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164479-2:n:02/25/2015:FC/th LRS2015-434R1 HB225 By Representative Lindsey RFD County and Municipal
Government Rd 1 10-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, counties may contract with the United
States, with the State of Alabama, and with other counties, but there is no general authority
for the county commission to contract with municipalities. This bill would authorize counties
to contract with municipalities in the state. Under existing law, county commissioners are
prohibited from contracting with the county or hiring family members. This bill would clarify
existing law to provide that a county commissioner may not contract with the county personally
or through his or her business and may not participate in the hiring of a family member. Additionally,
the bill would define family member as that term is defined in the state ethics law. Under
existing law, two or more counties may enter into agreements to self-fund liability and workers'
compensation insurance, but are not authorized... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Johnson (R) HB458 ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to unclaimed or abandoned
motor vehicles; to amend Sections 32-8-84, 32-13-1, 32-13-2, 32-13-3, 32-13-4, and 32-13-6,
Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the titling and sale of certain unclaimed motor
vehicles; to provide for notice; to further provide for when a law enforcement officer may
remove a motor vehicle from certain locations; to provide limited immunity; to further provide
for the titling and sale of abandoned motor vehicles; to provide for pre-sale appeals by the
Alabama Tax Tribunal and the circuit court; to provide procedures for contesting sales; to
provide for the deduction of certain costs from the proceeds of a sale; to add Sections 32-13-9
and 32-13-10, to the Code of Alabama 1975; to require cooperation of law enforcement in enforcement
of the act; to provide criminal penalties for fraudulent statements regarding the sale of
an abandoned motor vehicle; and in connection therewith would... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB370 ENGROSSED By Senator Beasley A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to unclaimed or abandoned
motor vehicles; to amend Sections 32-8-84, 32-13-1, 32-13-2, 32-13-3, 32-13-4, and 32-13-6,
Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the titling and sale of certain unclaimed motor
vehicles; to provide for notice; to further provide for when a law enforcement officer may
remove a motor vehicle from certain locations; to provide limited immunity; to further provide
for the titling and sale of abandoned motor vehicles; to provide for pre-sale appeals by the
Alabama Tax Tribunal and the circuit court; to provide procedures for contesting sales; to
provide for the deduction of certain costs from the proceeds of a sale; to add Sections 32-13-9
and 32-13-10, to the Code of Alabama 1975; to require cooperation of law enforcement in enforcement
of the act; to provide criminal penalties for fraudulent statements regarding the sale of
an abandoned motor vehicle; and in connection therewith... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Scott HB331 ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Section 41-15-4, as amended
by Act 2014-261, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the State Insurance Fund, to require the
risk manager, with the approval of the Finance Director, to develop a program of gap coverage
and gap plus coverage to provide, within reasonable limitations, proceeds sufficient to allow
a public school building under the jurisdiction of the Department of Postsecondary Education
that has been rendered a total loss as a result of a covered peril to be reconstructed with
materials superior to its original construction and in an increased size if appropriate based
upon current construction standards and occupancy. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section
1. Section 41-15-4, as amended by Act 2014-261, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as
follows: §41-15-4. "(a) All covered property, unless otherwise provided in this section,
shall be insured for no more than its replacement cost and... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

