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166471-1:n:03/26/2015:PMG/mfc LRS2015-1258 HB469 By Representatives Greer, Pettus, Henry and
Butler RFD Education Policy Rd 1 09-APR-15 SYNOPSIS: This act would establish qualified depositories
for textbooks, which would be facilities that receive textbook orders from boards of education,
store sufficient quantities of textbooks, and distribute textbooks to local school systems.
This bill would prohibit a qualified depository for textbooks from charging a board of education
for its services, but would authorize it to charge a publisher a fee for its services. The
bill would provide that a publisher of textbooks is responsible for ensuring that a sufficient
stock of textbooks is maintained at a qualified depository. This bill would prohibit the price
of any textbook sold through a qualified depository for textbooks from exceeding the costs
already prescribed by law. This bill would also clarify that textbooks include digital textbooks
for the purposes of public school textbook... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Beech HB57 ENGROSSED A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To enact the Alabama
Veterans and Targeted Counties Act; to add provisions to the Alabama Jobs Act proposed by
HB 58 of the Regular Session of 2015 of the Alabama Legislature; to define the term “targeted
county”; to require that the Secretary of Commerce make certain findings as to whether a
project is a qualifying project and whether a company is an approved company when the project
is to be located in a targeted county; to provide that a qualifying project in a targeted
county could receive incentives if it created at least 25 new jobs; to allow a 4 percent jobs
credit for qualifying projects located in targeted counties; to allow an additional 5 years
in the incentive period for the investment credit in certain cases; to provide an additional
jobs credit of 0.5 percent of wages paid to veterans in certain cases; to provide for audits
of companies claiming the Jobs Act Incentives; to create the Accelerate... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

164989-1::03/03/2015:EBO-MEJ/mej HB139 By Representative McMillan RFD Ways and Means General
Fund Rd 1 05-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Currently, the State of Alabama levies a tax on various tobacco
products. This bill would increase the tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products, and adjust
the discount allowed on tobacco stamp purchases. This bill also provides for the distribution
of the proceeds from the tax increase on tobacco products. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To
amend Sections 40-25-2, 40-25-2.1, 40-25-5, and 40-25-23, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to
the state tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products; to increase the state tax on cigarettes
and other tobacco products; to adjust the discount allowed on tobacco stamp purchases; and
to provide for the distribution of the proceeds from the increase in tax on cigarettes and
other tobacco products. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. Sections 40-25-2,
40-25-2.1, 40-25-5, and 40-25-23, Code of Alabama 1975, are... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Ball HB211 ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to the Legislative Department,
to reconstitute the Legislative Council and create the Senate Legislative Council and the
House Legislative Council; to transfer to the councils functions from the House Legislative
Council, the entity consisting of the Senate members elected to the Legislative Council, the
Joint Fiscal Committee, and the Legislative Building Authority, and abolish those entities;
to assign additional administrative functions to the council; to delete a provision for an
automatic appropriation to the Legislature; to revise the procedure for the appointment and
tenure of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House; to specify the Alabama Law Institute
is part of the Legislative Department, revise the membership of the governing council of the
institute, and grant additional authority to the council and the president and director of
the institute; to restructure the Commission on Uniform State Laws; to... - 66K - Match Info - Similar pages

stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer. "(11)(13) STUDENT OF MASSAGE THERAPY.
Any person currently enrolled in an Alabama massage therapy school program approved by the
board. "(12) TEMPORARY PERMIT. A temporary permit issued at the request of a massage
therapist who is qualified according to the Alabama massage therapy law prior to approval
by the board and not to exceed six months. "(13)(14) THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE AND RELATED
TOUCH THERAPY MODALITIES. The mobilization of the soft tissue which may include skin,
fascia, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining good
physical condition. The term shall include effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, compression,
vibration, stretching, heliotherapy, superficial hot and cold applications, topical applications,
or other therapy which involves movement either by hand, forearm, elbow, or foot, for the
purpose of therapeutic massage. Massage therapy may include the external application and use
of... - 46K - Match Info - Similar pages

