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181375-1:g:01/17/2017:EBO-DHC/jat SB150 By Senator Pittman RFD Finance and Taxation General
Fund Rd 1 09-FEB-17 SYNOPSIS: This bill makes appropriations for the ordinary expenses of
the executive, legislative and judicial agencies of the State, for other functions of government,
for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018. A
BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To make appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the executive,
legislative and judicial agencies of the State, for other functions of government, for debt
service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018. BE IT ENACTED
BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. The monies in Section 2 are appropriated from the
named funds for the 2018 fiscal year to the state agencies indicated, as the amounts to be
used to pay the expenditures of the named agencies, and are in lieu of all monies appropriated
for these purposes in other sections of the Alabama Statutes. For the... - 211K - Match Info - Similar pages

185759-1:n:04/25/2017:PMG/tj LRS2017-1877 SB406 By Senator Whatley RFD Finance and Taxation
General Fund Rd 1 27-APR-17 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a health benefit plan is required
to offer coverage for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder for a child age nine or under
for certain defined group insurance plans and contracts. This bill would require health benefit
plans to cover the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder for all insureds under certain insurance
plans and contracts, subject to a maximum annual benefit and subject to insurance premiums
not increasing by more than a certain percentage as a result of covering this treatment. This
bill would require the Department of Insurance to file an annual report with the Legislature
on the costs of providing treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder. This bill would also require
the Alabama Medicaid program and the Children's Health Insurance Plan (ALL Kids) to provide
coverage for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. A BILL... - 23K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Warren, Brown, Holmes (M), Drake, England, Knight, Beech, Beckman,
McMillan, Sells, Davis, Collins, Johnson (K), Farley, Butler, Givan, Coleman, Scott, Moore
(M), Jackson, Boyd, McCampbell, Todd, Shiver, Polizos, Millican, Gaston, Sessions, Ellis,
Moore (B), Black, Ford, Grimsley and Rowe HB277 ENGROSSED A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating
to child care facilities; to amend Sections 13A-6-29, 38-7-2, 38-7-3, 38-13-2, and 38-13-3,
Code of Alabama 1975; to establish the Child Care Safety Act; to revise the definition of
day care center to include preschools; to remove the exemption from licensure by the Department
of Human Resources of certain child care facilities that are part of a church or nonprofit
religious school; to clarify that the licensing of a faith-based child care facility may not
be construed to infringe upon the rights of the facility to teach or practice a religion;
and to revise the criminal history background information check required for... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Butler HB96 ENROLLED, An Act, To establish the Assisted Suicide Ban
Act; to prohibit a person or a health care provider from providing aid in dying under certain
conditions; to provide civil and criminal penalties; and in connection therewith to have as
its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within
the meaning of Amendment 621 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section
111.05 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended. BE
IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited
as the Assisted Suicide Ban Act. Section 2. The Legislature finds all of the following: (1)
In almost every state, it is a crime to assist a suicide. These bans are long-standing expressions
of the commitment of the states to protect and preserve all human life. (2) The state has
an interest in protecting vulnerable groups, including the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Sanderford HB105 ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to the Alabama Sunset
Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Board of Nursing until October 1, 2021,
with certain modifications; to amend Section 34-21-2, Code of Alabama 1975, so as to allow
for the assumption of nominating authority by a successor organization to the Alabama Federation
of Licensed Practical Nurses, Incorporated, the Alabama State Nurses' Association, and the
Licensed Practical Nurses Association of Alabama. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:
Section 1. Pursuant to the Alabama Sunset Law, the Sunset Committee recommends the continuance
of the Board of Nursing until October 1, 2021, with the additional recommendations for statutory
change as set out in Section 3. Section 2. The existence and functioning of the Board of Nursing,
created and functioning pursuant to Sections 34-21-1 to 34-21-99, inclusive, Code of Alabama
1975, is continued until October 1, 2021, and those code... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Patterson and Sanderford HB108 ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to the
Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Elevator Safety Review
Board until October 1, 2018, with certain modifications; to amend Sections 25-13-2, 25-13-6,
and 25-13-9, Code of Alabama 1975, so as to delete references to the discontinued American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) QEI certification. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE
OF ALABAMA: Section 1. Pursuant to the Alabama Sunset Law, the Sunset Committee recommends
the continuance of the Elevator Safety Review Board until October 1, 2018, with the additional
recommendation for statutory change as set out in Section 3. Section 2. The existence and
functioning of the Elevator Safety Review Board, created and functioning pursuant to Sections
25-13-1 to 25-13-25, inclusive, Code of Alabama 1975, is continued, and those code sections
are expressly preserved.Section 3. Sections 25-13-2, 25-13-6, and 25-13-9 of... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

