Code of Alabama

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Section 45-11-231.04 Merit system board - Creation; composition; oath. (a) There is created
a merit system board for the office of the Sheriff of Chilton County, which shall become effective
February 27, 2002, and shall be composed of three members appointed as follows: (1) One member
appointed by the Chilton County Commission. (2) One member appointed by the Chilton County
Sheriff. (3) One member appointed by agreement of the Chilton County Commission and the Chilton
County Sheriff. (b) The original members shall serve for terms of one, two, and four years,
as determined by the drawing of lots. Thereafter, all members shall serve for a period of
four years. No person shall be appointed to the board unless he or she is a resident and qualified
elector of Chilton County and over the age of 21 years. (c) Members of the board shall take
the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed in the office of the probate judge.
Vacancies on the board shall be filled for the unexpired term... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-27-120.08 Personnel board. (a) There may be created in Escambia County a personnel
board. The personnel board shall be composed of not less than three persons nor more than
seven persons, as established by the county commission. The board members shall be registered
voters and residents of the county. Regardless of the number of board members, one member
shall be appointed by the county commission as a whole and one member by the employees of
the county. If the board has three members, the third member shall be selected collectively
by the probate judge, sheriff, tax assessor, and tax collector. If the board has five members,
the remaining members shall be selected as determined by the policies and procedures adopted
by the county commission. If the board has seven members, the county commission shall select
two members and each of the other elected officials shall select one member individually.
(b) County employees shall vote for a personnel board member from a list of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-29-120.04 Merit System Board - Creation; composition. (a) There is hereby created
the Merit System Board of Fayette County, Alabama, which shall become effective on May 10,
1993, and shall be composed of three members: (1) One member shall be appointed by the Fayette
County Commission. (2) One member shall be appointed by the Fayette County Deputy Sheriff's
Association. (3) One member shall be appointed by the Judge of Probate of Fayette County,
Alabama. (b) Original appointees shall serve for terms of one, two, and four years, assignment
of terms to be determined by drawing lots. Thereafter, all appointees shall serve for a period
of four years. No person shall be appointed to the board unless he or she is a resident and
qualified elector of Fayette County and over the age of 21 years. (c) Members of the board
shall take the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed in the office of the judge
of probate. Vacancies on the board shall be filled for the unexpired... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-19-19 County board of adjustment. In availing itself of the powers conferred by
this chapter, the county commission shall provide for the appointment of a board of adjustment
and may provide that the said board of adjustment shall, in appropriate cases and subject
to appropriate conditions and safeguards, make special exceptions to the terms of the zoning
ordinance or regulations in harmony with its general purposes and interests and in accordance
with general or specific rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. The board of adjustment shall
consist of five members who shall be appointed from among the residents of the county by the
county commission to serve for a term of three years; provided, that in establishing the board
of adjustment, the county commission may designate the terms of the members first appointed
on such basis that the term of one member will expire each year thereafter. Such members shall
be removable for cause by the county commission upon written... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92B-7 Board of directors. (a) The authority shall operate under the direction of
a board of directors which shall consist of voting members selected as follows: (1) One member
appointed by the Governor. (2) Five members appointed by the governing body of each municipality
whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of the authority.
(3) Five members appointed by the governing body of the county of incorporation. (b) A vacancy
occurring on the board for any reason shall be filled within 30 days of the vacancy by the
appointing authority making the initial appointment. If the appointing authority that made
the initial appointment does not fill the vacancy within 30 days, the remaining appointing
authorities shall make the appointment. (c) Initial appointments to the board shall be made
within 30 days following the effective date of the incorporation. The Governor's initial appointee
shall serve a three-year term. Each governing body of a... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-20A-42 Collection and dissemination of information by Alabama State Law Enforcement
Agency. (a) Any jurisdiction or agency responsible for registering a sex offender shall immediately
forward all required registration information and any changes to the required registration
information received to the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency in a manner determined by
the Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency and promulgated in rule by the secretary
upon recommendation of an advisory board consisting of representatives of the office of the
Attorney General, District Attorneys Association, Chiefs of Police Association, Sheriffs Association,
and the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency. The advisory board members shall not receive
any compensation or reimbursement for serving on the advisory board. (b) Upon notification
or discovery of the death of a sex offender, the registering agency shall immediately notify
the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency. (c) The... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-41.1 School board governance improvement. (a) This section shall be known and
may be cited as the School Board Governance Improvement Act of 2012. (b) The Legislature finds
and declares all of the following: (1) That the purpose of this section is to enhance the
effectiveness of public education governance in Alabama through the establishment of training
requirements, boardsmanship standards, and accountability measures that are designed to promote
informed deliberations and decisions, to revise the qualifications for serving as a member
of a local board of education, to provide for a code of conduct for each member of a local
board of education in order to better ensure that any decision or action of a local board
of education is based on the interests of students or the system, and to foster the development
and implementation of organizational practices that are designed to promote broad support
of the public schools. (2) A local board of education is the legally... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-30-101.01 Franklin County Educational Board. (a) The Franklin County Educational
Board is created to administer this part. (b) The board shall consist of 11 members. The county
superintendent of education, the City of Russellville Superintendent of Education, and the
county judge of probate shall be ex officio members of the board and each shall serve as a
member so long as he or she retains his or her respective position or office. The governing
bodies of Franklin County, Russellville, Red Bay, Phil Campbell, Hodges, and Vina shall each
appoint one member, and the Advisory Board of Belgreen School shall jointly appoint one member,
who shall be a resident of the Belgreen school district. The legislative delegation from Franklin
County shall appoint a Franklin County resident, who is also an employee at the Phil Campbell
campus, to represent the Northwest campus. The term of each appointed member shall be fixed
by the body entitled to appoint the member. (c) The members of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-44-90.01 Economic Development Authority - Board of directors. (a) The authority
shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of members to be appointed as follows:
One member appointed by the Macon County Commission; one member appointed by the member of
the Alabama House of Representatives who represents Macon County; one member appointed by
the member of the Alabama State Senate who represents Macon County; one member appointed by
Tuskegee University; and one member appointed by the governing body of each incorporated municipality
in the county. Additional voting members may be appointed to the board of directors by a two-thirds
vote of a quorum of the board of directors, provided that the board of directors shall be
composed of no more than 13 members. No member of the board of directors shall hold any elected
public office. The initial terms of the directors shall be staggered. Two members, the one
appointed by the member of the House of Representatives... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-14 Advisory Board of Conservation and Natural Resources - Created; composition;
qualifications, appointment, terms of office, and compensation of members; residency requirements;
meetings; record of meetings and proceedings; transitional members. (a) There shall be an
Advisory Board of Conservation and Natural Resources. The board shall consist of the Governor,
the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, the Director of the Agricultural Extension
System ex officio, and 10 other members to be appointed by the Governor, one of whom the Governor
shall designate as chair of the Advisory Board of Conservation and Natural Resources. The
appointed members of the board shall be selected with special reference to training and experience
along one or more of the principal lines of activity vested in the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources. The term of office of each appointed member of the board shall be six
years. Of members first appointed, however, two members... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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