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Rep(s). By Representative Shedd HB436 ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to Blount County; authorizing
the county commission to levy an additional sales and use tax; providing for the collection,
distribution, and use of the proceeds of the tax; and providing for a referendum on the issue.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. This act shall apply only to Blount
County and be known as the Moving Blount County Forward Initiative. Section 2. As used in
this act, sales and use tax means a tax imposed by the state sales and use tax statutes and
such other acts applicable to Blount County, including, but not limited to, Sections 40-23-1,
40-23-2, 40-23-3, 40-23-4, 40-23-60, 40-23-61, 40-23-62, and 40-23-63, Code of Alabama 1975.
Section 3. Subject to the approval of a majority of the electors voting at a referendum as
provided for herein, the County Commission of Blount County may, upon a majority vote of the
members, levy, in addition to all other taxes, including, but not... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

attorneys, engineers, consultants, and other professionals as the board shall deem necessary
for the conduct of the business of the institute. "(13) To provide grants to educational,
governmental, nonprofit, community-based, workforce development, economic development, and
other organizations and associations engaged in the education, recruitment, training, placement,
and professional development of persons engaged in activities leading to the furtherance of
careers in commercial and industrial construction in accordance with the purposes of
the institute. "(14) To cooperate or partner, or both, with regional and national organizations
promoting construction workforce development, including the sharing of non-monetary marketing
and educational resources and databases, in furtherance of the purposes of the institute.
"(15) To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers and purposes conferred
by this section. "(16) To exercise any and all powers permissible under... - 141K - Match Info - Similar pages

174395-1:n:02/22/2016:JLB/mfc LRS2016-712 SB279 By Senator Dial RFD Governmental Affairs Rd
1 23-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the State Ethics Commission may issue advisory opinions
which provide immunity to the person requesting the opinion and any other person relying on
the opinion in good faith. Existing rules of the commission authorize the director and general
counsel of the commission to issue informal opinions on the application of the Code of Ethics
to a particular individual, but an informal opinion does not provide immunity. This bill would
establish a procedure for the issuance by the director or an attorney of the commission of
written informal opinions to public officers or employees that would provide immunity to the
officer or employee making the request if all pertinent information was presented and the
officer or employee acted in accordance with the relevant circumstances, factors, and requirements
set forth in the opinion. Under existing law, an elected... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

$400,000 shall be expended for the Alabama Center for the Arts. SOURCE OF FUNDS: ETF 4,734,496
Federal and Local Funds 873,800 Total Arts, State Council on the 4,734,496 873,800 5,608,296
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Department of: Social Services Program 927,148 927,148
In accordance with Sections 26-16-1 et seq., Code of Alabama 1975. SOURCE OF FUNDS: ETF-Transfer
927,148 Total Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Department of 927,148 927,148 Commerce,
Department of: Industrial Development Training Institute Program 55,124,479 55,124,479
Of the above appropriation, $6,440,154 shall be expended for the Industrial Development
and Training Program; $5,513,341 shall be expended for the Industrial Training Program
- Operations and Maintenance; $750,000 shall be expended for a marketing campaign for technical
education; and $42,420,984 shall be expended for Workforce Development, of which $500,000
shall be expended for the Alabama Workforce Training Center and... - 119K - Match Info - Similar pages

