Code of Alabama

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Section 39-7-7 Submission of question proposed by petition to voters at general election. If
the petition shall have been filed with the clerk or probate judge or, in case a summary proceeding
has been instituted, a final order thereon has been made in favor of the sufficiency of the
petition not more than 60 days and not less than 30 days prior to a general city or town or
county election, the body of the city or town to which such petition is directed or the probate
judge of the county in which the unincorporated area is located shall cause the question proposed
by the petition to be duly submitted to a vote of the electors of the territory at such general
election. (Acts 1935, No. 40, p. 72; Code 1940, T. 50, §22.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.06 Election notice. (a) As used herein the following terms shall have the
meanings hereby ascribed to them: (1) DISTRICT. A district for fighting fires, a district
for garbage disposal, or a district for fighting fires and garbage disposal. (2) FIRE STATION.
A fire station maintained in a district or a fire station within a proposed district being
maintained and operated at the time the petition for an election on the proposed district
is filed in the office of the judge of probate. (3) PROPOSED AREA. An area which it is proposed
be brought within a district by enlargement of the district. (4) PROPOSED DISTRICT. An area
for which it is proposed that there be established a district. (b) Not more than 35 days and
not less than 20 days before any election is held under this article the judge of probate
shall publish one time a notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the territory
where the election is to be held. The notice shall state all of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-5-141.20 Powers and duties; annual dues; board of trustees; referendum election.
(a) This section shall apply only in Blount County. (b) A district for the delivery of fire
and emergency medical services may be formed in any unincorporated area of the county pursuant
to this section subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified electors who vote at
a referendum election for that purpose in the proposed district and for the approval of the
mandatory annual dues of the district. (c) In order to call for a referendum election for
the formation of a district, a petition signed by not less than 20 percent of the registered
voters who reside in the proposed district shall be presented to the county commission and
the Judge of Probate of Blount County. The petition shall contain an accurate legal description
of the proposed area and shall state the name of the proposed district. The petition for the
establishment of a district shall be accompanied by a request for the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-164 Ballot and election supplies. The county commission shall provide a sufficient
number of ballots for each voting precinct within said county, and at the top of each ballot
shall be printed the rate of such proposed tax, the time it is to be continued and that the
purpose is for the support of the public schools, and directly underneath in plain type shall
be printed on different lines the words, "For proposed taxation," "Against
proposed taxation," and a place must be left directly to the left of each line thereof,
and the voters favoring the proposed taxation will make a cross mark directly to the left
of the line, "For proposed taxation," and the voter not favoring proposed taxation
will make a cross mark directly to the left of the line "Against proposed taxation."
(School Code 1927, §257; Code 1940, T. 52, §250.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-11-5 Delivery of absentee ballots; maintenance of voter lists. (a) Upon receipt
of an application for an absentee ballot as provided in Section 17-11-3, if the applicant's
name appears on the list of qualified voters produced from the state voter registration list
in the election to be held, or if the applicant qualifies for a provisional absentee ballot,
the absentee election manager shall furnish the absentee ballot to the applicant by: (1) Forwarding
it by United States mail to the applicant's or voter's residence address or, upon written
request of the voter, to the address where the voter regularly receives mail; or (2) by handing
the absentee ballot to the applicant in person or, in the case of emergency voting when the
applicant requires medical treatment, his or her designee in person. If the absentee election
manager has reasonable cause to believe that the applicant has given a fraudulent address
on the application for the absentee ballot, the absentee election... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-6-28 Requirements for write-in votes. (a) Write-in votes shall be permitted only
in non-municipal general elections and shall be counted as provided in this section based
on one of the following: (1) Upon a determination that the number of write-in votes for a
specific office is greater than or equal to the difference in votes between the two candidates
receiving the greatest number of votes for the specific office. (2) Upon a written request
satisfying the requirements in subsection (i). (b) The ballot for a non-municipal general
election must be constructed so that the voter can mark a write-in vote for each office in
the same manner that votes are registered for regular candidates. In order to cast a valid
write-in vote, the voter must (1) write the name on the ballot and (2) register the vote by
a mark in the space designated for that office. A write-in vote that is not registered as
provided above shall not be considered a valid write-in vote and shall not be included... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-24A-30 Board of education. (a) If the majority of electors voting pursuant to Section
1 of the act from which this section is derived, vote in favor of changing to an elected board,
an elected board of education for the City of Selma shall be established. The board shall
be called the Selma City Board of Education. The board shall be composed of five members.
Four members shall be elected from districts and shall be designated Selma City Board of Education
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4. District 1 of the Selma City Board of Education shall be composed
of Selma City Council Districts 1 and 2. District 2 of the Selma City Board of Education shall
be composed of Selma City Council Districts 4 and 5. District 3 of the Selma City Board of
Education shall be composed of Selma City Council Districts 3 and 8. District 4 of the Selma
City Board of Education shall be composed of Selma City Council Districts 6 and 7. One member
shall be elected from the city at large and shall serve as... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-261.06 Procedures for exercising planning and zoning powers. The Mobile County
Commission shall not exercise its planning and zoning powers established hereunder until the
majority of the qualified electors in the proposed planning jurisdiction shall have voted
their desire to come within the planning and zoning authority of the Mobile County Commission.
The election shall be held if 10 percent of the qualified electors in the planning jurisdiction
submit a written petition to the county commission expressing a desire to be subject to the
planning and zoning jurisdiction of the Mobile County Commission under authority of this part
or upon a resolution of the county commission. The county commission and the Judge of Probate
of Mobile County shall certify or reject the accuracy of the petition no later than 45 days
after receiving the petition, or in the case of an election to be held by resolution of the
county commission, the county commission shall certify the adoption... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-42-133 Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen; division of wards into voting
precincts; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards or voting precincts. (a) The council
or governing body of the annexing city or town shall create new wards (as many as may be deemed
to be necessary) regardless of any limitation in the charter of the annexing city or town
on the number of wards, or enlarge wards so as to embrace all territory embraced in the annexed
city or town and so as to afford opportunity to all persons in the territory embraced in the
annexed city or town to vote in all elections and participate in the government of the annexing
city or town, and each ward in the annexing city or town shall have the same number of aldermen,
but in no event shall there be more than 30 aldermen or representatives in the council or
governing body of the city or town. (b) The council or governing body of the city or town
shall elect aldermen for the wards, embracing all the territory... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-1-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this title, the following terms shall have
the definitions ascribed to them: (1) APPOINTING BOARD. In all elections the appointing board
consists of the judge of probate, circuit clerk, and sheriff of the county. (2) BALLOT. The
term includes paper ballots and electronic ballots. (3) BALLOT CONFIGURATION. The particular
combination and arrangement of offices, candidates, and questions for a precinct or subdivision
thereof. (4) BEAT. Has the same meaning as precinct. (5) BOX. The voting place in a precinct
or subdivision of a precinct for voting purposes. (6) CANVASSING BOARD. In all elections except
primary elections, the canvassing board consists of the judge of probate, circuit clerk, and
sheriff of the county. In primary elections, the county executive committee of the party is
the canvassing board for the primary of the party. (7) CENSUS BUREAU. The Bureau of the Census
of the United States Department of Commerce, or any successor... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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