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165834-1:n:03/16/2015:LLR/th LRS2015-817 SB343 By Senator Whatley RFD Fiscal Responsibility
and Economic Development Rd 1 07-APR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, there are limitations
on condemnations. This bill would further limit the condemnation of property if the primary
use for the property is for private gain, private benefit, private enterprise, increasing
jobs, increasing tax revenue, or economic development. This bill would require each entity
prior to initialing a condemnation procedure to define what is included in just compensation
for the taking or damaging of property and it shall take only a portion of private property
necessary for public use. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 18-1B-2, Code of Alabama
1975, relating to limitations on condemnation; to limit the condemnation of property if the
primary use for the property is for private gain, private benefit, private enterprise, increasing
jobs, increasing tax revenue, or economic development; and to require... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB111 By Senator Orr ENROLLED, An Act, To establish the Alabama Transportation Infrastructure
Bank; to specify the membership, powers, duties, terms, sources for capitalization, and liability
of the bank; to provide for the redistribution of a portion of gasoline tax revenues and motor
vehicle registration fee revenues; to provide procedures for the issuance of loans and other
financial assistance to certain government entities for certain qualified projects; to provide
authority for the bank to issue certain bonds under certain conditions; to require the bank
to report annually to the Governor and the Legislature. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF
ALABAMA: Section 1. This act shall be cited as the Alabama Transportation Infrastructure Bank
Act. Section 2. For the purposes of this act, the following words shall have the following
meanings: (1) BANK. The Alabama Transportation Infrastructure Bank. (2) BOARD. The board of
directors of the bank. (3) BONDS. Includes bonds, notes, or... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

166417-1:n:03/24/2015:JET/tj LRS2015-1227 HB346 By Representative Gaston RFD Ways and Means
General Fund Rd 1 31-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill would create the Alabama Transportation Infrastructure
Bank for the purpose of selecting and assisting in the financing of major qualified transportation
projects by providing loans and other financial assistance to certain government entities
for constructing and improving highways and transportation facilities necessary for public
purposes, including economic development. This bill would specify the membership, powers,
duties, terms, sources for capitalization, and liability of the bank, as well as the procedures
for the bank to provide loans and other financial assistance to government entities for qualified
projects. This bill may redistribute a portion of revenues produced by one cent ($.01) a gallon
of the tax on gasoline pursuant to Act 2011-565 and may redistribute revenues collected pursuant
to Section 40-12-248, Code of Alabama 1975. This... - 36K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representatives Baker, Harper, Collins, Shiver, Hill (M), McCutcheon, Weaver, Gaston,
Sessions, Moore (B), Johnson (K), Nordgren, McMillan, Ingram and Davis HB554 ENROLLED, An
Act, Relating to the Department of Commerce; to transfer various departments, programs, duties,
functions, boards, and committees of the Department of Economic and Community Affairs and
the Department of Postsecondary Education to the Department of Commerce; to transfer certain
property, employees, and appropriations to the Department of Commerce; to reorganize the newly
constituted Department of Commerce and provide for its duties and functions; to amend and
renumber Sections 41-9-201, 41-9-202, 41-9-202.1, and 41-9-203 as Article 1, Chapter 29, of
Title 41 of; to add Section 41-29-5 to; to amend and renumber Sections 41-9-760 to 41-9-767,
inclusive, as Division 1, Part 1, Article 2, Chapter 29 of Title 41 of; to add Part 2 to Division
3, Article 2, Chapter 29 of Title 41 of; to add Division 4 to... - 53K - Match Info - Similar pages

