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168881-1:n:05/06/2015:PMG/th LRS2015-1872 SB479 By Senator Holtzclaw RFD Governmental Affairs
Rd 1 14-MAY-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, funds in the Secretary of State Entity Fund may
be used for any purpose whatsoever, provided the funds are allotted and budgeted in accordance
with law. This bill would authorize the Secretary of State Entity Fund to be used for the
administration of the Office of the Secretary of State. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating
to the Secretary of State Entity Fund; to amend Section 10A-1-4.31, Code of Alabama 1975;
to authorize the Secretary of State Entity Fund to be used for the administration of the Office
of the Secretary of State. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section
10A-1-4.31, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as follows: §10A-1-4.31. "(a) The
judge of probate or the Secretary of State, as the case may be, shall collect the following
fees when the filing instruments described in this title are delivered to him... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

165300-1:n:03/05/2015:KMS/mfc LRS2015-938 HB192 By Representatives Collins, Moore (B), Pringle,
Johnson (K), Henry, Williams (P), Shiver, Gaston, Weaver, Fridy, Davis, Brown, Hammon, Greer,
Wood, Rowe, Butler, Fincher, Tuggle and Hubbard RFD Education Policy Rd 1 05-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS:
This bill would create the Alabama School Choice and Student Opportunity Act. This bill would
create the Alabama Public Charter School Commission and would provide for the membership,
powers, duties, and liabilities of the commission. This bill would provide for the application
process for establishing public charter schools and conversion charter schools and would provide
for charter terms, charter contracts, and preopening requirements and conditions. This bill
would provide for accountability of charter schools pursuant to a performance framework, ongoing
oversight and corrective action, and renewal, revocation, and nonrenewal of charters. This
bill would provide for the operation and autonomy of public... - 81K - Match Info - Similar pages

167179-1:n:04/08/2015:JMH/tj LRS2015-1412 HB482 By Representatives Boothe, Moore (B), Jones
and Sells RFD Judiciary Rd 1 14-APR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, there are three circuit
judgeships in the twelfth judicial circuit which is comprised of Pike and Coffee Counties.
This bill would require the judge occupying judgeship No. 1 to be a resident of Pike County,
and the judges occupying judgeships No. 2 and No. 3 to be residents of Coffee County. This
bill would also require any person qualifying as a candidate for a circuit judgeship to have
been a resident of the county for the judgeship for at least one year prior to qualifying
as a candidate. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 12-17-20 of the Code of Alabama
1975, relating to circuit judges; to provide for the residency of circuit judges in the twelfth
judicial circuit. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 12-17-20
of the Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as follows: §12-17-20. "(a)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

165026-1:n:03/03/2015:FC/cj LRS2015-787 HB608 By Representative Jones RFD Local Legislation
Rd 1 05-MAY-15 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Covington County; to amend Section
45-20-240 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the expense allowance of the
county board of equalization. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section
45-20-240, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as follows: §45-20-240. "(a) In
Covington County, in addition to any and all other compensation, salary, and expense allowances
provided for by law, there shall be paid to each member of the board of equalization of the
county an expense allowance in such an amount as will, together with any amount paid by the
state, as salary, compensation, or expense allowance, make the total paid to such members
equal thirty dollars ($30) seventy-five dollars ($75) per day. If the amount paid to such
the members as compensation or expense allowance by the state increases in the future,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

166658-1:n:04/01/2015:FC/th LRS2015-1331 HB636 By Representatives Johnson (R), Hurst, Boyd
and Wood RFD Local Legislation Rd 1 07-MAY-15 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to the
City of Lincoln in Talladega County; to alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and
corporate limits of the City of Lincoln in Talladega County; and to further provide for the
police jurisdiction of the city. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. (a)
The boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Lincoln in Talladega County are altered,
rearranged, and extended to include within the corporate limits of the municipality, in addition
to the lands now included, all of the following territory: Located in Section 28, Township
17 South, Range 4 East, Talladega County, Alabama, being more particularly described as follows:
Lots 4 and 5, Riverview Lane Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in the Office of the
Judge of Probate for Talladega County, Alabama, in Slide 229, at page... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

