Code of Alabama

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Section 41-4-3.1 Monthly reports on condition of General Fund and Education Trust Fund.
(a) The Alabama Department of Finance shall produce monthly financial reports. It is the intent
of the Legislature that the monthly reports shall increase the transparency of state finances
and, when conditions emerge that make budget proration likely, provide advance notice to the
affected agencies of government so that they can prepare as much as possible for its impact
on their operations. (b) The monthly reports shall provide information on the State General
Fund and the Education Trust Fund. Each monthly report shall be released no later than the
final day of the month following the month covered by that report. Each monthly report shall
be published in a prominent location on the Department of Finance web site to provide broad
public access to the document. (c) The monthly reports shall include at least the following
information on the fiscal condition of the fund being reported: (1) The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-51 Grants to public schools for advanced educational and specialized programs
for gifted and talented children. (a) The Legislature finds and declares the following: (1)
It is vital that Alabama's public schools challenge and encourage students who are capable
of completing accelerated academic work. (2) Programs to encourage accelerated students can
often be maintained by schools, after an initial start cost, with funding roughly equivalent
to what they currently receive. (3) This state should encourage schools to develop and implement
gifted and talented student programs to provide options for students capable of doing advanced
class work. (b)(1) The State Department of Education shall award available grants to public
schools for the purpose of initiating new programs or continuing existing programs to offer
advanced and specialized educational services to gifted or talented children. The number of
schools receiving grants under this section shall be determined based... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-6B-11 Paperwork Reduction Committee. (a) The Legislature finds that the excessive
paperwork required of teachers and other public education employees hinders the prime responsibility
of public education: The education of the children of Alabama. The Legislature also finds
that excessive and time-consuming reporting requirements levied on school systems requires
automation in order to for timely reporting to occur. The Legislature further finds that the
excessive paperwork required of teachers has become so burdensome that teachers do not have
adequate time to prepare lesson plans or to devote individual attention to those students
who require special assistance. The Legislature further finds that, for teachers to have time
to teach, it is imperative that all unnecessary paperwork be eliminated from our public schools
and necessary paperwork be automated to the maximum practical extent. (b) The Paperwork Reduction
Committee is created. The membership of the committee shall... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-30.1 Disqualification of electors for felonies involving moral turpitude.
(a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Felony Voter Disqualification
Act. (b)(1) The Legislature finds and declares that: a. Article VIII of the Constitution of
Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 177 of Article VIII of the Official Recompilation
of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, provides that Alabama citizens shall lose
the right to vote when convicted of a crime only if the conviction was for a felony involving
moral turpitude. b. Under general law, there is no comprehensive list of felonies that involve
moral turpitude which disqualify a person from exercising his or her right to vote. Neither
individuals with felony convictions nor election officials have a comprehensive, authoritative
source for determining if a felony conviction involves moral turpitude and is therefore a
disqualifying felony. (2) The purposes of this section are: a. To give full effect... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-6-7.1 Legislative findings as to speech and debate; definitions; privileged
and confidential communication; waiver of privilege. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and
declares the following: (1) Section 56 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now
appearing as Section 56 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama
of 1901, as amended, contains a speech or debate clause virtually identical to Section
6 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States, the federal speech and debate clause.
(2) In the case of Gravel v. United States, 408 U.S. 606, the Supreme Court of the United
States held the speech and debate clause in the Constitution of the United States makes the
communications between members of the Congress and their staff privileged and confidential.
(3) The Supreme Court explained its reasoning as follows: "[T]he day-to-day work of [legislative]
aides is so critical to the Members' performance that they must be treated as the latter's
alter ego;... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-13-27 Verification of citizenship and immigration status of students enrolling
in public schools; annual reports; disclosure of information. (a)(1) Every public elementary
and secondary school in this state, at the time of enrollment in kindergarten or any grade
in such school, shall determine whether the student enrolling in public school was born outside
the jurisdiction of the United States or is the child of an alien not lawfully present in
the United States and qualifies for assignment to an English as Second Language class or other
remedial program. (2) The public school, when making the determination required by subdivision
(1), shall rely upon presentation of the student's original birth certificate, or a certified
copy thereof. (3) If, upon review of the student's birth certificate, it is determined that
the student was born outside the jurisdiction of the United States or is the child of an alien
not lawfully present in the United States, or where such certificate... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-350 Transportation of motor fuel; inspections. (a) Each person operating
a refinery or terminal in Alabama shall prepare and provide to the driver of every highway
vehicle receiving motor fuel at the facility a shipping document setting out on its face the
destination state as represented to the terminal operator by the shipper or the shipper's
agent. Failure to comply with this subsection may result in a department imposed penalty of
not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), to
be multiplied by the sum of the current violation plus prior violations of this subsection.
(b) Every person transporting motor fuel in Alabama in a highway vehicle other than in its
supply tank shall carry on board a shipping document issued by the facility where the motor
fuel was obtained. The shipping document shall set out on its face the state of destination
of the motor fuel transported in the highway vehicle. Violation of this subsection... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39-245.06 Collection and enforcement. (a) Unless otherwise authorized and
directed by the governing body of Lauderdale County as provided in subsection (b), the taxes
herein levied shall be collected by and paid to the Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County
in his or her official capacity. All reports required to be made to the Commissioner of Revenue
of the State of Alabama as to state sales and use taxes under the aforesaid Act 100 of the
1959 Second Special Session of the Legislature and Articles 11, 11A, and 11B of Chapter 20
of Title 51 of the Code of Alabama of 1940 and amendments thereto, as to such taxes herein
levied shall also be made to the Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County, Alabama, and as to
the taxes herein levied the Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County, Alabama, shall have and
exercise the same powers, duties, and obligations as are imposed on the Commissioner of Revenue
of the State of Alabama by the aforesaid Act 100 of the 1959 Second Special Session... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-6-242 Levy of taxes; exemptions; payment of taxes; reports by taxpayers;
applicability of state sales tax statutes; disposition of funds. (a) The following words,
terms, and phrases where used in this section shall have the following respective meanings
except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) "County" means
Bullock County in the State of Alabama. (2) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner
of Revenue of the state. (3) "State Department of Revenue" means the Department
of Revenue of the state. (4) "State" means the State of Alabama. (5) "State
sales tax statutes" means Division 1 of Article 1 of Chapter 23 of Title 40, as amended,
including all other statutes of the state which expressly set forth any exemptions from the
computation of the taxes levied in Division 1 and all other statutes which expressly apply
to, or purport to affect, the administration of Division 1 and the incidence and collection
of the taxes imposed therein. (6) "State sales... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-14E-1 Definitions. The following terms as used in this section shall
have the following meanings: (1) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(2) GOVERNOR. The Governor of the State of Alabama. (3) GROUND LEASE. A lease of the project
site which shall provide for the rights and responsibilities of the state and any other person
which is a party thereto. (4) GULF STATE PARK. The real property comprising approximately
6,150 acres, and any future additions thereto, including facilities and fixtures located thereon
and appurtenances thereto, owned and managed by the state and the department in south Baldwin
County, Alabama. (5) GULF STATE PARK PROJECT COMMITTEE. The committee established pursuant
to subsection (d) of Section 9-14E-5. (6) PARTY TO AN EXECUTED PROJECT AGREEMENT. The
state or any person who is a party to and is obligated to the state under a project agreement,
or any part thereof. (7) PERSON. Any private person or any public person. (8)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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