to which
it was making payments in lieu of contributions and its benefit charges... - 31K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-264 Time limit for purchase of tags or plates; dealer plates; manufacturer plates.
(a) Any person, including a motor vehicle dealer, acquiring a new or used motor vehicle may
be granted a grace period of 20 calendar days from date of acquisition to procure a license
tag or plate. (b) Notwithstanding Section 32-6-65, a new or used motor vehicle dealer who
has a current regulatory license required under this article and a dealer license as required
by Section 40-12-51 or Section 40-12-169 may purchase dealer license plates from the department
upon presentation of the current licenses and payment of the fee for a private passenger automobile
as provided in subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of Section 40-12-242 and subsection (a) of
Section 40-12-273 per dealer plate. An additional two dollar ($2) issuance fee shall also
be collected by the department. A new or used motor vehicle dealer that has a current regulatory
license required under this article and a dealer license as... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-14A-6 Establishment of SAFE board of directors; powers and duties of the board of
directors. (a) There is hereby established a Board of Directors of the SAFE Program charged
with responsibility and authority to assess and manage the sufficiency of the collateral pool
and the SAFE Program to provide adequate protection from losses to public depositors. In exercising
its powers and performing its responsibilities, the board of directors shall constitute a
body politic under the laws of the state performing the public function of assuring the safety
of public deposits. (b) The State Treasurer shall be a permanent, standing, voting member
of the board of directors and shall serve as its chair. The Superintendent of Banks shall
be a permanent, standing, non-voting member of the board of directors. The remaining six members
shall each possess knowledge, skill, and experience in one or more of the following areas:
(1) Financial analysis. (2) Trend analysis. (3) Accounting. (4)... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2B-2 Alabama Tax Tribunal. (a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence
in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with
tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to
requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer
has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among
other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal
within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of
resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and
fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those
specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

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