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Modified:2015-04-23 17:42:16
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Body:167283-1:n:04/08/2015:LLR/tj LRS2015-1455

HB529 By Representative Melton RFD Constitution, Campaigns and Elections Rd 1 21-APR-15

SYNOPSIS: This bill would require the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency to provide the Alabama Secretary of State with electronic records containing the legal name, age, residence, and citizenship information of each person who has been issued a driver’s license or a non-driver identification card.

This bill would require the Alabama Secretary of State to register as an elector each non-registered person who is qualified to vote and to notify each person how to decline registration.

This bill would require the Alabama Secretary of State to adopt rules to implement this act.


Relating to voter registration; to require the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency to provide the Alabama Secretary of State with electronic records containing the legal name, age, residence, and citizenship information of each person who has been issued a driver’s license or a non-driver identification card; to require the Alabama Secretary of State to register as an elector each non-registered person who is qualified to vote and to notify each person how to decline registration; and to require the Alabama Secretary of State to adopt rules to implement this act.


Section 1. (a) The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, pursuant to a schedule issued to it by the Alabama Secretary of State, shall provide to the secretary electronic records containing the legal name, age, residence, and citizenship information of each person who has been issued a driver’s license or a non-driver identification card.

(b) Upon receiving the electronic records the Alabama Secretary of State shall provide the information to the board of registrars or judge of probate of the county of each person who is qualified to vote and who may be registered as an elector. The board of registrars or judge of probate shall notify each person of the process to decline being registered as an elector.

(c) If a person notified under subsection (b) does not decline to be registered as an elector within 21 calendar days after the Alabama Secretary of State or board of registrars or judge of probate issues the notification, the electronic record of the person submitted under subsection (a) shall constitute a completed registration card for the person. The person shall be registered to vote if the board of registrars or judge of probate determines that the person is qualified to vote and the person is not already registered to vote.

(d) The Alabama Secretary of State shall adopt rules required to implement this section.

Section 2. This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.

Voters and Voting

Secretary of State




Drivers' Licenses

Electronic Records