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Body:184332-1:n:03/16/2017:KMS/tgw LRS2017-1355

HB438 By Representatives McMillan, Jackson and Chesteen RFD Ways and Means General Fund Rd 1 16-MAR-17

SYNOPSIS: This bill would establish the Alabama Physician Initiative.

This bill would provide scholarships for certain medical students who are enrolled in and attending any college of medicine in Alabama and who contract with the Alabama Medical Education Consortium to practice for five years after the completion of their residency in rural areas of the state with the greatest need for physicians with funds allocated through the State Department of Public Health.


To establish the Alabama Physician Initiative; to phase in the provision of 100 scholarships per year beginning with 25 scholarships in academic year 2017-2018 and phase down beginning 2021 for certain medical school students enrolled in and attending a college located in Alabama and who commit to practice family medicine in rural areas of the state with the greatest need for physicians; to provide that service contracts be entered into between the student and the Alabama Medical Education Consortium and between the consortium and each of the colleges of medicine; to provide for the duties and responsibilities of the consortium in the recruiting and educating of medical students and the placing of physicians into the workforce; and to provide for funding through the State Department of Public Health.


Section 1. For the purposes of this act, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(1) COLLEGE. A college of medicine located in the State of Alabama.

(2) CONSORTIUM. The Alabama Medical Education Consortium, a 501(c)(3) corporation, the entity that facilitates and administers the initiative and is accountable to the Legislature.

(3) FAMILY MEDICINE. The medical specialty which provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family.

(4) INITIATIVE. The Alabama Physician Initiative.

(5) MATCH. The process by which a student is selected for residency training.

(6) PHYSICIAN. An individual who holds an unlimited license to practice medicine in this state.

(7) PRIMARY CARE. The practice of family medicine.

(8) RESIDENT and RESIDENCY. Training or the title of the graduate medical education program of three or more years offered in a teaching hospital that is accredited by the American Council on Graduate Medical Education.

(9) SERVICE CONTRACT. A document signed by and agreed to by the student and the consortium setting forth terms of receiving tuition scholarship funds and the service requirement.

(10) STUDENT. A medical student enrolled in and attending a college of medicine located in Alabama.

Section 2. (a) The Alabama Medical Education Consortium shall administer a student scholarship program to increase the availability of family medicine practitioners by providing incentives to medical students who agree to provide family medicine in Alabama for five years immediately after becoming a licensed physician.

(b) A scholarship awarded under this act shall be used to provide tuition funding support to a medical student enrolled at a college of medicine and may not be used to reduce any other financial aid, grant, or scholarship the student may otherwise receive.

Section 3. (a) Before the 2017 fall semester, and before each fall semester thereafter, the consortium and the chief academic officer of each participating college shall jointly select up to 25 incoming first year students to participate in the initiative. The maximum number of students participating in the initiative at any one time may not exceed 100. Each student selected shall be enrolled full time at a college in a program that is designed to prepare the student to become a physician to enter a residency in a family medicine discipline. If a student, upon initial selection, declines to participate in the initiative, the consortium may select a qualified alternate.

(b) After selection, to be eligible to receive scholarship funds, the student shall execute a service contract with the consortium committing to complete his or her graduate work in family medicine in an Alabama graduate medical education program, if possible, and to practice for five years as a physician in Alabama, under the terms of the service contract, in a rural area of the state designated by the placement component used by the consortium based on current state and national data specifically appropriate for Alabama as a primary care shortage area. A student selected to participate in the initiative shall complete all educational requirements of the college in four years and may not qualify for a scholarship for more than four school years.

Section 4. (a) The consortium shall contract with the college to provide scholarship funds for students participating in the initiative. The amount of the scholarship funds awarded each school year shall be determined by the consortium based on the annual tuition charged by the college and appropriated by the Legislature.

(b) The consortium shall provide the necessary management, staff, and accountability in implementing the initiative.

Section 5. (a) During his or her fourth year at a college, a student shall enter the residency match program. Pursuant to the terms of the service contract, the student shall agree to match in an Alabama program, if possible, to fulfill his or her three years of residency in the state in family medicine.

(b) Upon completion of his or her residency, and pursuant to the terms of the service contract, the former student shall practice family medicine in a primary care shortage area in the state for five years. The actual location of service shall be determined by the consortium based on the needs of the state at the time.

Section 6. A student or former student who fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the service contract shall return all scholarship funds received pursuant to the service contract, plus interest computed as specified in the binding student service contract, to the consortium.

Section 7. The student scholarship program administered by the consortium shall be funded by legislative appropriation through the State Department of Public Health. To receive funding for scholarships awarded pursuant to this act, the consortium shall make an annual report and funding request to the Legislature.

Section 8. This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.

Physician Initiative

Public Health Department


Colleges and Universities