181159-2:n:01/26/2017:JET/th LRS2017-49R1 SB198 By Senators Williams, Livingston, Allen, Bussman,
Chambliss, Ross, Marsh, Waggoner, Ward, Albritton, Brewbaker and Orr RFD Health and Human
Services Rd 1 16-FEB-17 SYNOPSIS: This bill would establish the Assisted Suicide Ban Act to
prohibit a person or a health care provider from providing aid in dying to another person
and would provide civil and criminal penalties for violations. Amendment 621 of the Constitution
of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 111.05 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution
of Alabama of 1901, as amended, prohibits a general law whose purpose or effect would be to
require a new or increased expenditure of local funds from becoming effective with regard
to a local governmental entity without enactment by a 2/3 vote unless: it comes within one
of a number of specified exceptions; it is approved by the affected entity; or the Legislature
appropriates funds, or provides a local source of revenue, to... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

182154-2:n:02/15/2017:PMG/cj LRS2017-613R1 SB236 By Senator Ward RFD Health and Human Services
Rd 1 23-FEB-17 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the term day care center is defined as a child
care facility that receives more than 12 children for daytime care. The term includes child
care centers, day nurseries, nursery schools, pre-kindergartens, kindergartens, and play groups,
including those that are operated as part of a private school if they provide care for more
than four hours a day. Also under existing law, child care facilities that are part of a church
or nonprofit religious school are exempt from licensing by the Department of Human Resources.
This bill would establish the Child Care Safety Act. This bill would revise the definition
of day care center to include preschools. This bill would remove the exemption from licensure
for child care facilities that are part of a church or nonprofit religious school by requiring
such facilities to be licensed by the Department of Human... - 37K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Weaver and Fridy HB290 ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Sections 40-23-4,
Code of Alabama 1975, to provide an exemption for gross receipts occurring from the services
provided by photographers and commissioned portrait artists; and to amend Section 40-23-62,
Code of Alabama 1975, relating to exemptions from use tax. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE
OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections 40-23-4 and 40-23-62, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read
as follows: ยง40-23-4. "(a) There are exempted from the provisions of this division and
from the computation of the amount of the tax levied, assessed, or payable under this division
the following: "(1) The gross proceeds of the sales of lubricating oil and gasoline as
defined in Sections 40-17-30 and 40-17-170 and the gross proceeds from those sales of lubricating
oil destined for out-of-state use which are transacted in a manner whereby an out-of-state
purchaser takes delivery of such oil at a distributor's plant within this... - 53K - Match Info - Similar pages

182254-5:n:03/01/2017:PMG/th LRS2017-561R3 HB341 By Representatives McMillan, Shiver, Davis,
Greer, Faust and Gaston RFD Boards, Agencies and Commissions Rd 1 02-MAR-17 SYNOPSIS: Under
existing law, the Home Builders Licensure Board licenses and regulates persons who engage
in home building and private residential construction when the costs of a project exceed $10,000.
This bill would revise the minimum cost of a project that brings a homebuilder under the jurisdiction
of the Home Builders Licensure Board from $10,000 to $1,000. This bill would revise definitions.
This bill would authorize the board to collect costs relating to hearings for disciplinary
actions. This bill would increase administrative fines for a violation. This bill would allow
the cap on the payment amount to an aggrieved homeowner from the Homeowners' Recovery Fund
when the homeowner is injured due to a violation committed by a licensee, to be set by rule.
This bill would also authorize the board to revoke the... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

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