Code of Alabama

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is hereby authorized to operate the Fire Marshal Office of Jackson County on an amount of the
fire tax fund not to exceed three percent of the tax collected. The Jackson County Association
of Volunteer Fire Departments is further authorized to establish a budget for the expenditure
of the fire tax funds which budget is to be passed by a four-fifths majority of the association
departments present. The fire marshal shall also authorize all expenditures for equipment,
property, real, personal, or both, or any other things deemed necessary to carry out
this section. The duties of the fire marshal shall also be to coordinate fire protection activity
within Jackson County which shall include coordinating all fire departments, fire stations,
and full- or part-time employees of any fire department. The fire marshal shall also submit
budgets and requisitions to the Jackson County Commission and shall authorize all expenditures
from the fire protection fund. All expenditures shall be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

The Lauderdale County Commission is hereby authorized to provide adequate parking for petit
jurors, grand jurors, witnesses, and employees of the state and county having offices in the
county courthouse. The commission may furnish parking through the acquisition and operation
of parking lots by contracting with any private or public agency for such purpose, under such
terms as it may deem necessary and desirable, or by reimbursing those persons covered by this
section for their reasonable personal expenses in securing parking. (b) Upon the request
of the commission, the Sheriff of Lauderdale County shall deputize the county engineer or
any other employee of the engineering department or of the sheriff's office to enforce one
hour parking limitations and restricted zone limitations on motor vehicles parking on the
county's property around the courthouse during courthouse hours, and the deputy shall have
the authority to place a parking ticket on any motor vehicle violating these... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-311 Application for authority to incorporate; adoption of resolution by municipal
governing body authorizing incorporation. Whenever any number of natural persons, not less
than three, shall file with the governing body of any municipality of this state an application
in writing for authority to incorporate a public corporation for the purpose of operating
a water system, a sewer system, a gas system, and an electric system or any one or more of
such systems, and if it shall be made to appear to such governing body that each of said persons
is a duly qualified elector of and owner of property in said municipality and if the governing
body of said municipality shall adopt a resolution, which shall be duly entered upon the minutes
of such governing body, wherein it shall be declared that it is wise, expedient, and necessary
that such a corporation be formed and that the persons filing said application shall be authorized
to proceed to form such corporation, then said... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-5-15 Levy and sale of personal property - Application and disposition of
proceeds. The proceeds arising from such sale shall be applied to the payment of the expenses
of the sale and of the taxes, interest, and fees due from such taxpayer, and any balance remaining
shall be paid to the owner of the property, if present at the sale; if not present or if present
and he refuses to receive the same, the collector shall deposit such balance with the county
treasurer or, if there is no county treasurer, with such officer entrusted with the county
funds, taking a receipt therefor, and the same shall be kept as a special fund; and, whenever
the owner shall apply to the collector for such balance, the collector shall deliver to him
the receipts therefor, and upon presentation thereof by such owner, the officer with whom
such deposit was made shall pay to him the amount expressed in the receipt. But if such excess
is not called for in three years after such sale by the person entitled... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-241 Consolidation of unified system. (a) At the expiration of the terms of office,
or if a vacancy occurs in either the office of Tax Assessor or the office of Tax Collector
of Baldwin County, then immediately upon the occurrence of a vacancy there shall be established
the office of County Revenue Commissioner in Baldwin County. If the office is established
upon the occurrence of a vacancy in either the office of tax assessor or tax collector, then
the tax assessor or tax collector, as the case may be, remaining in office shall be the county
revenue commissioner for the remainder of the term for which he or she was elected. A revenue
commissioner shall be elected at an election called for that purpose and every six years thereafter.
He or she shall serve for a term of office of six years. (b) The county revenue commissioner
shall do and perform all acts, duties, and functions required by law performed either by the
tax assessor or by the tax collector of the county... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-85.21 Recording fee. (a) In Madison County, a special recording fee of four dollars
($4) shall be collected by the judge of probate on each real or personal property,
uniform commercial code, judicial, or other instrument recorded or filed for record in the
probate court of the county. The special recording fee shall be in addition to all other fees,
taxes, and other charges required by law to be paid upon the recording or filing for record
of any real or personal property, uniform commercial code, judicial, or other instrument.
All special recording fees collected shall be deposited by the judge of probate in any depository
in the county as designated by the county governing body. Notwithstanding the fee set by this
section, the county commission may adjust the fee from time to time by resolution of the commission
adopted at a regularly scheduled meeting of the commission to meet the needs of this section.
(b) The fees collected under this section shall be expended at... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-25-250.03 Board of directors. The board of directors shall consist of seven directors
that shall be appointed by the members of the state Legislature that represent all or any
portion of DeKalb County for terms of four years. Provided, however, that initial appointments,
as designated by the appointing authority, shall be made so that two directors shall serve
for two years, two directors for three years, and three directors for four years, so that
the terms of the directors are staggered. All directors shall serve until their successors
are appointed and assume office. As soon as may be practicable after the organization of the
authority, an election shall be held by the board of directors to elect a chair, vice chair,
and a secretary-treasurer. Every two years thereafter, the board shall likewise reorganize
itself. No chair or other board officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms as chair
or other board officer. Upon the expiration of the initial terms, directors... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

periods. b. Computer speed printers used to prepare hard copy index books. c. Storage of index
information using disks, magnetic tape, cartridges, chips, or any other method approved by
the judge of probate. d. Computer processors to sort and alphabetize index information. e.
Any other computer techniques or equipment necessary for preparing the various indexes. (3)
COUNTY. Mobile County, Alabama. (4) GENERAL PROPERTY INSTRUMENT. A real property instrument
that affects the title to personal property as well as real property. (5) IMPLEMENTATION
DATE. The date the judge of probate shall begin using computerized methods to prepare the
official and permanent index records of the probate office. (6) JUDGE OF PROBATE. The Judge
of Probate of Mobile County, Alabama. (7) JUDGMENT INDEX. A direct and reverse listing in
alphabetical order of judgments, state and federal liens, and releases of judgments or liens
and may contain any other instrument relating to liens as designated by the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil
actions, except as otherwise provided in this article, and to defend civil actions against
it; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To
adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To
acquire, receive, and take, by purchase, gift, lease, devise, or otherwise, and to hold property
of every description, real, personal or mixed, whether located in one or more counties
and whether located within or outside the service area; (6) To make, enter into, and execute
such contracts, agreements, leases, and other instruments and to take such other actions as
may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose for which the authority was organized
or to exercise any power expressly granted under this section; (7) To plan, establish, develop,
acquire, purchase, lease, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, improve,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

any thereof. (17) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in which it is
used, such term includes a public or private corporation, a municipality, a county, a cooperative,
or an agency, department or instrumentality of the state or of a county or municipality or
cooperative. (18) PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The place at which the certificate of incorporation and
amendments thereto, the bylaws and the minutes of proceedings of the board of a district are
kept. (19) PROPERTY. Real and personal property and interests therein. (20) PUBLIC
CORPORATION. Any public corporation organized under the laws of the state. (21) PUBLIC FIRE
PROTECTION FACILITY. A fire protection facility which is owned or operated by the United States
of America, the state, a county, a municipality, a public corporation, any combination of
any thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof or in which any one
or more thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more thereof holds... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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