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198923-1:n:04/10/2019:KMS/ma LSA2019-1290 HB22 By Representative Pringle RFD State Government
Rd 1 04-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, when an emergency affecting the public health,
safety, convenience, or the economic welfare of the State of Alabama is declared by the Governor
and the Attorney General, the professional services required by a state entity to alleviate
the emergency situation may be procured from any qualified professional services provider
without following competitive bidding procedures. This bill would delete the exemption for
convenience purposes. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 41-16-72, Code of Alabama
1975, relating to competitive bidding on contracts for goods and services by state entities;
to delete the exemption from competitive bidding procedures on the basis of convenience for
professional service contracts required by a state entity during a declared emergency. BE
IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 41-16-72 of the... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

194238-1:n:05/01/2018:KMS/th LSA2018-1696 SB123 By Senator Orr RFD Finance and Taxation General
Fund Rd 1 04-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would require each governmental agency of the state
to submit to the Legislature a monthly summary of total overtime hours worked and total overtime
compensation paid to agency employees. This bill would also require each governmental agency
of the state to publish the summaries on the public website of the agency. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
AN ACT Relating to state government; to require each governmental agency of the state to submit
to the Legislature a monthly summary of total overtime hours worked and total overtime compensation
paid to agency employees; and to require the summaries to be published on the public website
of the agency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. (a) For the purposes
of this section, a governmental agency is an executive, legislative, or judicial agency, department,
board, commission, authority, institution,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

204434-1:n:02/03/2020:KMS/ma LSA2020-402 HB149 By Representative Whitt RFD Financial Services
Rd 1 06-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would revise the names of the ACES Program, Administrative
Fund, and savings accounts within the State Treasurer's office, as provided by the Wallace-Folsom
Savings Investment Plan Act, from the Alabama College Education Savings to the Alabama Comprehensive
Education Savings Program, Administrative Fund, and savings accounts, and would clarify that
certain terms should be defined as provided in federal law. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To
amend Sections 16-33C-3 and 16-33C-10, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Wallace-Folsom
Savings Investment Plan Act; to revise the names of the ACES Program, Administrative Fund,
and savings accounts from the Alabama College Education Savings to the Alabama Comprehensive
Education Savings Program, Administrative Fund, and savings accounts; and to clarify the meanings
of certain terms pursuant to federal law. BE IT... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

206518-1:n:03/11/2020:KMS*/ma LSA2020-604 HB446 By Representatives Lovvorn, Crawford, Drake,
Ledbetter, McCutcheon, Whorton, Rowe, Fincher, Blackshear, Whitt, Ingram, Farley, Robertson,
Wood (D), Shaver, Wheeler, Pettus, Garrett, Gaston, Shedd, Stadthagen and Kiel RFD Ways and
Means Education Rd 1 12-MAR-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill is the Education Retirees' Trust Fund Funding
Act of 2020. This bill would establish a separate fund in the State Treasury known as the
Education Retirees' Trust Fund, to serve as a permanent trust and as an investment account
for the earnings and funds received for the purpose of periodic bonus checks. A BILL TO BE
ENTITLED AN ACT To create the Education Retirees' Trust Fund Funding Act of 2020; to establish
a separate fund in the State Treasury known as the Education Retirees' Trust Fund for the
purpose of establishing a permanent trust and investment account for the funds and earnings
received to provide education retirees with periodic bonus checks. BE IT... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

204434-1:n:02/03/2020:KMS/ma LSA2020-402 SB231 By Senator Givhan RFD Finance and Taxation Education
Rd 1 25-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would revise the names of the ACES Program, Administrative
Fund, and savings accounts within the State Treasurer's office, as provided by the Wallace-Folsom
Savings Investment Plan Act, from the Alabama College Education Savings to the Alabama Comprehensive
Education Savings Program, Administrative Fund, and savings accounts, and would clarify that
certain terms should be defined as provided in federal law. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To
amend Sections 16-33C-3 and 16-33C-10, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Wallace-Folsom
Savings Investment Plan Act; to revise the names of the ACES Program, Administrative Fund,
and savings accounts from the Alabama College Education Savings to the Alabama Comprehensive
Education Savings Program, Administrative Fund, and savings accounts; and to clarify the meanings
of certain terms pursuant to federal law. BE IT... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

