Code of Alabama

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Section 45-38-70 Salary. (a) Each member of the Lamar County Commission shall devote his or
her full time to the business of the commission, effective upon the next term of office of
any of the members. (b) The members of the Lamar County Commission shall receive an additional
expense allowance of three thousand two hundred dollars ($3,200) annually to be paid in equal
monthly installments out of any funds of the county as may be available for such purposes.
Such expense allowance shall be in addition to any and all other salary, compensation, and
expense allowance now provided by law for the members of the Lamar County Commission, and
shall be paid retroactively from January 1, 1983. The expense allowance herein provided shall
terminate automatically upon the next term of office. (c) Effective with the next term of
office, the members of the county commission by law shall each receive a total annual salary
of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), which shall constitute the total... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-120.01 Historian. (a) The Madison County Commission may appoint a county historian
and appropriate county funds for the purpose of paying the designated county historian an
honorarium, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). (b) The county historian shall maintain
a chronological history of local government within Madison County. (Act 89-759, p. 1538, §§
1, 2.)... - 710 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

so that collection vehicles do not interfere with rush-hour traffic. (3) Abandoned property
shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with this code. (4) The Mobile County Commission
shall provide the necessary equipment and personnel to remove dead canine, feline, and other
small animals on public property or private property, for a fee, and shall schedule such collections
to provide pickup with a minimum of delay. The removal of other dead animals on public property
shall be the responsibility of the department of public services; these animals shall be disposed
of promptly to prevent them from becoming a sanitary nuisance. The above shall not apply to
dead animals or parts thereof from any commercial or agricultural activity within this locality.
But, in any event, if an animal is unknown or suspected to have died of a communicable
disease, the handling and disposal of the carcass shall be in accordance with this code. (Act
81-450, p. 773, §3; Act 88-421, p. 619, §7.)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-261.04 Procedure for adoption and amendment of ordinances and regulations. (a)
The Mobile County Commission may adopt ordinances and regulations as necessary to effect this
part. The ordinances or regulations shall be made in accordance with a master plan and designed
to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers,
to promote health and general welfare, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent overcrowding
of land, to avoid undue concentration of population, and to facilitate the adequate provision
of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements. The ordinances
and regulations shall be made with reasonable consideration, among other things, to the character
of the planning jurisdiction and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and with the
view of conserving the value of the buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of
land throughout the planning jurisdiction. For the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-5-130 Duties; salary; bond; county commissioners employed as part-time officers.
(a) In addition to all other authority vested in the Blount County Commission, the county
commission shall set the necessary policies and priorities for the construction, maintenance,
and repair of all public roads, county highways, bridges, ferries, and public facilities within
the county, to insure the people a safe and adequate road system based on the county unit
system. Each member of the county commission shall inspect the roads of his or her district
from time to time, and hear the suggestions and complaints of the citizens, and report the
suggestions and complaints to the commission with his or her recommendations; confer with
the county engineer concerning the problems of his or her district; and to assist in securing
rights-of-ways, and assist in public service generally. The county engineer shall provide
the necessary equipment and personnel, in the absence of a county commissioner,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-19-10 Powers and duties of planning commission generally; special surveys or studies;
right of entry upon lands for preparation of examinations and surveys. (a) It shall be the
function and duty of the county planning commission to make and maintain comprehensive surveys
and studies of existing conditions and probable future developments in the flood-prone area
of the county and to prepare comprehensive plans for physical, social, and economic growth
as will best promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, prosperity, or the general
welfare as well as efficiency and economy in the development of the flood-prone area of the
county. The county planning commission shall have the authority to: (1) Promote public interest
and understanding of the economic and social necessity for long-term, coordinated county planning.
(2) Confer and cooperate with the federal, state, municipal, and other county and regional
authorities regarding matters pertaining to or affecting the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

and for the public welfare, health, and safety of the citizens throughout the unincorporated
areas of the county by exercising certain powers for the protection of the county and public
property under its control. The powers granted herein to provide for the public welfare, health,
and safety of its citizens shall only include the following: (1) Abatement of weeds as a public
nuisance as defined in Section 11-67-60. (2) Subject to the provisions of Section 6-5-127,
control of animals and animal nuisances. (3) Control of litter as defined in subsection
(b) of Section 13A-7-29, or rubbish as defined in subdivision (4) of Section 22-27-2. (4)
Junkyard control of areas which create a public nuisance because of an accumulation of items
described in the definition of a junkyard under Section 11-80-10. (5) Subject to the provisions
of Section 6-5-127, abatement of noise, unsanitary sewage, or pollution creating a public
nuisance as defined in Sections 6-5-120 and 6-5-121. (b) Except as... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49-80 Definitions; responsibility for streets within municipality controlled by
county; annexation of unincorporated territory; alternative arrangements; evacuation routes.
(a) For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) COUNTY-MAINTAINED STREET. A public street, road, or bridge that the county commission
has the authority or responsibility to control, manage, supervise, regulate, repair, maintain,
or improve. (2) MUNICIPAL STREET. A public street, road, or bridge that the municipality has
the authority or responsibility to control, manage, supervise, regulate, repair, maintain,
or improve. (3) RESPONSIBILITY FOR A STREET. The authority or responsibility to control, manage,
supervise, regulate, repair, maintain, or improve a public street, road, or bridge. (4) STREET.
A public street, road, bridge, or portion thereof. (b) Where the responsibility for a public
street or streets lying within a municipality is vested in the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-9 Service on regulatory boards and commissions regulating business with which
person associated; members who have financial interest in matter prohibited from voting. (a)
Unless expressly provided otherwise by law, no person shall serve as a member or employee
of a state, county, or municipal regulatory board or commission or other body that regulates
any business with which he is associated. Nothing herein shall prohibit real estate brokers,
agents, developers, appraisers, mortgage bankers, or other persons in the real estate field,
or other state-licensed professionals, from serving on any planning boards or commissions,
housing authorities, zoning board, board of adjustment, code enforcement board, industrial
board, utilities board, state board, or commission. (b) All county or municipal regulatory
boards, authorities, or commissions currently comprised of any real estate brokers, agents,
developers, appraisers, mortgage bankers, or other persons in the real estate... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-6-2 Requirement of radioactive fallout protection in new public buildings or structures
and additions by municipal governing bodies and county commissions; provisions of section
cumulative. (a) Each municipal governing body and county commission in this state, may, by
ordinance or resolution, require that all new public buildings or structures hereafter planned
or constructed and any additions to existing buildings or structures hereafter planned or
constructed be so planned and constructed that fallout protection from radioactivity for at
least the normal anticipated occupancy will be provided. Said municipal governing body or
county commission may require that such radioactive fallout protection meet the minimum space
and fallout protection criteria recommended by the Office of Civil Defense, United States
Department of Defense, at the time of the beginning of the planning of such building or structure.
In no case, however, shall a requirement be made if the cost of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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