164927-1:n:03/03/2015:EBO-lml/EBO-lml HB276 By Representative England RFD Ways and Means General
Fund Rd 1 12-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Currently, municipal utility corporations are not paying the
state license tax equal to 2.2% on each $1 of gross receipts. Revenue generated by the tax
is distributed to the State General Fund and to the Special Mental Health Fund. This bill
will require any public, private or municipal utility corporation to pay the license tax.
This bill will distribute the additional revenue generated from removing this exemption to
the State General Fund. This bill will also repeal the requirement that the Alabama Municipal
Electric Authority make an in-lieu-of tax payment. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Sections
11-50A-7, 40-21-53 and 40-21-55, Code of Alabama 1975, to require any public, private or municipal
utility corporation to pay the state 2.2% license tax; to repeal the requirement that the
Alabama Municipal Electric Authority make an in-lieu-of tax payment;... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB243 By Senator Orr ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Section 40-2A-10 Code of Alabama, 1975; to
remove the good standing certificate; and to provide for a compliance certificate that certifies
that the entity is in compliance with all state taxes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF
ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 40-2A-10, Code of Alabama 1975, is hereby amended to read as follows:
§40-2A-10. "(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, it shall be unlawful for
any person to print, publish, or divulge, without the written permission or approval of the
taxpayer, the return of any taxpayer or any part of the return, or any information secured
in arriving at the amount of tax or value reported, for any purpose other than the proper
administration of any matter administered by the department, a county, or a municipality,
or upon order of any court, or as otherwise allowed in this section. Statistical information
pertaining to taxes may be disclosed at the discretion of the commissioner or... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

164255-4:n:02/20/2015:KMS/th LRS2015-250R3 HB84 By Representative Brown RFD State Government
Rd 1 03-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the Self-Service Storage Act regulates the rental
of individual storage spaces for personal property in the state. This bill would provide further
for the definitions of last known address and self-service storage facility and to define
active duty, email, late fee, service member, and verified mail. This bill would authorize
an owner to notify an occupant of default and the intent of the owner to enforce a lien by
verified mail or email. This bill would delete the requirement that the notice include a description
of the property and a denial of access to the property. This bill would permit posting the
notice of sale or other disposition of the property on a publicly accessible website. This
bill would specify what constitutes a commercially reasonable sale and proceeds, determining
the maximum value of stored property, and the transfer of liability... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

164255-4:n:02/20/2015:KMS/th LRS2015-250R3 SB139 By Senator Allen RFD Fiscal Responsibility
and Economic Development Rd 1 03-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the Self-Service Storage
Act regulates the rental of individual storage spaces for personal property in the state.
This bill would provide further for the definitions of last known address and self-service
storage facility and to define active duty, email, late fee, service member, and verified
mail. This bill would authorize an owner to notify an occupant of default and the intent of
the owner to enforce a lien by verified mail or email. This bill would delete the requirement
that the notice include a description of the property and a denial of access to the property.
This bill would permit posting the notice of sale or other disposition of the property on
a publicly accessible website. This bill would specify what constitutes a commercially reasonable
sale and proceeds, determining the maximum value of stored property, and... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB162 ENGROSSED By Senator Orr A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 32-5A-191 of the
Code of Alabama 1975, as last amended by Act 2014-222 of the 2014 Regular Session, relating
to driving while under the influence; to further define the offense and to define the term
under the influence for the purpose of unsafe driving; to prohibit a person from driving who
has a measurable amount of specified substances in the person's body; to further provide for
a minimum mandatory sentence for a fourth or subsequent violation; to remove the requirement
that a prior conviction considered by the court when imposing a sentence would only be a prior
conviction within a five-year period; to further provide for the offenses that can be considered
by a court when imposing a sentence for multiple violations; to amend Section 32-6-19 of the
Code of Alabama 1975, relating to violations for driving while license or driving privilege
is cancelled, denied, suspended, or revoked; to provide that a... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Givan, Beckman, England, Treadaway and Coleman-Evans HB316 ENROLLED,
An Act, Relating to sex offender registration, to amend Sections 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2,
13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4, 15-20A-5, 15-20A-6, 15-20A-7, 15-20A-8, 15-20A-9,
15-20A-10, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-12, 15-20A-13, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-15, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-17, 15-20A-18,
15-20A-20, 15-20A-21, 15-20A-22, 15-20A-23, 15-20A-24, 15-20A-25, 15-20A-26, 15-20A-27, 15-20A-28,
15-20A-29, 15-20A-30, 15-20A-31, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-36, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-38,
15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-42, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-44, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24,
36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, and 38-13-4, Code of Alabama 1975, to make technical revisions
to the Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act; to update internal
citations to reflect the appropriate section of the current registration and community notification
law; to clarify that petitions... - 190K - Match Info - Similar pages

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