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Modified:2015-02-26 12:00:13
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Body:164763-1:n:02/19/2015:JET/agb LRS2015-631

SB39 By Senator Ward RFD Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Rd 1 03-MAR-15

SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may issue an annual permit to a person at a cost of $25 authorizing the person to possess wildlife for public exhibition purposes.

This bill would allow the commissioner to also establish reasonable and necessary fees in amounts sufficient to cover the costs of administering and enforcing the wildlife public exhibition regulations.

This bill would also delete the provision that the wildlife public exhibition regulations do not apply to privately owned traveling zoos and would provide that the regulations do not apply to four-year universities, provided that the guidelines of the institutions' Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee are followed.


To amend Sections 9-11-324 and 9-11-328, Code of Alabama 1975, to allow the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources to establish reasonable and necessary fees in certain amounts for the administration and enforcement of the wildlife public exhibition regulations; to delete the provision that the wildlife public exhibition regulations do not apply to privately owned traveling zoos; and to exempt four-year colleges in compliance with certain guidelines from the wildlife public exhibition regulations.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections 9-11-324 and 9-11-328, Code of Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows:


"(a) The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, upon application of any person qualified by education or experience in the care and treatment of wildlife, may issue an annual permit to such the person at a cost of $25.00, under such terms and conditions as he or she prescribes, to possess wildlife for public exhibition purposes in accordance with this article and regulations adopted pursuant thereto and shall establish reasonable and necessary fees in amounts sufficient to cover the costs of administering and enforcing this article.

"(b) Each application for a permit shall include:

"(1) A statement regarding such the person's education or experience in the care and treatment of wildlife and that of any individual employed by such the person for such purpose;

"(2) A description of the facilities used to keep the wildlife in captivity;

"(3) A statement of the number of species or subspecies of wildlife to be covered by the permit and a statement relative to where or from whom such the wildlife was acquired;

"(4) A signed agreement that recommended standards for wildlife exhibitors as promulgated by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources will be adopted and adhered to; and

"(5) Such Any other information as the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources deems appropriate.


"The provisions of the article shall not apply to any municipal, county, or state or other publicly owned zoo or wildlife exhibit, privately owned traveling zoo or any circus, or pet shop, or four-year university or its affiliates, provided that the guidelines of the institution's Institutional Animal and Use Committee are followed."

Section 2. This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.

Conservation and Natural Resources Department



Public Exhibitions

Colleges and Universities

Code Amended