162316-2:n:03/02/2015:LLR/agb LRS2014-2497R1 HB141 By Representative Todd RFD Financial Services
Rd 1 05-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a fee is required to record certain mortgages,
deeds of trust, contracts of conditional sale, or other instruments of like character which
is given to secure the payment of any debt which conveys any real or personal property. This
bill would increase the fee for recording of certain mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts
of conditional sale, or other instruments of like character which is given to secure the payment
of any debt which conveys any real or personal property. This bill would modify the rate and
distribution of the Mortgage Record Tax in order to provide a dedicated revenue for the Alabama
Housing Trust Fund. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 40-22-2, Code of Alabama
1975; to increase the fee for recording of certain mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts of
conditional sale, or other instruments of like character which is... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Center. Operations and Maintenance and Program Support, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
32,204,625 1,893,360 34,097,985 Operations and Maintenance and Program Support, Auburn University
at Montgomery 22,775,297 52,649,123 75,424,420 Of the above appropriation, $250,000 shall
be expended for the Institute for Accountability and Government Efficiency and $114,915 shall
be expended for the Senior Resource Center. College of Veterinary Medicine-Development of
Customized Therapeutics for Breast Cancer and Health Related Research (MRI) 1,100,000
1,100,000 Cyber Security Center for Research related to Economic Development Initiatives and
associated education programs 1,000,000 1,000,000 Auburn Aviation Center 1,500,000 1,500,000
SOURCE OF FUNDS: ETF 247,790,987 Federal and Other Funds 940,151,184 Total Auburn University,
Board of Trustees 247,790,987 940,151,184 1,187,942,171 Jacksonville State University, Board
of Trustees: Operations and Maintenance and Program Support 37,095,160... - 137K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB375 By Senator Orr ENROLLED, An Act, To provide flexibility for state entities to utilize
state revenue for other purposes which are in addition to the stated purpose under current
state law. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. Definition. State tax receipt.
Any tax, fee, license or other source of revenue received by a state entity pursuant to statute,
rule or any other means. This provision shall in no way include specific appropriations from
the State General Fund and the Education Trust Fund. Section 2. Any other law or laws to the
contrary notwithstanding, a state entity which receives state tax receipts which are designated
for a particular purpose may in addition to the designated purpose expend those funds for
other functions within the entity in order to offset the reduction in other funding for any
given year. The flexibility provided by this section shall not apply to funds which are constitutionally
dedicated for a specific purpose or to Medicaid... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

156834-13:e:02/28/2015:EBO-KB/br HB155 By Representative Poole RFD Ways and Means Education
Rd 1 05-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill makes appropriations for the support, maintenance and development
of public education in Alabama, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To make appropriations for the support,
maintenance and development of public education in Alabama, for debt service, and for capital
outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF
ALABAMA: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the support of public education in Alabama
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, for debt service, and for capital outlay to
be paid out of funds specified in subsection (a) of Section 2 of this act, the amounts specified
in subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of Section 3 of this act. For the purpose specified
in subsection (b) of Section 2 of this act, amounts are... - 110K - Match Info - Similar pages

165928-1:n:03/17/2015:JET/agb LRS2015-1119 SB239 By Senator Sanford RFD Fiscal Responsibility
and Economic Development Rd 1 17-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill would give public owners a new
alternative means for procuring design and construction services for public works contracts
by making available the construction manager/general contractor option when determined by
the awarding authority that this alternative project delivery method potentially offers better
value to taxpayers than the design-bid-build method. In addition to the existing design-bid-build
project delivery method, this bill would provide awarding authorities the alternative of selecting
a construction manager/general contractor, would specify that a construction manager/general
contractor assumes the risk for construction, rehabilitation, renovation, alteration, or repair
of a public works project at the contracted price, and would set forth the selection process
for the CM/GC and subcontractors necessary to complete a... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

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