Code of Alabama

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Modified:2015-06-18 10:18:40
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Body:Section 45-37A-54.65

Powers of authority.

The authority shall have the power to:

(1) Sue and be sued.

(2) Have a seal and alter the same at pleasure.

(3) Appoint officers, agents, and employees, including attorneys, and to fix their compensation.

(4) Make bylaws for the management and regulation of its affairs.

(5) Make contracts, and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient to lease or purchase and own real or personal property to be used for the furtherance of the purposes for the accomplishment of which the authority is created.

(6) Construct or reconstruct or repair and maintain and operate, swimming pools, auditoriums, grandstands, arenas, fairgrounds, coliseums, and other installations and facilities, for the amusement, recreation, and education of the citizens of the city.

(7) Promote, sponsor, and operate tournaments, shows, exhibitions, and other amusements and recreational activities.

(8) Charge fees for admission.

(9) Lease or sublease to other persons, firms, or corporations, any property owned or leased by the authority.

(10) Purchase real property and rights or easements therein necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes, and to use the same so long as its corporate existence shall continue.

(11) Conduct, promote, sponsor, operate, manage, or own educational, cultural, recreational facilities, exhibits, and exhibitions and places of amusement and entertainment.

(12) Accept or receive gifts, bequests, and devices.

(13) Do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly given herein.

(Acts 1947, No. 215, p. 81, ยง6.)