be deposited with the State Treasurer to be continuously appropriated to the Department of
Human Resources to assist all children in temporary or permanent custody in foster care. "(9)
Contributions designated for mental health on the Alabama state resident individual income
tax return shall be deposited with the State Treasurer and shall be distributed equally to
the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Alabama and to the Mental Health Consumers of Alabama.
"(10) Contributions to the Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Research Program
shall be deposited with the State Treasurer and distributed to the University of Alabama at
Birmingham, which shall implement and administer the program. "(11) Contributions to
the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund shall be deposited with the State Treasurer for distribution
by the Department of Economic and Community Affairs for weatherization assistance as provided
for under Article 6, commencing with Section 41-23-100, Chapter 23, Title 41. "(12)... - 136K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB76 By Senator Marsh ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Sections 41-4-2 and 41-4-3, Code of Alabama,
1975, relating to the duties of the Department of Finance, Section 41-4-261, relating to the
duties of the office of space management and Section 41-9-141, relating to the duties of the
Building Commission; to repeal Section 41-4-183, relating to the employment of landscape gardener
for Capitol grounds, Section 41-6A-4(10) relating to energy usage and Sections 41-9-140 and
41-9-142 relating to the Building Commission; to create a permanent joint legislative oversight
committee on the management of state-owned and leased real property; and to transfer all duties
and responsibilities of the Building Commission in Sections 16-1.2.1 and 16-1.2.2, 16-16-10
(o)(2) and (p), 34-14B-1 to 34-14B-10, 39-2-2(f)(1), 41-9-160 to 41-9-165, 41-9-170 to 41-9-174,
41-9-243, 41-9-542, 41-10-271, 41-10-364, and 41-16-72(3)(a), to the Division of Construction
Management within the Department of Finance. BE IT... - 27K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Baker HB58 ENROLLED, An Act, To enact the Alabama Jobs Act; to authorize
and provide for a jobs credit incentive and an investment credit incentive to certain businesses
for approved projects that create new jobs in Alabama; to provide that the incentives would
only be available following the execution of a project agreement and a determination that
the economic benefits of the project would exceed the cost of the incentives to the state;
to allow the jobs credit for 10 years in an amount of 3 percent of the previous year's annual
wages for eligible employees; to apply the jobs credit against the utility gross receipts
and utility service use taxes; to provide that the jobs credit could be refundable during
the incentive period; to provide that the jobs credit may be claimed as a credit against utility
taxes paid with a carryforward for earned but unused amounts; to allow the investment credit
in an amount of 1.5 percent of a qualified capital investment... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

164467-1:n:03/06/2015:LFO-BD/bdl SB203 By Senator Orr RFD Finance and Taxation General Fund
Rd 1 10-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the State Forestry Commission is an independent
agency of the state, with the power to appoint the State Forester who is responsible for managing
everyday operations of the commission. This bill would rename the Department of Agriculture
and Industries to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Consumer Services. This bill
would create the Division of State Forestry within the Department of Agriculture, Forestry,
and Consumer Services. This bill would transfer the duties, responsibilities, papers, funds,
property, and other effects of the State Forestry Commission to the Division of State Forestry.
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Sections 2-3-1, 2-3-2, 9-3-1, 9-3-4, 9-3-5, 9-3-6, 9-3-7,
9-3-8, 9-3-9, 9-3-10, 9-3-10.1, 9-3-11, 9-3-12, 9-3-13, 9-3-14, 9-3-15, 9-3-17, 9-3-19, 9-8A-3,
9-10A-4, 9-13-1, 9-13-3, 9-13-4, 9-13-5, 9-13-6, 9-13-8,... - 175K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB220 By Senators Hightower, Glover and Albritton ENROLLED, An Act, To allow a county, municipality,
or improvement district to adopt a program to issue bonds, notes, or other types of financing
methods to finance improvements to certain real properties through assessments on the property
tax bill, for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency and community resilience to storm-related
events; to authorize a local government to impose assessments to fund qualifying improvements
for qualified projects; to require a local government to designate areas where projects would
be completed; to provide procedures for adoption of a program; to provide for the hiring of
program administrators and staff; to authorize fees to offset costs; to provide for the contractual
obligations of the local government and the record owner of the affected real property; to
require notice to certain property owners; to provide that assessments are a lien on real
property; to provide for enforcement; and to... - 22K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Pringle HB416 ENGROSSED A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To enact the
Alabama Renewal Act; to enact new programs for the growth of business and industry in Alabama;
to create tax credits for increased use of the state’s port facilities; to create the Growing
Alabama Act tax credit to address economic development needs in Alabama that cannot be solved
with traditional tax incentives; to cap the credits; to provide for the carryforward of certain
earned but unused credits; to provide methods for claiming certain credits; to provide for
proof that credits are due to be granted; to provide for the promulgation of forms; to create
new Articles 18 and 19 of Chapter 18 of Title 40; to provide for the promulgation of regulations;
to provide for the severability of invalid provisions; to provide for the repeal of conflicting
laws; to provide for effective dates. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section
1. This act shall be known as the “Alabama Renewal Act”.... - 31K - Match Info - Similar pages

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