173341-1:n:02/03/2016:PMG/mfc LRS2016-274 HB241 By Representatives Pringle, South, Sessions,
Morrow, Beech, McCampbell, Williams (JD) and Greer RFD Commerce and Small Business Rd 1 16-FEB-16
SYNOPSIS: This bill would authorize public universities operating schools of medicine to form
a new type of public corporation to be called an authority. This bill would provide procedures
for the incorporation, reincorporation, and dissolution of an authority. This bill would prescribe
powers of an authority, including the power to form university affiliates, the power of eminent
domain, and the power to incur indebtedness. This bill would authorize an authority to exercise
its powers even if doing so would be deemed anticompetitive or monopolistic under federal
or state antitrust laws. This bill would authorize liens on the revenues and assets of an
authority or university affiliate. This bill would exempt an authority and university affiliate
from state taxation and exempt indebtedness issued by... - 53K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Clouse HB569 ENGROSSED A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To authorize
the creation of a new public corporation of the State of Alabama to be known as the "Alabama
Economic Settlement Authority"; to make Legislative findings; to provide procedures for
incorporating the authority; to provide for the members, officers and directors of the authority;
to provide for the powers of the authority; to authorize the issuance of bonds by the authority
and to provide for the source of payment of, and security for, the bonds; to provide for the
form, sale and execution of the bonds; to provide for the disposition of the proceeds of the
bonds, including deposits in the Alabama Trust Fund and the General Fund Rainy Day Account
of the Alabama Trust Fund and the payment of costs of certain transportation projects; to
create a special fund to be known as the "BP Settlement Fund" and to provide for
deposits into and withdrawals from the fund; to appropriate and pledge certain... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB225 By Senator Allen ENROLLED, An Act, To propose a local constitutional amendment to the
Constitution of Alabama of 1901; to provide that a person who is not over the age of 75 at
the time of qualifying for election or at the time of his appointment may be elected or appointed
to the office of Judge of Probate of Pickens County. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section
1. The following amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is proposed and shall become
valid as a part of the Constitution when all requirements of this act are fulfilled: PROPOSED
AMENDMENT Notwithstanding the provision of Section 6.16, as added by Amendment 328 to the
Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 155 of the Official Recompilation
of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, a person who is not over the age of 75
at the beginning time of qualifying for election or at the time of his or her appointment
may be elected or appointed to the office of Judge of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

164783-3:n:03/04/2015:FC/mfc LRS2015-639R2 SB221 By Senator Waggoner RFD Local Legislation,
Jefferson County Rd 1 11-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: This bill would propose a local constitutional amendment
relating to Jefferson County to authorize the governing body of the county to levy and collect
a special school district ad valorem tax in each school district in the county subject to
an election in the school district and to provide for the use of the proceeds for public school
purposes in the district where levied. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To propose a local constitutional
amendment relating to Jefferson County to authorize the governing body of the county to levy
and collect a special school district ad valorem tax in each school district subject to an
election in the school district and to provide for the use of the proceeds for public school
purposes in the district where levied. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section
1. The following amendment to the Constitution of Alabama... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

164783-3:n:03/04/2015:FC/mfc LRS2015-639R2 HB286 By Representatives Garrett, Robinson, Givan,
Rogers, Moore (M), Scott, Carns, Drake, Williams (JD), South, Farley and Mooney RFD Jefferson
County Legislation Rd 1 23-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: This bill would propose a local constitutional
amendment relating to Jefferson County to authorize the governing body of the county to levy
and collect a special school district ad valorem tax in each school district in the county
subject to an election in the school district and to provide for the use of the proceeds for
public school purposes in the district where levied. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To propose
a local constitutional amendment relating to Jefferson County to authorize the governing body
of the county to levy and collect a special school district ad valorem tax in each school
district subject to an election in the school district and to provide for the use of the proceeds
for public school purposes in the district where levied. BE IT... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

175374-1:n:03/10/2016:LLR/th LRS2016-938 HB402 By Representatives Bracy, Buskey, Clarke and
Drummond RFD Mobile County Legislation Rd 1 15-MAR-16 SYNOPSIS: This bill would propose a
local constitutional amendment relating to Mobile County. The bill would establish a minimum
wage for Mobile County and would provide a civil action for a violation of this amendment
if an employer fails to pay minimum wage. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Mobile
County; to propose an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to establish a minimum
wage for Mobile County and provide a civil action for a violation of this amendment if an
employer fails to pay minimum wage. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1.
The following amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is proposed and shall become
valid as a part of the Constitution when all requirements of this act are fulfilled: PROPOSED
AMENDMENT (a) Beginning January 1, 2017, in Mobile County, the minimum wage shall... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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