Code of Alabama

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Modified:2019-06-26 07:54:24
Meta data:-None-
Body:Section 40-10-198

Rights and remedies of certificate holder.

(a) Each holder of a tax lien certificate shall be entitled to the same rights and remedies with respect to the collection of the amounts due on such tax lien certificate as are available to the tax collecting official with respect to the collection of delinquent taxes, including, but not limited to, the right to institute garnishment proceedings against the taxpayer for the payment of taxes.

(b) The holder of a tax lien certificate shall not be entitled to charge the taxpayer for the release or satisfaction of the tax lien any amount more than what would otherwise have been available to the tax collecting official with respect to the collection of the delinquent tax.

(Acts 1995, No. 95-408, p. 864, §20; Act 2018-577, §1.)