Code of Alabama

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Section 11-42-207 Question submitted; conduct of election generally; form, marking, etc., of
ballots; appointment, etc., of clerks, inspectors, and returning officer; ascertainment, etc.,
of election results; entry of order as to adoption of proposed corporate limits, etc. (a)
The election shall be to determine whether or not the proposed corporate limits shall be established,
and such election must be conducted in all respects as provided by the general election laws
and under the same sanctions and penalties, except as changed by the provisions of this article
and except that no official ballot need be provided. (b) Each voter may furnish his own ballot
with the following words written or printed thereon: "For adoption of the proposed corporate
limits," if he desires to vote in favor of proposed corporate limits or "Against
the adoption of proposed corporate limits," if he desires to vote against the adoption
of proposed corporate limits. It shall not be necessary for the ballot to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-6-11 Voting districts. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the
bylaws may provide that the territory in which a cooperative supplies electric energy to its
members shall be divided into two or more voting districts and that, in respect of each such
voting district, a designated number of trustees shall be elected by the members residing
therein, or a designated number of delegates shall be elected by such members, or both such
trustees and delegates shall be elected by such members. In any case, the bylaws shall prescribe
the manner in which such voting districts and the members thereof and the delegates and trustees,
if any, elected therefrom shall function, and the powers of the delegates, which may include
the power to elect trustees. No member at any voting district meeting and no delegate at any
meeting shall vote by proxy or by mail. A quorum of three percent of all members present in
person shall constitute a quorum for the election of trustees at a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.13 Annexation; referendum; hearing; reestablishment of boundaries. (a) Whenever
any municipal corporation in Jefferson County annexes any portion of a district and a petition
is filed with the clerk of the municipality requesting annexation of the remaining portion
of the district, the petition containing the following: (1) signatures of 20 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or signatures of 200 qualified electors, whichever
is less, and (2) a written statement signed by at least two members of the board of trustees
of the district reciting that those signing the petition constitute either 10 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or 100 qualified electors residing within
the district, whichever is applicable, and (3) a description of the district; then the governing
body of such municipal corporation shall provide for and finance the cost of a referendum
election wherein the remaining qualified voter residents of... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-41-1 Authority; petition to probate judge for order of incorporation. When the inhabitants
of an unincorporated community, which has a population of not less than 300, constituting
a body of citizens whose residences are contiguous to and all of which form a homogeneous
settlement or community, desire to become organized as a municipal corporation, they may apply
to the judge of probate of the county in which the territory is situated, or the greater portion
thereof if it is situated in two or more counties, for an order of incorporation, by a petition
in writing signed by not less than 15 percent of the qualified electors residing within the
limits of the proposed municipality and by the persons, firms, or corporations owning at least
60 percent of the acreage of the platted or unplatted land of the proposed municipality. No
platted or unplatted territory shall be included within the boundary unless there are at least
four qualified electors, according to government survey,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-40 Composition of city councils; voting by president of council. (a) Except as
provided in Section 11-43-2 as it relates to the legislative functions of the mayor in cities
and towns having a population of 12,000 or more but less than 25,000 inhabitants according
to the most recent or any subsequent federal decennial census, in cities having a population
of 12,000 or more, the following officers shall be elected at each general municipal election,
who shall compose the city council for the cities and who shall hold office for four years
and until their successors are elected and qualified, and who shall exercise the legislative
functions of city government and any other powers and duties which are or may be vested by
law in the city council or its members: (1) In cities having seven wards or less, a president
of the city council and two aldermen from each ward, to be elected by the qualified voters
of the several wards voting separately in every ward; except, that in... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-2 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and
others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise, have the following respective meanings: (1) ALABAMA-BRED. When this term is used
with reference to a horse, it means a horse which is registered in the registry designated
and administered by a commission in accordance with such rules concerning domicile and registration
requirements as may be established by such commission and which is either (i) foaled from
a mare domiciled in the state during the 10-year period beginning with January 1, 1991, or
(ii) sired by an Alabama stallion and foaled from a mare domiciled in the state at any time
after the expiration of such 10-year period. (2) ALABAMA STALLION. A stallion which is standing
in the state at the time he is bred to the dam of an Alabama-bred horse, which is registered
with a commission, and which is owned or leased by a resident of... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44B-1 Compact. ARTICLE I PURPOSE It is the purpose of this compact to remove barriers
to education success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and
deployment of their parents by: A. Facilitating the timely enrollment of children of military
families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the
transfer of education records from the previous school district(s) or variations in entrance/age
requirements. B. Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military
families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing,
grading, course content or assessment. C. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for
enrollment, educational programs, and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic,
and social activities. D. Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families.
E. Providing for the promulgation and enforcement of... - 46K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-31-110.03 Voting lists. (a) The voting list of any territory which is furnished
the election officers serving at the voting center designated for such territory shall contain
the names of all qualified electors of the territory on a single roll; however, when the roll
contains more than 2,400 names the list of qualified electors or roll shall be divided into
alphabetical sections of not more than 2,400 names per section. Except as herein otherwise
provided, the laws applicable to the preparation, distribution, publication, and checking
of qualified lists shall apply to the poll list of a territory for which a voting center has
been established by the county governing body pursuant to authority hereby conferred. (b)
No elector shall vote at any voting center other than the voting center of the territory of
which he or she is a qualified elector, but any elector eligible to vote at a voting center
may vote on any voting machine maintained at such voting center, upon... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-46-24 Designating and equipping voting places; election officials; canvass returns.
(a) The municipal governing body may, when it orders an election, designate at least one place
of voting in each ward and if the ward has been divided into voting districts then at least
one place of voting in each district or the municipal governing body may establish and designate
one central place (location) within the municipality as the place of voting for all wards.
The number of voting boxes or voting machines as prescribed, shall be placed in a central
place of voting for use by the electors. The municipal governing body shall provide at least
one machine or at least one box for the voters of each ward, provided that this requirement
shall not apply to any municipality which uses electronic vote counters or tabulators or other
devices that are regulated by the Alabama Electronic Voting Committee established in Chapter
24 of Title 17 that are capable of counting the ballots from all... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-6-4 Designating and equipping voting places; county voting centers. (a) Except as
may be provided further by local election laws or by the electronic vote counting statutes,
the county governing bodies shall designate the places of holding elections in the precincts
established hereunder, and, whenever the county has alphabetically divided the list of registered
qualified voters of a precinct into groups, it shall designate not only the voting place but
also the number of electronic voting machines at each voting place in the precinct, being
sure that it designates an electronic voting machine for each group of qualified voters. The
county governing body is specifically authorized to provide for installing as many electronic
voting machines as are needed in each precinct, and the electronic voting machines may be
installed at one designated voting place or there may be more than one voting place designated
and such number of electronic voting machines installed at each place... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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