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SB50 ENGROSSED By Senator Allen A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Sections 23-1-2 and 39-2-4
of the Code of Alabama, to increase the maximum amount of the bid guarantee required to be
filed under certain conditions by a bidder on public works project for the Department of Transportation
and other awarding authorities. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections
23-1-2 and 39-2-4 of the Code of Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows: §23-1-2. "Any
other provisions of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, bidders for contract projects
which contracts are with the State of Alabama, in behalf of the State Department of Transportation,
to be paid, in whole or in part, from funds allocated to the State Department of Transportation
from any source whatsoever, or where contracts are with any of the several counties of the
state for a highway, road, street, or bridge project, to be paid for, in whole or in part,
from funds allocated to the county from any... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

164544-1:n:02/11/2015:JET/tj LRS2015-516 SB114 By Senator Orr RFD Finance and Taxation Education
Rd 1 03-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: This bill would authorize the State Department of Education, pending
available funds, to offer competitive two-year grants to public schools for the purpose of
developing new educational programs or continuing existing educational programs for gifted
or talented children. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to education; to provide findings
of the Legislature relating to public education; to authorize the State Department of Education,
pending available funds, to offer certain grants to public schools for the purpose of developing
new advanced educational and specialized programs for gifted or talented children; to require
the department to adopt rules providing for the evaluation of applications for grants; to
provide public access to applicant scoring; and to require local boards of education to match
awarded grant funds. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

165423-1:n:03/10/2015:JMH/cj LRS2015-966 HB415 By Representative Johnson (K) RFD Transportation,
Utilities and Infrastructure Rd 1 02-APR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the Department of
Transportation has no authority to enter into road construction projects and financial agreements
with public companies, partnerships, or ventures. This bill would authorize the Department
of Transportation to enter into various types of construction agreements and financing agreements
with other public and private entities for constructing a public improvement and repairing
its buildings, offices, and other facilities. This bill would require the department to develop
a process for evaluating and selecting public improvement projects under these provisions.
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 23-1-40, Code of Alabama 1975; to authorize
the Department of Transportation to enter into various types of construction agreements and
financing agreements for constructing a public improvement and... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB232 By Senator Marsh ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Section 34-8-7, Code of Alabama 1975, relating
to the licensing and regulation of general contractors, and exemptions from the application
of Chapter 8 of Title 34, Code of Alabama 1975; to clarify that the exemption for owners of
property improving the property may not be altered or restricted by a municipal governing
or regulatory body, and to repeal any conflicting municipal ordinance or regulation. BE IT
ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 34-8-7, Code of Alabama 1975, is
amended to read as follows: §34-8-7. "(a) The following shall be exempted from this
chapter: "(1) The practice of general contracting, as defined in Section 34-8-1, by an
authorized representative or representatives of the United States Government, State of Alabama,
incorporated town, city, or county in this state, which is under the supervision of a licensed
architect or engineer provided any work contracted out by the representative shall... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

164661-4:n:04/09/2015:MCS/th LRS2015-513R3 HB495 By Representatives Mooney, Henry, Hubbard,
Hill (M), Fridy, Drake, Carns, Wingo, Holmes (M) and Beech RFD State Government Rd 1 14-APR-15
SYNOPSIS: The bill would further specify Alabama's status as a right to work state. A BILL
TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to prohibited practices relating to employer and employee relationships;
to prohibit local governmental entities from requiring leave for employees of employers; to
prohibit interfering with an employer's right to obtain background information about employees
and prospective employees; and to provide for the Alabama Employment Fairness Act to retain
the authority of the state to regulate collective bargaining under federal labor laws. BE
IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. (a) The Legislature recognizes that fair,
secure, and safe workplaces are critical to high employer and employee productivity and that
increased employer and employee productivity improves the... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

164661-4:n:04/09/2015:MCS/th LRS2015-513R3 SB403 By Senator Albritton RFD Fiscal Responsibility
and Economic Development Rd 1 21-APR-15 SYNOPSIS: The bill would further specify Alabama's
status as a right to work state. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to prohibited practices
relating to employer and employee relationships; to prohibit local governmental entities from
requiring leave for employees of employers; to prohibit interfering with an employer's right
to obtain background information about employees and prospective employees; and to provide
for the Alabama Employment Fairness Act to retain the authority of the state to regulate collective
bargaining under federal labor laws. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section
1. (a) The Legislature recognizes that fair, secure, and safe workplaces are critical to high
employer and employee productivity and that increased employer and employee productivity improves
the economic health of our state. Because an employer is... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

164253-2:n:03/10/2015:PMG/mfc LRS2015-233R1 SB246 By Senator Orr RFD Education and Youth Affairs
Rd 1 17-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a high school student may take college courses
if it fits into his or her schedule. This bill would establish a program allowing eligible
11th and 12th grade students admitted unconditionally to an eligible Alabama public postsecondary
institution to take all courses at the eligible public institution and receive high school
credit for the course work with the goal of completing graduation and high school diploma
requirements. This bill would authorize the Department of Education to pay an institution
of higher learning for courses taken pursuant to the program through appropriation of state
funds, the amount being the lesser of either the actual cost of tuition or the amount the
student would have earned for the local school system had the student been in equivalent instructional
programs in the school system. This bill would prohibit an... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB96 By Senator Chambliss ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Sections 11-1-10, 11-3-5, 11-30-1, 11-49-80,
and 11-98-4, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to county government; to authorize counties to
contract with municipalities; to clarify provisions related to contracts with related family
and business interests; to authorize counties to self-fund property insurance; to further
provide for maintenance of roads annexed by a municipality; and to provide for bonding of
emergency communication district employees. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section
1. Sections 11-1-10, 11-3-5, 11-30-1, 11-49-80, and 11-98-4, Code of Alabama 1975, are amended
to read as follows: §11-1-10. "(a) The county commission in addition to all other powers
and authority is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts, leases, compacts,
or any other form of agreement with the United States of America or any of its agencies, departments,
bureaus, divisions, or institutions, with the State of Alabama... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

164180-2:n:01/20/2015:FC/tj LRS2015-220 HB183 By Representative Shiver RFD Local Legislation
Rd 1 05-MAR-15 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Monroe County; to authorize the Monroe
County Commission to call for a referendum on the levy of an excise tax on gasoline or motor
fuel not to exceed five cents ($.05) per gallon for specific road and bridge projects identified
by the county prior to the referendum; to provide that the excise tax could only be in effect
for a period not to exceed five years; and to provide for subsequent local referendums asking
that new levies be authorized. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. For
the purposes of this act, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) DISTRIBUTOR.
Any person who engages in the selling of gasoline or motor fuel in this state by wholesale
domestic trade, but shall not apply to any transaction of the distributor in interstate commerce.
(2) GASOLINE. Gasoline, naphtha, and other liquid motor... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

164479-2:n:02/25/2015:FC/th LRS2015-434R1 HB225 By Representative Lindsey RFD County and Municipal
Government Rd 1 10-MAR-15 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, counties may contract with the United
States, with the State of Alabama, and with other counties, but there is no general authority
for the county commission to contract with municipalities. This bill would authorize counties
to contract with municipalities in the state. Under existing law, county commissioners are
prohibited from contracting with the county or hiring family members. This bill would clarify
existing law to provide that a county commissioner may not contract with the county personally
or through his or her business and may not participate in the hiring of a family member. Additionally,
the bill would define family member as that term is defined in the state ethics law. Under
existing law, two or more counties may enter into agreements to self-fund liability and workers'
compensation insurance, but are not authorized... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

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