203857-1:n:01/21/2020:PMG*/tj LSA2019-3160 HB122 By Representative Sorrell RFD Ways and Means
Education Rd 1 04-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would exclude from gross income of individuals
the net capital gain derived from the exchange of precious metal bullion. This bill would
also include as a deduction of individuals from gross income the net capital loss derived
from the exchange of precious metal bullion. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to state
income tax as for individuals; to amend Sections 40-18-14 and 40-18-15, Code of Alabama 1975;
to exclude net capital gains and losses derived from the exchange of precious metal bullion
from state income taxes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. This act
shall be known and may be cited as the Sound Money Tax Neutrality Act.Section 2. Sections
40-18-14 and 40-18-15, Code of Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows: ยง40-18-14. "The
term "gross income" as used herein: "(1) Includes gains, profits and income... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Reynolds, Whitt, Robertson and Stringer HB14 ENGROSSED A BILL TO
BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to wiretapping; to add a new Chapter 2A to Title 20, Code of Alabama
1975; to authorize the Attorney General to submit an application to a circuit court judge
to intercept any wire or electronic communication under certain circumstances; to specify
the procedures for obtaining an intercept order, the information that must be included in
an intercept order, the limitations of an intercept order, and the means by which the communication
is to be intercepted; to provide for the extension of intercept orders under certain conditions;
to prohibit the destruction of recorded communications for a specified time frame; to allow
an investigative officer to submit a written request to the Attorney General, through the
Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, requesting the Attorney General apply
for an intercept order; to specify under what conditions recorded... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

204307-1:g:01/27/2020:EBO-DHC/ebo-haj HB229 By Representatives Lawrence, Clouse, Blackshear,
Bracy, Warren, Daniels, Hollis, Chestnut, England, Drummond, Hatcher, Howard, Jones (S), Hall,
Morris, Wilcox, McClammy, Clarke, Lovvorn, Ingram, Rafferty, South, Kitchens, Shedd and Gray
RFD Ways and Means General Fund Rd 1 13-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would provide a cost-of-living
increase for state employees for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
AN ACT To provide a cost-of-living increase for state employees for the fiscal year beginning
October 1, 2020. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. Beginning with the
first pay day on or after October 1, 2020, all state employees who are listed in the classified
and unclassified service of the state as defined in Section 36-26-10, Code of Alabama 1975,
and all other state employees and hourly employees of the state, and all judicial personnel,
officers, and employees, and all legislative personnel,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

197245-1:n:03/29/2019:AHP/tj LSA2019-601 SB108 By Senator Orr RFD Fiscal Responsibility and
Economic Development Rd 1 04-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, this state is prohibited
from adopting a policy or practice that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration
laws. This bill would make it a crime for any public official or agency of the state or any
of its municipalities or counties to intentionally adopt a policy or practice that limits
or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws or that restricts its officers in
the enforcement of state law, and would provide penalties. Amendment 621 of the Constitution
of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 111.05 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution
of Alabama of 1901, as amended, prohibits a general law whose purpose or effect would be to
require a new or increased expenditure of local funds from becoming effective with regard
to a local governmental entity without enactment by a 2/3 vote... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

204307-1:g:01/27/2020:EBO-DHC/ebo-haj SB159 By Senator Albritton RFD Finance and Taxation General
Fund Rd 1 06-FEB-20 SYNOPSIS: This bill would provide a cost-of-living increase for state
employees for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To provide
a cost-of-living increase for state employees for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. Beginning with the first pay day on
or after October 1, 2020, all state employees who are listed in the classified and unclassified
service of the state as defined in Section 36-26-10, Code of Alabama 1975, and all other state
employees and hourly employees of the state, and all judicial personnel, officers, and employees,
and all legislative personnel, officers, and employees, whether subject to the State Merit
System or not, and all employees of the county health departments who are employed subject
to the State Merit System and whose compensation is paid... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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