168881-1:n:05/06/2015:PMG/th LRS2015-1872 HB639 By Representatives Wingo, Mooney and Fridy
RFD Ways and Means General Fund Rd 1 07-MAY-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, funds in the
Secretary of State Entity Fund may be used for any purpose whatsoever, provided the funds
are allotted and budgeted in accordance with law. This bill would authorize the Secretary
of State Entity Fund to be used for the administration of the Office of the Secretary of State.
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to the Secretary of State Entity Fund; to amend Section
10A-1-4.31, Code of Alabama 1975; to authorize the Secretary of State Entity Fund to be used
for the administration of the Office of the Secretary of State. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE
OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 10A-1-4.31, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as follows:
§10A-1-4.31. "(a) The judge of probate or the Secretary of State, as the case may be,
shall collect the following fees when the filing instruments described in... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Johnson (K) HB667 ENGROSSED A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend
Section 28-2A-1, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended by Act 2015-2 of the 2015 Regular Session,
relating to municipal option elections; to provide that a municipal election held on the question
of changing a classification from dry to wet or wet to dry may not be held for at least 1,440
days following a prior municipal option election. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section
1. Section 28-2A-1, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended by Act 2015-2 of the 2015 Regular Session,
is amended to read as follows: §28-2A-1. "(a) Any municipality having a population of
1,000 or more, may change its classification from dry to wet or wet to dry by a municipal
option election, in the following manner. "(b) Upon petition of 30 percent of the number
of voters voting in the last preceding general election of the municipality being filed with
the city or town clerk or governing body of said municipality,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

169171-1:n:05/14/2015:MCS/agb LRS2015-1881 HB690 By Representative Ford RFD Ways and Means
Education Rd 1 21-MAY-15 SYNOPSIS: Currently, members of the Teachers' Retirement System and
the Employees' Retirement System may not become new participants in the Deferred Retirement
Option Program (DROP) after March 24, 2011. This bill would reestablish the DROP program for
tier I and tier II retirement participants, would provide for the requirements and terms of
participation in the program, and would provide for maximum salary eligilibity, rates of return
on investments, use of accumulated sick leave for eligibility, exit of DROP participants,
and cost-of-living adjustments. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Sections 16-25-150 and
36-27-170, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP), to
allow new participation of state employees, including public safety employees, and education
employees in tier I and tier II retirement plans; to provide for... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

165081-1:n:03/02/2015:FC/agb LRS2015-832 SB235 By Senator Marsh RFD County and Municipal Government
Rd 1 17-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill would authorize any Class 5 municipality to establish an
expedited quiet title procedure to establish clear title to tax sale properties acquired from
the State Land Commissioner pursuant to Chapter 10 of Title 40, Code of Alabama 1975. A BILL
TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Class 5 municipalities; to authorize Class 5 municipalities
to file an expedited quiet title and foreclosure action in circuit court to establish clear
title to abandoned tax sale properties within the corporate limits that are acquired from
the State Land Commissioner pursuant to Chapter 10, Title 40, Code of Alabama 1975; and to
provide for the procedure and due process for the action in circuit court. BE IT ENACTED BY
THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. This act shall apply only in a Class 5 municipality
and provides the exclusive procedure for an expedited quiet title and... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

166417-1:n:03/24/2015:JET/tj LRS2015-1227 HB346 By Representative Gaston RFD Ways and Means
General Fund Rd 1 31-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill would create the Alabama Transportation Infrastructure
Bank for the purpose of selecting and assisting in the financing of major qualified transportation
projects by providing loans and other financial assistance to certain government entities
for constructing and improving highways and transportation facilities necessary for public
purposes, including economic development. This bill would specify the membership, powers,
duties, terms, sources for capitalization, and liability of the bank, as well as the procedures
for the bank to provide loans and other financial assistance to government entities for qualified
projects. This bill may redistribute a portion of revenues produced by one cent ($.01) a gallon
of the tax on gasoline pursuant to Act 2011-565 and may redistribute revenues collected pursuant
to Section 40-12-248, Code of Alabama 1975. This... - 36K - Match Info - Similar pages

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